“Barrett, give you a chance, it’s better to use the Demon Fruit as soon as possible, otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll slap you to death.”

Lynn said solemnly.

Although this is a well-meaning reminder, in Barrett’s eyes, it is to look down on him and trample on his dignity.

Barrett was naturally angry, and it could even be said that it was not just angry, it could be described as Barrett’s mood at this moment.

“No kidding, who do you think you are?” It’s not so easy to beat me. ”

Barrett let out an angry roar.

Lynn stood calmly, not flustered at all, but rubbed her arm.

Since this boy is looking for death, then don’t blame him for being rude, he can only hurt the killer.

The red-haired Shanks’s face changed slightly, and he quickly spoke.

“Mr. Barrett, I think you still need to be careful, Captain Lynn, really strong.”

“Shut up, deal with him, I don’t need to be serious at all, I can do it in minutes.”

Barrett glanced at the red-haired Shanks, then opened his hands, his body getting bigger.

Many ships nearby, as well as stones and so on, all converged on Barrett’s body and continued to expand.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched slightly.

The red-haired Shanks was also quite speechless.

Just spoke the attitude so dragged, now good, directly use the alloy fruit form.

That is to say, he looked down on Lynn, but in fact, Barrett’s body was very honest and tried his best at the first time.

But also, how to say that the opponent is also Lynn, Barrett even if no matter how arrogant, you need to show all your strength.

Soon, Barrett was a behemoth.

The red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but open his mouth wide in surprise.

“So powerful, worthy of Mr. Barrett, the average person estimates that he is definitely not his opponent.”

Lynn turned her head to look at the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks reacted immediately, revealing a very flattering smile.

“Of course, that’s just for ordinary people, our captain is definitely not an ordinary person.”

Lynn didn’t say much, looking at Barrett silently.

“Lynn, those people say you’re great, and I’d like to see if you’re really good.”

Barrett, who has transformed into the form of an alloy giant, has become arrogant in his tone, and seems to be able to defeat Lynn.

Lynn was happy too, not knowing where Barrett’s confidence came from, but since this guy was so arrogant, don’t blame him for being rude.

“Lynn, give me death!”

Barrett slowly raised his arm and slammed it down on Lynn.

Lynn calmly lifted Chimoto Sakura and gently stroked it.

The red-haired Shanks also noticed the knife in Lynn’s hand at this time.

“Captain, have you changed your weapon?”

Lynn ignored it and looked ahead silently.

“Scatter it! Senmoto Sakura. ”

Suddenly, a large number of cherry blossom-like petals appeared in the sky, fluttering around Lynn.

Red-haired Shanks and the others all noticed.

“Cherry blossoms?”

One of the pirates spoke.

“No, it’s not cherry blossoms, these are blades, tiny blades like cherry blossoms.”

The red-haired Shanks looked a little serious.

Others may not be able to see it, but he can see it clearly, these are not cherry blossoms at all, they are all sharp blades.

The others also took a closer look, and indeed they were all blades, extremely sharp.

One pirate held out his hand, ready to touch it.

But just after touching it, before I could feel it, a red mark appeared on my arm.


“Very sharp blade, everyone should be careful.”

The red-haired Shanks took a step back.

He felt a chill.

Although it is not clear why these blades are so sharp, since Lynn himself did it, it must be particularly powerful.

Countless cherry blossom blades flew into the sky, constantly approaching Barrett.

Barrett’s fist had slammed down.

At the moment when the cherry blossoms approached, a large number of cracks appeared on Barrett’s alloy body.

The red-haired Shanks saw it for the first time, with shock in his eyes.

“Good sharp blade.”

He was well aware of Barrett’s combined ability, especially strong, even the top sword master might not be able to break through the defense.

As a result, the blades released by Lynn obviously only lightly touched and cut open the body of the Alloy Giant.

Barrett also saw it, and his heart was also shocked.

Lynn was definitely the first person to be able to break through his defenses so easily.


The cherry blossom petals fluttered continuously, and the cracks in Barrett’s body grew larger and larger.

Barrett sensed something was wrong, gritted his teeth, and pounced on Lynn, his huge fist hitting Lynn.


There was a loud noise in the sky.

The cherry blossom petals suddenly spun up, like a storm, and soon cut the body of the alloy giant apart.

Barrett fell from the sky to the ground.

“This… It’s over so soon? ”

The red-haired Shanks opened his mouth wide in surprise, thinking that he might have misread it.

The others looked at each other too, not knowing what to say.

Lynn was too strong.

The good villain Barrett is also the world’s top master, and as a result, in Lynn’s hands, he can’t even carry a move.

Although the red-haired Shanks couldn’t beat Lynn either

“It’s our captain, it’s really good.”

Many pirates’ eyes were filled with adoration.

Lynn is strong, any opponent, can beat every minute.

Think about the red-haired Shanks, who is also the captain, and the gap between Lynn is too big.

The red-haired Shanks also noticed the expressions of these pirates, their expressions were black, and there was an urge to hit people.

The good villain used to be his subordinate, can he use it so facelessly?

But not to mention, the gap between him and Lynn is still real.

The storm composed of Sakura blades just now, even if he was not necessarily able to bear it, or even if he was not careful, he might be killed by a second.

Lynn walked slowly toward Barrett.

“Barrett, you are really arrogant to dare to do something to my people.”

“I’ll give you a chance now, as long as you’re willing to admit it, and join me and join my team, I’ll let you go.”

Lynn lifted Chimoto Sakura again.

All the blades have returned.

The tip of the knife was aimed at Barrett.

If Barrett refuses, then don’t blame Lynn for being rude.

There can only be one captain in the New World.

That’s him Lynn.

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