“Boy, give me death!”

A large man approached Lynn first, and opened his right hand, and a huge wind blade came out of the palm of his hand.

Lynn didn’t move, and it was only when the men were about to approach that Lynn’s body quickly grew larger.

“What’s going on?”

The men saw Lynn grow larger quickly and quickly retreated backwards, far away.

But not long after stepping back, Lynn’s size grew bigger and bigger, completely beyond their expectations.

Even the members of the Council of Magic were shocked.

In less than a minute, Lynn had transformed into the form of a black dragon, and his body was comparable to the territory of the Magic Council.

Everyone present was surprised and opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Even many people’s eyes are filled with fear.

No, it’s that everyone’s eyes are filled with fear.

Even the members of the Magic Council were filled with fear, a chill welled up in their bodies, and their hearts were filled with terror.

It’s really Lynn who is horrible now.

A black dragon.

A huge black dragon.

Nor did they expect Lynn to be a dragon.

This is the legendary dragon, 400 years ago, almost the entire human race.

Every dragon is powerful.

And looking at the black dragon in front of him, the body of a thousand feet, shows that Lynn is definitely a black dragon with a mature body.

They weren’t sure they could defeat Lynn.

Lynn looked at the terrified crowd and slowly held out a hand.

A particularly huge dragon’s claw.

Many people noticed Lynn’s movements, all of them were frightened, and they all retreated, afraid of running a step slower, and they would be killed by Lynn.

Even the members of the Magic Council, who were usually arrogant, were frightened to run away and did not dare to go near Lynn at all.

“Hey, didn’t you say you were going to kill me?” I’m here, you want to do it, then do it, but don’t let me down. ”

Lynn’s voice, like thunder, rumbled and rattled.

Everyone was about to cry.

They did want to kill Lynn, but who would have thought that Lynn would be so perverted.

He was able to turn into a black dragon.

No, how can a man become a dragon?

Someone reacted suddenly.

“Don’t be afraid, this must be an illusion, how can humans become dragons?”

Others figured it out at this point.

Humans are human beings, and dragons are dragons.

Humans should not be able to become dragons.

This must be hallucinatory magic.

“Yes, it’s definitely an illusion, everybody together.”

Everyone attacked together, and all sorts of attacks hit Lynn’s body.

But Lynn didn’t do anything about it, except for some explosions, and the black scales were still so shiny.

Lynn patted her own scales.

“How? Is that your strength? If that is the case, let me see my strength. ”

A roar of rage resounded through the air.

All the magicians were frightened again,

This time they could be sure that Lynn was really a dragon, otherwise how could there be nothing at all.

So many attacks, actually can’t help Lynn.

Lynn stretched out a huge dragon claw and slapped it hard, and everywhere she went, many people were slapped and flew away, and fell heavily to the ground.


“No, I don’t want to fight.”

“It’s terrible, how can there be such a monster in this world?”

These magicians were so frightened that they flew out, and at the same time, they were particularly afraid in their hearts, afraid that they would be killed.

Lynn didn’t even use any other abilities, just slapped it with a slap.

One slap at a time, or even many in one slap.

No one could stop Lynn from slapping him.

“What do we do now? Want to escape? ”

Even the legislators were hesitant to do anything to Lynn.

This black dragon in front of you is really terrible.

“Of course it’s going to run, this is a real dragon, do you think we can defeat the dragon?”

These people are running faster.

In the distance, the people of the Goblin’s Tail Guild also came, and they also happened to see the huge black dragon in the sky, and their faces became particularly ugly.

“There are dragons.”

The most excited is Naz, he has been looking for dragons, and now that he sees dragons, he is of course very excited.

Naz pounced on Lynn.

“Hey, do you know the fire dragon?” It is the Fire Dragon King Igunilu. ”

“Don’t know, give me a dodge, I’m going to teach him a lesson now, no time to waste on you.”

Lynn slapped Naz aside with a slap.

“How is this sound somewhat familiar?”

Alyssa frowned at them.

Everyone was thinking, and they always felt that Lynn’s voice was very familiar, but they couldn’t think of it for a while.

“But don’t say, it’s really terrible, I didn’t expect that there were really dragons in this world, and they were so huge.”

“Yeah, but what do we do now?” This dragon seems to be very powerful, should we not help? ”

The people of the Goblin’s Tail Guild looked at each other.

They were not sure of fighting against this dragon, they only thought about it for a moment, and then they gave up their resistance.

There is no need to fight for the Magic Council.

Lynn chased and killed for a moment, and most of the people ran away, even the parliamentarians, disappeared without a trace.

They simply didn’t have the guts to fight against Lynn.

Soon, only Lynn and the Goblin’s Tail Guild were left.

Lynn turned and looked at everyone in the Goblin’s Tail Guild.

The faces of these people also changed, and they quickly took a step back.

Being stared at by such a huge black dragon, I always felt that my heart was full of trepidation, and my body was trembling slightly.

“President, shall we leave here?”

“Yeah, this dragon is terrible, we’re not his opponents at all.”

Makarov also had a cold sweat on his forehead.

Although his strength was quite strong, facing such a huge black dragon, he really wasn’t necessarily an opponent.

Don’t talk about fighting, he doesn’t have the courage to fight back.

Lynn lowered her head slowly.

Everyone took a step back in the collective.

It was terrible, and there was no courage to resist at all.

“Am I so scared? Seriously, I think I’m still pretty gentle. ”

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh.

The people present heard Lynn’s voice and once again felt familiar.

“It sounds familiar, I think I’ve heard it somewhere?”

“Yeah, I feel like I’ve heard it, but I just can’t remember it.”

A group of people looked at each other and looked at the huge black dragon in front of them.

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