That night, Poyahan Cook took the initiative to give him a hug.

Lynn naturally wouldn’t refuse and ate Poyahan Cook clean.

Basically everything was done.

Poyahan Cook had no intention of rejecting at all, and lived a very dashing and quite happy life.

The night went by.

The next morning, Mitsuki Mita saw Lynn and Poyahan Cook smiling happily, and they didn’t know what was happening.

The two men were together again.

That means Lynn has another lady.

Seriously, he especially admired Lynn, who had never seen such a good person.

Not only is it strong, but it is also very handsome, and the most important thing is to be able to soak so many people.

Why doesn’t he have such a skill.

Of course, this can only be complained about in the heart, and some words cannot be said.

Lynn also noticed Mitsuki Mita’s expression, slightly regretful, and then said solemnly.

“Mita, you are actually a good person, and one day, you will meet someone who supports you.”

Mitsuki Oda rolled his eyes and didn’t say anything.

He had already ignored Lynn’s words.

Lynn was even more proud, happily wrapped her arms around Poyahan Cook and took Poyahan Kukra into her arms.

“Guys, everyone drink a little more, today I have a treat, everyone is happy.”

The others looked at Lynn at the same time and raised their glasses together.


Lynn enjoyed it, it was so wonderful today.

After a while, Lynn felt that it was almost over, and then she let go of the glass.

For the rest of the day, Poyahan Cook had no intention of leaving at all, staying with Lynn’s team every day.

The Navy was angry.

One of the kings of the hall, the Seven Martial Seas, actually took the initiative to join Lynn’s team, plus Hawkeye Mihawk.

Two kings under the Seven Martial Seas had already been abducted.

Not to mention that Doflamingo and Lynn’s asylum, and perhaps Lynn’s man.

In this way, there were already three kings under the Seven Martial Seas.

Although the navy was particularly angry, they could not help Lynn, and could only pretend that they did not know anything.

In this way, time flew by, the years flew by, and another two years passed.

In these two years, the new world is still very calm, and no one comes to cause trouble.

One day, two years later, Lynn was thrilled that after a while, he would get a reinforcement point.

Add this reinforcement point, you can make up ten reinforcement points, and you can continue to strengthen it when the time comes.

He had even expected that after this time of strengthening, his strength would increase by leaps and bounds, and no one in the new world would be his opponent anymore.

At that time, he can dominate the new world, confront the world government, and if necessary, overthrow the world government.

Inside the room, Lynn was particularly excited, even a little excited, he just wanted to get stronger as soon as possible.

It’s a little short, but for Lynn, it’s a particularly long time.

It was only an hour, but it took a long time, and Lynn couldn’t wait.

Also at this moment, the door suddenly pushed open, and there were many beautiful women standing outside.

Warblers and swallows, all kinds of beauties.

So many beautiful women, Lynn’s eyes lit up, and there was still some achievement in his heart.

After so many years of traveling, he has taken down so many excellent ladies, almost all of whom are famous in the One Piece world, and have all been taken down by him.

“Lynn, what are you waiting for?” Do you want to go out to eat? After eating, I have to go out shopping. ”

Tianyue said.

As the first person to be with Lynn, she was Lynn’s Grand Lady.

She is also the eldest sister of all women.

Everyone else knew each other, even Poyahan Cook, who did not compete for the position of eldest sister, and was particularly obedient.

“No, you go first, I still have business, I need to rest today, and I’ll go again when I have time.”

Lynn refused them when the moon was shining.

The system was getting better right away, another reinforcement point, beckoning to him.

Tianyue didn’t refuse, just walked over to Lynn’s side, nodded at Lynn’s face, and then slowly left.

The others also stepped forward together, approaching Lynn, and one of them nodded.

Lynn touched her cheek.

What a happy and wonderful life.

Celestial Moon Time, Orvia, Belmer, Reijiu, Monet, Margino, Poyahan Cook.

Lynn thought about it for a moment, there was already so much, it was simply a humanoid bulldozer.

Not to mention that the Navy has a few more.

There were already about ten of them together, and some of them were also in Lynn’s planning.

Lynn suddenly felt like a beast.

Not only beasts, but beasts are inferior.

Without mentioning it, the reinforcement point will arrive soon.

As soon as the girls left, Lynn focused on the system.

I really have some expectations, I can get the reinforcement point soon, and I have some excitement in my heart.

Time passed bit by bit, the time finally arrived, and the sound of the system came from the ear.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, get a little booster, will the host strengthen the body immediately?”

Lynn wanted to cry without tears.

After waiting for such a long time, he finally waited, as long as he strengthened his physique, the new world was his world.

“System, give me reinforcement now.”

Lynn couldn’t wait.

“By the way, give me a physical reinforcement right away.”

As soon as the words fell, a stream of hot air suddenly appeared in Lynn’s body, constantly burning Lynn.

Even Lynn felt a little untenable, particularly hot, and a little painful.

Lynn held back.

Such a little pain, I can’t help shouting out, saying that it is too humiliating to say it.

Not to mention still in their own base camp.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lynn finally persevered, sweating profusely, and even had a feeling of collapse.

But Lynn could feel the strength inside his body, a vast force, a force that could destroy the heavens and the earth.

Lynn moved her body gently, and the bones inside her clicked.

The muscles on the body are orderly.

Although the body looks strong and powerful, it is not stout, and it is clearly a perfect body.

“Such a powerful force, worthy of the strength of strengthening, it seems that I have become stronger.”

Lynn was particularly excited.

He had become stronger, and it was time to conquer the new world.

Who will you conquer next?

Or the golden lion of the Flying Pirate Regiment.

Lynn’s heart suddenly became excited.

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