After the material disappeared for ten seconds, a set of several-but black armor appeared in front of the armor in the system model in front of Li.

The excitement of the armor first saw it in the first time, and even sleep is not willing to take off.

After returning with all the beasts, the fatigue and injury a day allowed Li's veteran.

At night, there was a dull vibration in the zoo, wake up the light sleep, and when he carefully listened, the dull vibration disappeared without trace.

Li Xin did not think that it was wrong, but at night, his injury was not completely good.

Most of the energy brought by the crystal nucleus of the class B variant is invested in the repair of the injury, and there is not much strengthening of Li Xin itself.

However, the classification of the classification of the body crystal nuclear has brought a little enhancement for Li Qing, and the growth rate of body model has been slow, but also let him worry that he does not wear him.

Making the armor spent 80 points, making a two hundred kilograms of heavy handshamp cost 50 points, spending a total of 130 points, just completing the points and killing the classification of the classification of the class B variant, I got three One of them.

This makes Li Yong, a growth system in the mall, strengthens the product, sighs.

That is a growth system of pelvic algorite, can liberate your hands, let Li Tuo are just in human beings.

As a primate, a primate, I have to liberate my hands sooner or later.

The limbs will limit their potential to make them difficult to compete with humanity.

Now Li Xin has also consciously let monkeys walk together, most of the monkeys are still not bad, but the speed is fast, it is difficult to do full, and Li is not anxious, this is a relative Long process.

The light of the morning didn't sprinkle on the earth in the summer day, the sky is in the sky, a mist, a dead.

In the past, there was also an unusual and quiet city and the zoo had already changed the monkey of life habits.

They first went to Li's designated position, came to a size, and then prepared the first meal in the morning under the busy monkey.

Li Xin did not follow the principles of human day, the appetite of the animals was different from people, so after many adjustments, he has developed a suitable dining time.

Morning meal, 10 o'clock, one more meals in the afternoon, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the last at 7 o'clock in the evening.

Every time I eat, it is mainly to meet the speed of energy consumption of their body's body.

There is also a few big body kings, so the speed of food is fast ...

However, it is possible to continue to develop, and Li is now consciously collecting fertilizer.

Wearing a black armor, Li Qing, who took a hands, rock ax, came out of the gorilla, just in the air of the morning, saw the East, there was a lot of black nodes in the direction of the zoo door. And the faint approval can also hear some sound.

"Birds from the flower and bird exhibition area?"

Li Yuxi whispered, just as Fisher's curious looks at the bacon, nice eyesight, let him see the creatures in the sky.

"Little flying bird!" The bacon shouted, and his eyes seem to look at the flying birds that were approaching from this side.

He seems to like flying birds ...

twitter! twitter!

The flock in the sky seems to be a monkey group on the ground, starting to lower the height, and the grass will be displaced in the morning.

"Help! There is a bird crazy!"

"There are a lot of pens in chasing us!"

"Can you understand it? Can you understand how to help!"

"Understand! I understand the applause!"

"Is there a small fish ..."

"I am pretty tired!"

There are a lot of flying birds that are hovering over the gorilla tube, with most of them are parrots, a variety of parrots.

There is also a flamingo, a bird, and a lot of Li Cai can't call the name.

who is it? !

Li Xin said that the eye is locked, and the eyes are searching for, I want to find the mouth of the parrot.

Don't ask why he is determined to be a parrot, because Li Xin once raised a parrot, this kind of bird is stupid, as long as I don't teach it some strange words ...

"Boss! There are a lot of zombies! I really have a lot of zombies!" Suddenly, I was running over the end of the riser of the patrol team, and the fingers were constantly planned, and the fingers stamped toward the zoo.

The flying bird in the sky seems to have no idea to continue the flight, and it has fallen above the roof of the gorilla tube. It is curious to look at them with the little eyes of the ghostism.

Li Yizhao is slightly talented. In the morning, I woke up and a little confused. The name of this group of birds was so noisy, until they were all quiet, he would like to understand what these birds did ...

He wanted to give these birds on a scorpion, but after seeing those parrots, he gave up again.

Even if he just wore a night, the handsome armor was stained with a lot of birds, he also endured!

Because Li Xin also needs these parrots, accurate point is that they need their imitation skills and human exchange, parrot translation chicken.

I haven't played the lights that I haven't opened, and I will go in the direction of the zoo door.

"The battle force is coming to me!"

The monkeys who were still curious to play the colorful birds on the gorilla, turned over the rough weapons that had already been good, screamed with Li Wong.

Big Buddha, rice and big fruit also mentioned a tree branch to chase, small elephants and remaining old elephants didn't follow, her age is already big, although it is impossible to stay, but the rushing Fight is not very suitable for her.

After Li Xin prepared, he made a trailer, let the old elephant play her only.

After all, Li Qing can't really let her enjoy the support of everyone, which is unfair to the rest of the beast!

Li Xin took the words of the younger brothers to the top of the road, looked at the rushing zombies in front of the front, and the fear of the heart has been reduced.

Counting the battle, let them full confidence in the leaders and the Buddha, and have let the most timid squirrel monkeys are close to the zombies.

Li Xin's eyes were slightly smashed, observed the zombies of the opposite, firmly launched the skills.

The three-dimensional properties of the zombies are constantly presenting in Li Xin's field of view, and most of the property of the zombies are only maintained at 4 to 6 o'clock, and occasionally can be seen is only 5 to 7 points.

It did not find that there was a variant of the slophotographic traces, the attributes of the teeth, and the Ahuang's attributes were absolutely higher than those of these ordinary zombies, Fisher and bacon attributes approached ten o'clock, higher than zombies.

The properties of gibbon, red orangutans and chimpanzees are higher than ordinary zombies, as well as Tibetan monkey and ordinary zombies, and the rest of the monkeys are weaker than zombies.

The property of the big Buddha has seen, very envious, power 86, speed 37, physical fitness 81, is definitely the top of the stage.

Can rush most of the zombies in existing!

The arrival of identification skills seems to be transformed into a foggy environment in order to explore the environment, and he has a lesson of the enemy.

After visiting most of the data in an intuitive, he also has some relatively bold ideas!

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