Since defeating Kaido and Big Mama, Lynn’s status has become higher and higher.

Especially within the pirate group, many people worship.

Including the children and subordinates of Big Mama, they all regarded Lynn as a big hero, and Lynn even became a little fan sister of many people.

The world government was even more jealous of Lynn.

The five old stars, in particular, are even more afraid of Lynn, after all, Lynn can easily defeat Kaido and Big Mama, and maybe they can beat them too.

If Lynn came over to them again to get in trouble, a few of them might not be able to beat Lynn.

This also made the five old stars more determined not to find trouble with Lynn.

Even if you want to solve Lynn, you should kill with one blow.

Of course, none of this had anything to do with Lynn.

At this moment, he is resting at home, enjoying a rare leisurely time, and his life is very beautiful.

But one day, the embers of the fire suddenly found Lynn and had something important to say.

“Captain, the Hailoushi robot you asked me to make, I’ve already made it.”

Lynn’s eyes lit up instantly.

For the Hailoushi Legion, he was particularly looking forward to it, which was the nemesis of the Demon Fruit Ability.

Coupled with his rat charm, it is definitely an ace legion.

“Well, let’s go see it now.”

Lynn immediately walked out of the room.

Fire embers also hurried behind Lynn.

The two soon arrived at a secret research institute.

Inside the institute, there are a lot of robots.

At a glance, there are about hundreds.

Every robot is huge and seems to have absolute power.

The embers of the fire stood behind Lynn, wanting to stop talking.

After all, although these robots are very large and look very powerful, they have no power at all.

No motivation, let alone hands-on.

It’s just that this is what Lynn asked to make, and although the fire embers did not understand, they did not dare to say anything more.

Even the researchers in the neighborhood wanted to talk and didn’t know what to say.

Lynn didn’t care, walked over to the robot and put her right hand on the robot.

Just when everyone couldn’t see it, a circular spell suddenly appeared on Lynn’s arm.

This is the Rat Charm of the 12 Charms.

It can make some dead things come back to life completely.

Because of this, Lynn paid a great price to create these lifeless robot legions.

Otherwise, fools would create some unpowered robot corps.

The rat charm was launched instantaneously, and the originally lifeless Hailou Stone Giant suddenly had a red light in its eyes, and then began to move.

Everyone present was stunned.

They knew very well that these sea floor stone giants had no motivation at all, let alone move.

Now the giant actually moved.

Fire Ember looked confused and turned his head to look at the researcher next to him.

“I ask you, didn’t you say there was no motivation? This is also called no power, and it seems to be very powerful. ”

The researchers were equally confused.

Look at this giant’s movements, especially powerful.

No, when did these statues become so powerful.

Yes, in their eyes, these things are just statues, at most expensive.

Now these statues are actually moving.

Lynn walked over to the other giant and put a hand on the giant’s body.

The rat charm was activated again, and the other giant moved.

Fire Ember watched Lynn’s movements, walked first to the giant next to him, and then examined it carefully.

It is clear that it is a very ordinary stone, which is of no use at all, and how it moves.

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh when she saw the fire embers’ confused expression.

“Captain, what the hell is going on?”

“Boy, you’ll understand.”

Lynn walked to the side and gently pressed the stone giant of the sea floor, and the giant instantly woke up and slowly stepped forward.

For the next minute, all the giants made by the sea floor stone were awakened by Lynn.

When the giants woke up, they immediately walked over to Lynn and bent down, half-crouching.

“The host.”

“Come with me.”

Lynn was happy.

It is worthy of the rat spell provided by the system, which can make all the sea floor stone giants revive together, but some regrets can only last for a while.

This is equivalent to the need to recharge.

But it was also good, Lynn could use these soldiers to participate in a big battle.

After the Great War, it can be used again.

“Captain, you haven’t told me how these giants came to life?”

The embers of the fire immediately followed Lynn.

Lynn turned her head to see the excited embers of the fire, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

“You come with me, and I’ll show you how powerful these giants are.”

The embers of the fire were unknown, so I always felt a little incredible, but I still followed Lynn.

Not long after, some people came.

They were all cadres that Lynn could determine.

For example, Kaido and Big Mama, and Mitsuki Mita and the Three Plagues.

Anyway, only cadres can come over, and as for the others, those ordinary pirates, they are not qualified to follow.

After all, this is a good thing, the giant made by the sea floor stone, for many capable people, it is a natural restraint.

If one is not careful, it will definitely be finished.

So this kind of thing still needs to be kept secret.

A group of people followed Lynn and soon came to a deserted place.

“Lynn, what exactly do you want to test?” What are these things? Why don’t we know. ”

Kaido asked curiously.

The others were also quite curious, but unfortunately, Lynn did not explain, just a mysterious smile, a little strange smile.

This makes these people more curious.

When she reached the beach, Lynn looked at the crowd again, and finally set her sights on the embers of the fire.

“Embers, you accompany these giants to fight, but be careful, these giants are very powerful, I am really afraid that you will not be able to beat them.”

“Captain, you’re just kidding, just such a bunch of giants, how can I not beat them?”

Fire Ember sneered, some giant, still wanted to fight with him.

All the giants looked at the embers of the fire at the same time.

Since being resurrected by Lynn, they have had their own consciousness and can be considered a living person.

Being so despised by the embers, of course, I was very angry, and I decided to teach the embers a lesson.

The embers of the fire were looked at like this by these people, and their hearts were still slightly nervous.

I always feel that these giants are not simple.

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