In the blink of an eye, another few years have passed.

Lynn’s life has been pretty good over the years, but alas, the last time he offended Belmel, it took a long time to get it done.

Fortunately, it took a long time, but it was finally done.

This morning, before Lynn could wake up, she was woken up by the system.

Open the system panel and take a look, and you get the reinforcement point again.

Plus this system panel, as well as the previous get, and enough for ten.

Take a closer look and strengthen your physique again.

Originally, Lynn was still worried that with only ten reinforcement points, there was no time to strengthen his physique, but now it seems that he has thought too much.

But also, if more and more reinforcement points are needed, he will get one a year, and it will be too late.

Maybe another ten years.

“System, give me a boost now.”

Lynn couldn’t wait.

The secret weapon of the world government is still quite dangerous, and without strengthening itself, it will not be able to defeat the world government at all.

So Lynn wanted to strengthen herself.

Strengthen it again, and then it will be the secret weapon of the world government, and he does not need to worry.

Suddenly, a stream of air flowed through Lynn’s body.

Lynn only felt that her strength was getting stronger and stronger, and her body felt a little hot.

Soon, though, Lynn recovered.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Lynn raised her hand and flicked it lightly twice.

It wasn’t too hard, but there was a strong storm in the void, as if space had exploded.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successfully strengthened the physique, the strength increased significantly, the defense power increased significantly, and the vitality increased significantly.”

Lynn was excited.

The gains from this reinforcement were too great, and he was now confident enough to challenge the world government.

Maybe it’s time to take action against the world government.

Lynn thought so, and at the same time made up her mind to take down the world government.

In this world, after all, there is only one hegemon.

But before he could get the world government done, Lynn decided to find a way to get the Navy out first.

It just so happens that the current Admiral Sakarski is his man, and it is easy to take down the Navy.

He didn’t even need to do it himself, just send someone over and take down the navy.

“It’s decided, take the Navy first.”

After Lynn made his decision, he no longer hesitated, but he did not rush to do anything, and was ready to find the medicine first.

Although with his current strength, he can completely conquer the navy single-handedly.

But he wanted Sakarsky to do it.

Think about it, the admiral betrayed the navy, and even arrested other navies, if you say this, the world government will absolutely lose face.

After breakfast, Lynn summoned all the co-captains and prepared a meeting with them.

Only some top cadres can participate in this meeting, otherwise even the fire embers, Beckman and the like are not eligible to participate.

In the conference room, everyone looked at Lynn curiously, thinking in their hearts what Lynn really had in mind.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth rose slightly.

“Folks, I have decided to find a way to take down the navy now, and when the navy is ready, I will completely conquer the world government.”

Everyone was shocked.

Nor did they expect Lynn to plan to do anything to the world government.

Actually, they thought too, but since they knew that the world government had special weapons, they had become smarter.

If the world government cannot be eliminated, it is better to be calm, there is no need to fight with the world government, so as not to be killed by the world government.

As a result, now Lynn is going to challenge the world government.

They had some doubts that Lynn would be killed.

No, Lynn should be fine, after all, Lynn has special defenses, but a few of them may be certain.

Maybe Lynn took the wrong medicine today.

Yes, that’s quite a possibility.

“Lynn, I think it’s worth thinking about it, are you sure you can defeat the world government?”

“That’s right, don’t have a problem when the time comes, you slap your ass and slip away, we will be killed by the world government.”

Almost everyone turned down Lynn.

Lynn blackened her face.

These people actually doubted him.

Is he that kind of stupid fork?

It is impossible to defeat the world government, and of course it is impossible to fight with the world government.

“Rest assured, just last night, my Demon Fruit awakened for the third time, so my strength has become stronger, and there is no need to fear the world government.”

Lynn said with a smile.

All the co-captains were surprised again.

Demon Fruit awakens for the third time.

To be able to awaken once is already thankful, and Lynn has awakened twice, which is already very annoying.

Now Lynn had woken up for the third time.

Looking at them again, compared to them, the difference is too much.

“Lynn, how exactly did you do that?” Why did the Devil Fruit awaken again. ”

The golden lion couldn’t help but ask.

Others also see Lynn at the same time, and even if they know that Lynn is a pervert, it can’t become so excessive.

Lynn naturally noticed the expressions of these people, and her heart was still quite proud.

“I don’t know how to answer when you ask me this, and as for why I’m getting stronger again, it may be because I have too many women.”

The golden lion’s face instantly turned black.

Never seen such a boring reason.

There are too many women, it is better to find a reliable one.

But don’t say that the difference between Lynn and them, that is, the lady is a little more, maybe this is indeed true.

Or go back and try it.

Although some people are not very convinced, some people are fooled by Lynn.

It’s really Lynn who is too perverted.

Awakening once or twice is enough, and now I have awakened three times.

“Well, no nonsense, you go and get ready, I’ve made arrangements in the Navy, and when the time comes, you can clean up the battlefield.”

People nearby were more curious.

It was actually arranged in the Navy, and they wanted to know what Lynn had done.

“Lynn, how did you arrange it in the Navy?” Kaido asked curiously.

“Nothing, then you will know, this time the battle, it should be very simple.”

Lynn had a sly smile on her face.

He had already anticipated that the world government would soon be destroyed, and then this world would be his world.

Whitebeard, some people didn’t say much, and since Lynn had decided, they just had to listen.

(Man in Navigation: The Laziest Navy)

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