“Isn’t this guy Roger’s son?” But I think it is also, it doesn’t look like it at all.

“Yeah, nothing looks like Roger.”

There was a lot of discussion in the room.

Ace’s face didn’t look like Roger, nor did his hair resemble Roger, and there wasn’t a hint of resemblance at all.

No one believes that Roger and Ace are very similar.

Even the red-haired Shanks and Barrett didn’t really trust Lynn.

It doesn’t look like it at all.

Ace’s face was not very good, although he did not admit that he was Roger’s son, but these people always felt a little strange when they said it.

Is he that bad?

Lynn laughed suddenly.

The people present also looked at Lynn with curiosity.

“Actually, don’t blame Roger, actually, when they were together, I was next to them.”

“On a dark and windy night one month, I didn’t restrain myself for a while, so I made a small mistake, and you all know it.”

Lynn’s expression was a little strange.

This is, of course, a joke on Ace.

He hadn’t been hungry enough to get to this point.

However, if Lu Jiu took the initiative on her own, Lynn did not care about being a bad person, and it was not that she had not been a bad person in this life.

Everyone’s face was strange.

Of course they heard what Lynn meant.

It’s nothing more than doing something bad.

Could it be that Ace is Lynn’s son?

Not to mention, it’s really quite possible.

Although Ace and Lynn don’t look very much alike, maybe Ace looks like his mother.

No one believed it was Roger anyway.

Ace’s face instantly darkened.

These people are really hateful.

But don’t say, he thinks he’s quite handsome, Lynn is quite handsome, and it’s hard to believe that the two of them really have anything to do with each other.

Kaido sat where he was, not saying a word, and touched his chin carefully.

Lynn really didn’t seem to be a good person.

No, be careful later, in case Lynn wants to put a hat on him, he doesn’t necessarily know.

Even Mitsuki Oda was thinking seriously.

“In the future, be careful, Lynn, the bad guy, can do anything, he is a beast.”

Mitsuki Mita said it with a straight face.

Lynn’s face darkened.

He also ridiculed that someone had taken it seriously, and now he was so cautious.

“No kidding, we’re companions, and I can’t do anything to them.”

Lynn said righteously.

None of the others spoke, just looked at Lynn strangely.

Ace also looked at Lynn silently, he was actually thinking in his heart, whether he was really Lynn’s son.

I’d long heard that Lynn wasn’t a good person.

Maybe Lynn just coveted his mother’s beauty and did something, and there was a good possibility that this kind of thing would happen.

In particular, the date of his birth does not match the time of Roger’s death, and it is clear that he was born more than a year after Roger’s death.

That’s right, the hammer.

Lynn must have taken over his mother after Roger’s death, and then there was him.

This scumbag, abandoning his wife and children.

Ace looked at Lynn with resentment.

Lynn also noticed Ace’s expression, a confused face, not understanding what Ace meant.

“I’ll go, don’t you really believe it?” I have never met your mother and have nothing to do with your mother. ”

He understood, and Ace actually believed it.

This stinky boy, day by day, didn’t know what to think.

The others looked at both at the same time.

I always feel that there are good dramas to watch, and the identities of these two people seem to be not simple.

Nearby, Marcino also looked at each other.

Shouldn’t Ace really be Lynn’s son?

It’s really quite possible.

Even Whitebeard came to be interested, taking the drinks and desserts on the west side, eating while watching the play.

“Aren’t you?” I thought about it carefully, when I was born, Roger had been dead for more than a year, and you said it wasn’t you who did it. ”


Those present found the news particularly explosive.

It was more than a year after Roger’s death that Ace was born, and this time was not at all right, and if Ace and Lynn had nothing to do with each other, they were a little incredulous.

Ace’s face instantly darkened.

He was just kidding a little bit, Ace actually took it seriously, and there were other people who actually took it seriously.

He could never have done such a thing.

“Lynn, I didn’t expect you to be such a person, but you and Roger are friends, don’t you know that your friend’s wife can’t be deceived?”

“Yeah, Lynn, you’re going too far, and you’re actually doing something to your friend, do you still point your face?”

Everyone was a little indignant.

Of course, most of these people are mainly ridiculed, and basically no one is angry.

Even the red-haired Shanks was embarrassed at best, and Barrett didn’t have to speak.

He also had nothing to say.

Lynn was also taking good care of her sister-in-law.

Lynn’s face was green.

His image in the minds of these people seems to have been completely dilapidated.

What is called a friend wife can not be deceived.

Haven’t heard of your friend’s wife, are you welcome?

This should be rude.

But it didn’t come out.

Although he loves women, he is not the kind of person who does not know shame, at least the brother’s wife will not have ideas.

But the brother’s daughter…

Cough cough cough…

The Yamato thing goes without saying anything for the time being.

“First of all, I have to tell you that the reason why you were born late is entirely because your mother deliberately spent a few months of the night to protect you.”

“Because of this, after you were born, your mother couldn’t eat enough and ended up dying in a hospital bed.”

Lynn felt the need to explain.

Ace was stunned when he heard this.

It turned out that this was the cause of his mother’s death.

I was so touched that I didn’t expect such a good person in this world.

Other people’s hearts are also quite touched.

Don’t look at them as pirates, but for the father’s love and mother’s love, they all have a special appreciation, especially Whitebeard, and also think of their own family.

“Seriously, I admire your mother, but I am innocent of her, and you should not frame me.”

Lynn explained it very seriously.

He didn’t want his image to be ruined.

He also didn’t want to have an extra son for no reason.

Ace didn’t say anything more, just tears in his eyes, not to mention how touched he was.

“Well, don’t say anything, take a good rest, I’ll give you a few days off, and you can go and visit your mother’s grave.”

Lynn simply gave Ace a vacation.

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