“By the way, Captain, do you want to try it, there is no need to hide these things, they are used to participate in battles anyway.”

Fire ember spoke next to him.

He wanted Lynn to use these giants, and he couldn’t be the only one to be beaten, but he had to let the others be beaten together.

Lynn was preparing to leave, listening to the words of the fire embers, and subconsciously stopped while thinking.

It seems that the fire ember is quite right.

There was no need to dwell on it so much, he himself had become more powerful, and he had intended to do something to the world government.

So, do you still need to keep a low profile?

Lynn had returned to God, he had been low-key before, so now he basically wanted to keep a low profile, and he had forgotten his strength.

“You’re right, then you can find a pirate to do it, and preferably the Demon Fruit Ability.”

All the pirates were excited.

Lynn agreed, which meant that he could do something to the idle sea thieves, and it meant that Lynn was about to continue his plan to unify the new world.

“Captain, I think Doflamingo is pretty good, he’s not only powerful, but also a demon fruit power.”

Fire Ember spoke immediately.

Quinn next to him also nodded.

“Yes, the most important thing is that he is still the king of the Seven Martial Seas, and taking him down is equivalent to hitting the world government.”

“It seems that it is true, now Hawkeye Mihawk is our crew, so is Poyahan Cook, and if he takes Doflamingo, the world government will probably be afraid.”

Kaido also thought seriously.

Big Mom sneaked a smile and had fun.

“Yes, in that case, then you can take Doflamingo and teach him a lesson.”

Lynn nodded too, but then suddenly a little embarrassed.

“This… I remembered that he honored me every year, and it seemed a little embarrassed to do something to him so suddenly. ”

“Captain, there is no need to take him to heart, although you are a little, but I believe that in the big things, you will definitely care.”

Jack said suddenly, too, as if to encourage Lynn.

The others looked a little strange.

Only Jack dared to say this, his brain did not seem to be online, and he dared to say such a thing.

Lynn blackened her face and put a hand on Jack’s shoulder and tapped it gently.

“Jack, you just said I was, do you really think so?”

Jack’s body trembled a little, as if he had just said something he shouldn’t have said, and it was over.

Just when Jack was screaming inside, Lynn no longer hesitated, and grabbing Jack was a violent beating.

The tone is too arrogant, it should be repaired.

After the fight, Lynn clapped her hands.

“You’re right, I’m really, so there’s no way to defeat Doflamingo and conquer most of the new world.”

Lynn strode behind her.

As for the others, they didn’t follow Lynn, because the next thing, there wasn’t that many people.

If a small Doflamingo needs so many people to participate, it is really worth the Doflaminco.

Only Lynn, with these legions of giants, left Dressrosa with the target of Doflamingo’s current base camp.

Unbeknownst to Doflamingo, Lynn had set out in full force for him, and he thought Lynn would shelter him forever.

At this moment, Doflamingo is still in his base camp, leisurely drinking, thinking about how much money he has made again, and what is the next plan.

“Little Lord, our voices are getting louder and louder in the new world, and the money we are making is getting bigger and bigger.”

Torrepol said excitedly.

The other guys next to me were equally excited.

The more money they make, the better their lives will be.

“Of course, I’ll protect you, and you’ll make more money.”

Doflamingo was also quite proud.

No one mentioned Lynn, although they relied on Lynn’s patronage to hold the status they have today.

“Okay, let’s keep eating, let’s eat more.”

Doflamingo was triumphant, and Lynn was remembered in his mind.

It’s still nice to have Lynn’s protection, at least you can do whatever you want in the new world, as long as you don’t get too arrogant.

Just like that, a week passed, and Lynn’s ship gradually approached the base camp of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo did not yet know of Lynn’s arrival.

It wasn’t until Lynn came that Doflamingo didn’t know.

Although he did not know the purpose of Lynn’s coming, Doflamingo did not care so much, and immediately took his men and prepared to come to the port to meet Lynn.

As the largest pirate group in the New World at the moment, all pirates need to give Lynn face.

Not to mention that he was sheltered by Lynn.

At the port, Doflamingo prepared a grand welcome ceremony, and there were many pirates nearby, all of whom came to greet Lynn.

“Captain Lynn, welcome.”

Doflamingo immediately bowed his head respectfully.

Lynn nodded, and he was a little embarrassed to see Doflamingo so respectful.

After all, Doflamingo was very kind to him, always honored him, and gave Monet to him.

Such a good subordinate is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But considering his purpose this time, Lynn had a determined look in her eyes.

Or should we find a way to conquer the world.

Lynn tapped Doflamingo lightly on the shoulder and looked at Doflamingo meaningfully.

“Doflamingo, I came here today to send you something good.”

When Doflamingo saw Lynn’s smile, he suddenly had a feeling of uneasiness, and always felt that Lynn’s purpose today was not simple.

It’s just not clear what Lynn’s specific purpose is.

“Captain Lynn, are you looking for me?”

Doflamingo asked anyway.

“Nothing, just I made a toy and I hope you can play with it.”

Lynn took a step back, then clapped her hands, and dozens of black shadows suddenly jumped out of the pirate ship behind.

These are, of course, the Hailoushi Corps.

Not only is the power strong, but the speed is not bad.

Even if it is against agile players, they do not see and hear the domineering, but they can completely carry out numerical advantage attacks.

Surround you completely, and then work together.

This is the means of the Hailoushi Legion.

Doflamingo looked at the black shadow that suddenly flew out, and his heart was a little wary, and at the same time he quickly retreated backwards.

Although it was not known what Lynn had in mind, he needed to be careful.

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