“Mr. Lynn, we were all wrong before, this time we came here to apologize like Mr. Lynn, and it was all our fault before.”

“That’s right, we are now coming to apologize, these things, are our reparations, I hope to get Mr. forgiveness.”

“With our unanimous approval, Mr. Saint Ten Magic Masters can become a Saint Ten Magic Master.”

The people nearby were completely shocked.

They also did not expect that the Magic Council would compromise and even make Lynn the Holy Ten Magic Masters.

Looking at them again, most of them have not even passed the ordinary S-level magician’s examination now.

Relatively speaking, the gap is really too big.

None of them knew what to say.

It’s shameful enough to say it.

“No problem, I accepted your apology, remember to pay attention to it in the future, not everyone is a criminal.”

Lynn accepted these people calmly.

Mainly he was still afraid of trouble, he himself was fine, but these people in the Goblin Tail Guild just couldn’t afford to offend the Magic Council.

Therefore, these people can only be tolerated for the time being.

The main thing is that these people are smart enough to know compromise, and if they don’t know compromise and are too arrogant, don’t blame him for being rude.

Eventually, the people of the Magic Council left.

The others waited until the people had left and immediately gathered around, looking at Lynn with some envy.

“Lynn, I really envy you for having such a good treatment.”


In the face of the envy of everyone, Lynn showed special calmness.

“I know you envy me, but there’s no way, I can’t envy you, after all, I’m so good.”

Everyone’s heart was quite speechless, and they had never seen anything thicker than Lynn’s face.

“Well, don’t compare yourself with me, or find a way to become stronger yourself.”

Hearing Lynn’s words, the others said nothing more, went back to their positions, and did their own thing.


That night, Lynn quickly fell asleep.

But not long after, two figures suddenly entered his room.

These two people, of course, are Alyssa and Mira.

Lynn didn’t care too much either, he was used to it anyway.

If there was a day when Mila and Elusa hadn’t come, he would have been particularly curious.

But now that Mila and Elusa had come, he couldn’t be indifferent.

As for the next thing, it is not easy to say, so Lynn can only put it in her heart.

Early the next morning, Lynn got up and went alone to prepare breakfast.

Mira and Elusa were still resting.

Lucy also got up early and stood in the living room, looked around and didn’t find Mila and Elusa.

“Lynn, what about Elusa?” Why didn’t you see them. ”

“Oh, they say they’re tired today and won’t get up for a while, you go and take a break, take a break, and then you’re ready for breakfast.”

Lynn casually made excuses.

“Are they tired? Then I’ll take a look. ”

Lucy was still concerned about Alyssa and the two of them, and immediately pushed open the door.

But after pushing open the door, Lucy found that there was no one in the room, no one.

Suddenly, Lucy remembered something about Elusa and Mira, who seemed to be with Lynn all the time.

Maybe it’s Lynn’s room right now.

Lucy immediately went to Lynn’s room, and sure enough, she saw Elusa and Mira.

When she saw the two of them now, Lucy’s little face brushed red, and she probably guessed what might have happened.

Thinking about what happened to Lynn and Elusa last night, Lucy was not a taste in her heart, quite unhappy.

She actually likes Lynn too, but unfortunately there is no chance, Lynn and Mira are together.

It was also at this moment that Lynn suddenly appeared behind Lucy, gently wrapped her arms around Lucy, and pulled Lucy into her arms.

“Lucy, if you really don’t mind and like me so much, I think we can give it a try.”

Lucy was originally very sad, listening to Lynn’s words, her heart was suddenly filled with warmth, and she was eager to be with Lynn immediately.

Just when she wanted to open her mouth, Lucy was suddenly a little shy, not knowing what to say.

The careful liver is even more fluttering.

“Lynn, let me think about it.”

Lucy shyly ran away.

Lynn looked at Lucy who was leaving, and did not stop her, don’t look at Lucy is now shy, even hesitating, but Lynn is very clear that Lucy has actually agreed.

It wouldn’t be long before Lynn was able to take Lucy down with her handsomeness.

Inside the room, Elusa and Mira gave Lynn a look.

Lynn walked slowly to the two of them and reached out and grabbed their arms.

“What’s the matter?”

Elusa did not hurry to answer, but first glanced at Lynn, and then at Lucy not far away.

“Lynn, I think Lucy seems to like you a lot, or you’ll take her in, who made you so good?”

Mira didn’t speak, but nodded beside her, and she also agreed with Elusa’s words.

Lynn said the same seriously.

“You’re right, as a good person, I should take care of Lucy, but she’s still a little tangled, and in a little while, I’ll be able to take her down.”

Lucy is such a beautiful big beauty, Lynn naturally can’t give up, and it is necessary to be with Lucy.

Alyssa and Mira looked at Lynn at the same time.

Lynn sensed something was wrong, and always felt a little stressed.

When I turned my head to look, I saw that the two had a murderous look in their eyes.

He seemed to have done something wrong.

It seems that Alyssa is going to kill the killer, what to do now?

Or run away.

Run a little slower, maybe Elusa will bring all the magic they have learned.

“This… I still have something to do, so I’ll leave for the time being, and if there is something we’ll talk about later, bye-bye. ”

Lynn quickly prepared to run, but still took a slow step, and was grabbed by Alyssa and Mira’s arms, unable to run.

It also left Lynn speechless.

A good anime fan, why with a murderous spirit.

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