“Lynn, you’re also too much, how can you be so greedy as a person?”

“Yes, you already have a lot of girlfriends, and you want so many girlfriends, and you’re a bit greedy.”

Almost all men have a student spirit.

There were only so many girls in the whole guild, and Lynn alone had already occupied three, which was really excessive.

“Actually, I don’t want to, but I’m too good, and people like me should take care of more people.”

Lynn sighed.

He’s a really good guy.

Elusa glanced at the arguing men, didn’t pay much attention, and turned to look at Lucy.

“Lucy, since you joined the guild, I happen to have a mission to deal with the Iron Forest, and you will go with you.”

“No problem.”

Lucy agreed without hesitation.

It was really Elusa who was horrible that she felt the need to have a good relationship with Elusa, after all, she might be with Lynn in the future.

Lynn heard about the task, hesitated slightly, and finally did not intervene.

It’s just a task.

If you have this time, it is better to take a break at home and accompany Mira by the way.

The next day, Elusa left the guild with Lucy and a few others, ready to complete the mission of the Iron Forest.

Lynn was waiting in the guild.

The task wasn’t very difficult, and within a week, Elusa and they were back.

However, although the mission was not very difficult, the damage caused was very large, and it seemed to destroy several mountains.

No, when Makarov returned, he began to scold.

“Can’t you, the people, pay a little attention when you carry out your mission?” The destructive power is so great. ”

Of course, Makarov only complained for a moment, and then spoke again.

“Although the damage you have caused is great, this is the tail of our goblin, and we should never be bound.”

In this regard, Makarov is a very good president, so he deserves the trust of many people.

Lynn sat on his own throne, carefully observing the people in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

At the same time, a group of people suddenly walked in from outside, and the first person to walk was a frog head.

The frog head walked in and took out a notice.

“Elusa, I thought you were arrested for vandalism, and now I’m going to ask you to come with me.”

“What? Why did you take Alyssa away? ”

Naz was a little angry and immediately stepped forward, with anger in his eyes.

“Yes, we would never agree.”

The people in the neighborhood were indignant, even a little indignant, and almost about to do something to the frog’s head.

“How? Do you want to do something to the Magic Council? ”

The frog’s head is still particularly arrogant.

He was a member of the Magic Council, and absolutely no guild dared to do anything to him, so he had arrogant capital.

Lynn frowned.

This frog head is really too arrogant, and if she doesn’t teach a lesson, her heart is a little unsmooth.

Of course, there was a more important person, how could he possibly watch Alyssa being taken away by someone else.

How to say that Alyssa is also his girlfriend.

“Boy, you are also good enough, being so arrogant, aren’t you afraid that I will teach you a lesson?”

Lynn walked over to the frog’s head and flicked her arm slightly, looking like she was about to move.

“Lynn, don’t mess around, these people are members of the Magic Council.”

Elusa immediately took Lynn’s arm, afraid that Lynn was too impulsive.

How to say it is also a magic council.

“That’s right, I’m from the Magic Council, and if you do something to me, don’t…”


The frog’s head is so arrogant, it is still very bad.

Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, Lynn slapped him down and slapped the frog head hard in the face.

The green face has more than one slap mark, so conspicuous.

The frog’s head was completely stunned, and he didn’t expect Lynn to be so cruel, and directly slapped it.

This clearly does not take the Magic Council seriously.

People nearby also saw it.

Makarov, in particular, did not know what to say.

Knowing that Lynn was so cruel, he should have stopped Lynn and prevented Lynn from doing these outrageous things.

Now it’s over.

“You actually dare to hit me…”


Lynn again gave the frog head a chance to speak and slapped it again.

“You are really arrogant enough to dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I am?” I get angry and teach you a lesson every minute. ”

Lynn would never tolerate such a person.

In his life, he has hit too many people, and the big deal is to hit another person.

That is, the Magic Council, there is nothing to be afraid of, the big deal is to penetrate the entire Magic Council alone, that is, a matter of minutes.

The frog head was also frightened by Lynn, and he was afraid that Lynn would continue to teach him.

After all, his strength is average.

However, thinking that there are many soldiers behind him, the frog head is not so afraid, and even arrogant again,

“Bold, actually dare to do something to the Magic Council, take him down for me, and then take him away together, I want to see who is so arrogant.”

The soldiers behind him quickly ran over.

Makarov was a little anxious and immediately stepped forward, with a worried look in his eyes.

“It was actually a misunderstanding.”

“What? You said misunderstanding, slapped me, is this also a misunderstanding? The frog head said angrily.

Makarov didn’t know what to say.

This seems to really not explain.

“If there is anything to misunderstand, it is obvious that it is bullying people, dogs are fighting people, no, you are not a dog at all, you are a frog, what is there to be arrogant.” 」

Lynn slowly lifted Chimoto Sakura.

Originally, he did not intend to hang the Magic Council, but now that the Magic Council was looking for his own death, he could only teach him a little lesson.


How lonely life is like snow.

The frog head was still about to say something, and Makarov was about to stop it, and Lynn slashed it down.

Although it was the back of the knife, the strong air current still knocked everyone away.

Not only did it fly, but it flew particularly far, and it rolled many circles on the ground, and there was dust all over the face, and the clothes were broken.

Makarov was dumbfounded.

He didn’t expect Lynn to actually do it.

It’s over.

Hit the Magic Council, and this time it was bad.

He could already imagine that the Magic Council would be angry.

Maybe even take down the Fairy Tail Guild.

(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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