On this day, Lynn summoned a grand meeting attended by all the people with names and surnames.

For example, the five old stars, members of the world government, such as Sakarsky, members of the navy, and Lynn’s men.

It was also the biggest conference of the year.

The future destiny of the whole world is about this meeting.

Lynn is also ready to discuss the results today.

In the conference room, Lynn suddenly looked at the five old stars.

“Five Old Stars, those Draco, you should have hidden them, right?”

“Yes, I did hide it.”

The five old stars did not hesitate.

Even Lord Im has been captured, the king has given Lynn, and the broken ship of the world government has been completely silent.

That being the case, there is no need to fight hard.

Anyway, it was some Draco, and it just so happened that they had long been unhappy to see the Draco.

“Bring them all back, remember, except for the one in Alabastan and the guy I married before, no one else can let go, and I’m going to see everyone.”

Lynn had a murderous look in her eyes.

He already knew that the Heavenly King was not something that anyone could use, and only a small number of Draco were eligible to use it.

Because of this, he wanted to kill the Draco, because the Heavenly King didn’t need to exist, and these Draco people would be killed if they were killed.

“Understood, I see.”

The Five Old Stars did not refuse at all.

Lynn looked up at the others again.

“This time, we’re talking about another thing, and that’s about the future of this world, which I’ve decided to develop according to the model of the new world.”

Almost no one turned down Lynn, because they had probably guessed it.

Lynn wasn’t the kind of ambitious person who didn’t like money and treasure or anything like that.

Although protection fees are also charged, they are not excessive.

Anyway, these people are acceptable, and even many people think that Lynn is a good person, a savior.

After all, Lynn was much better than the previous Locks, or the Navy.

“No problem, Captain, we all agreed.”

Mitsuki Oda was the first to agree.

Neither did anyone else refuse Lynn.

Lynn smiled even brighter.

“Then everyone enjoy it, after all, we have conquered the whole world, and we should enjoy it in the future life.”

“By the way, Five Old Stars, the world government will be left to you, but I don’t want any more Draco, everything must be done according to the rules.”

“No problem.”

The five old stars are very happy.

They had been hoping that Lynn would put the world government in their hands, and it was only today that time.

Although it is necessary to follow the rules, it is also within their acceptance.

The others didn’t say anything either.

Let them handle the work, not at all, it is better to enjoy it.

As for ambition, neither do they.

Anyway, I couldn’t beat Lynn.

A few days later, the Holy Land Mary Joa.

All the Dracoes were captured.

However, a small number of people were let go by Lynn.

For example, Princess Vivi’s family, once descendants of the Draco, but it is said that the blood is not pure, there is no need to pay attention to it.

As for the others, they were all disposed of.

That is to say, the king is a little stronger, otherwise Lynn would definitely dispose of the king, and there would be no need to deal with those people.

On this day, when the Dracobo was executed, almost everyone came.

After all, this is the execution of the world’s nobles Draco.

They’re all interested.

In the square, many Dracos were crying.

They also did not expect that they who were once high above them would actually be executed by others this time.

It became so fast that they couldn’t accept it for a while.

“Sigh, I didn’t expect to actually execute the Draco.”

The golden lion couldn’t help but laugh.

He was the one who wanted to kill the Draco, but he had never had a chance before, and today he finally had a chance.

“Yeah, I never thought in my life that I would have the opportunity to execute the Draco.”

Whitebeard and the others nodded at the same time.

In this life, it was the first time that I had seen the Draco people so embarrassed, and it was estimated that I would not have thought that I had today.

After waiting for a while, Lynn finally came.

As soon as Lynn arrived, these Draco people were particularly excited.

Especially the Draco who betrayed his daughter for a pure gold, but also an inferior pure gold.

Howard Saint saw Lynn and immediately pounced, but was quickly stopped by several soldiers.

The soldiers also deliberately struck Howard St. to the ground and kicked him twice.

They were all soldiers of Mary Joya in the former Holy Land, often bullied by Draco, and even their friends died at the hands of Draco.

Now that the Dracos have fallen, they should of course teach the Draco a good lesson and vent the anger in their hearts.

“Lord Lynn, is it me, have you forgotten?” It’s me. ”

Howard Saint was about to cry out in excitement, and he couldn’t care less about the soldiers who were beating him.

Without saying a word, he was about to be executed.

“Lord Lynn, you forgot, I am Yarliya’s father.”

Howard Saint’s family also ran out, not caring about being beaten, constantly wailing, only hoping to live.

Lynn looked indifferently at Howard St. and the others.

In fact, he had already asked Yarliya last night, but Yarlia didn’t care at all about Howard Saint’s life or death.

After all, Howard Saint had betrayed his daughter first.

Because of this, Lynn was ready to execute most of the Dracos today.

“I’m really sorry, you sold her to me in the first place, it sounds good, he is a member of our Lin family, it doesn’t sound good, she is a slave, and she is useless.”

“So I’m sorry, come on, execute me all, and don’t let go of any of them.”


All the soldiers ran to the back of the Draco.

They were so excited that they could finally do something to the Draco.

They have long since waited until today.

Draco people are constantly wailing, crying loudly, especially angry, and constantly insulting Lynn.

But it was a pity, and no matter what they said, Lynn was already planning to kill these people.

These people are alive and have no value at all.

In the end, all the Dracos were killed.

No one stopped them, but they were particularly interested, after all, this was a Draco who was high above.

Lynn suddenly smiled,

I have long seen these people unhappy, and now they are finally dead.

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