Inside the guild, Naz and Gray were helpless.

The first time he challenged Lynn, he was beaten by Lynn and almost killed by Lynn.

Fortunately, they finally carried it down.

Everyone else was also surrounding Lynn, with admiration in their hearts.

Although Lynn was a little older than them, but the strength was so strong, it naturally caused a lot of people to worship.

Even Makarov looked at Rob.

“Rob, don’t worry, I didn’t expect you to be able to invite such a good person.”

“Of course, after all, how could my vision be?”

Rob already knew Lynn’s strength in his heart, and he wasn’t too shocked.

Needless to say, defeat Gray and Naz.

If this can’t be beaten, Lynn can wash and sleep.

“Brother Lynn, why are you so powerful?”

A certain girl asked curiously.

The others were equally curious, their big eyes flashing, especially wishing why Lynn was so powerful.

Maybe they can get stronger.

Lynn touched her chin and pretended to think more carefully.

“Why is it so powerful? I don’t know very well, I just know that every morning I get up and eat, then read a magazine, then eat, sleep another afternoon, read a magazine, eat something, go to bed again. ”

That’s right, that’s Lynn’s life.

Lynn reacted suddenly, and his life seemed to become particularly decaying.

Life becomes so mundane.

Of course, it may be added to the bullying of girls at night, but this kind of thing is still inconvenient to say.

The people nearby were dumbfounded.

Is this still a human word?

This daily life, like a pig, is particularly decayed and flat, with no characteristics at all, and I don’t know how Lynn said it kindly.

The blow was simply too great.

“Brother Lynn, aren’t you kidding me, how can you do nothing every day and still be so powerful?”

“Yes, even if you don’t want to say it, you have to find a decent reason, this reason is not like words at all, it is clearly fooling us.” 」

Lynn sighed, sometimes telling the truth, and no one believed it.

His life was indeed so rotten every day.

No, his life was much more decaying than this, but it was a little difficult to say, and these people didn’t believe him.

“This… I didn’t lie to you, I really didn’t, how to train, I don’t know how to train, maybe my talent is too high. ”

“As you know, there are always geniuses in this world who don’t have to work hard every day, they just have to eat, drink and have fun, and they can surpass everyone else.” 」

Lynn is telling the truth.

It’s not him, he’s not a top genius, but there’s no way, he has a system, he doesn’t need to work hard at all.

But although Lynn was telling the truth, the faces of everyone present were strange.

“Brother Lynn, although I think you are telling the truth, I don’t know what happened, and I always feel a little unhappy.”

“That’s right, especially this face, I want to punch it.”

Some of the boys looked at Lynn’s face and remembered that Lynn had just been beaten up, and they were particularly upset.

“Hahaha, seriously, I’d love to see you guys trying to hit me, but you can’t hit me.”

Lynn laughed.

He thought that the Fairy Tail Guild was quite good, just like his previous pirate group, especially lively.

He usually likes to teach himself the people of the Pirates.

“Damn, let’s go up together, we must teach this bastard a lesson.”

“Yes, you can’t let this bastard go.”

A group of people just pounced on Lynn, especially the men, and they wanted to kill Lynn.

Not only the long handsome, but also the deep blow to them.

Even the tone was so arrogant.

Such a person should be taught this lesson.

More than a dozen boys rushed towards Lynn together.

They want to teach a lesson to someone who is more handsome than them.

“Hahaha… Let’s all come together. ”

Lynn was particularly excited, and grabbing these people was a violent beating.

He hadn’t hit anyone for a long time, his hands were a little itchy, and now he couldn’t wait to hit some people and vent his displeasure.


Inside the guild, there was a scream.

None of the men could beat Lynn.

After all, although they wanted to teach Lynn a lesson, they only fought and did not use magic.

Without the use of magic, in terms of physical skills, there is really no one in this world who can beat Lynn.


Lynn slapped one of them and flew away.

The name seemed to be called Maka’o, and the rest of the people, she couldn’t remember clearly, after all, there were too many people besides the protagonist, how could they remember so many people.

“It’s a really nice family.”

Makarov looked at the crowd that had already mixed up, and his heart was still very happy.

He was afraid that the new person would not have a good relationship with others.

Now it seems that all this is too much to think about.

But a few minutes later, Makarov suddenly reacted, and the men fought as if destroying a lot of furniture.

“Wait, it’s not allowed to fight, the furniture is broken, these are a lot of money.”

Makarov was about to cry.

He was a poor ghost, and every time the guild people carried out a mission, they would cause a lot of losses, causing them to make an imbalance.

Those who were beaten also did not want to be beaten.

“Yes, we can’t fight any longer, but we all need money to buy them.”

They just want to find an excuse to end this fight.

The beating was so bad.

Lynn stopped and snapped her fingers gently.

“The money will be given to you.”

Countless gold and silver jewels suddenly appeared in the sky.

These are naturally what Lynn brought with him when he left the One Piece world, and before leaving, he also deliberately got a space equipment?

“These should be my compensation, can I continue to fight?”

Makarov looked at the gold and silver jewelry in front of him, the bright and dangling light, his eyes lit up, and then he could not restrain himself.

“No problem, you can teach whatever you want, I will never stop it.”

With this money, you can pay off your debts.

As for these people in the guild, that is, being beaten, he had long been accustomed to it.

Many men, including Makao, had black faces.

They were actually sold by Makarov because of some gold and silver jewelry.

It’s too beastly.

“Well, time is running out, so let’s not waste it.”

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