Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 40 - Behemoth Awakening

Chapter 40 : Behemoth Awakening

____________________Few hours after he flew across the river and field at full speed――

Tama has arrived at the labyrinth.



The goblins were coming to attack as soon as they saw Tama.


Tama runs through them while letting out a war cry.

Along with the sound of slicing, Tama invokes one of his 《Elemental Sword Tail》, 《Aether Edge》 and slices the goblins.

And then, he finally arrives at the deepest part of the upper floor.

He could see the opening that connected to the lower floor.

(Please wait for me, master. I promise that I’ll save you!)

Tama descended with that resolution.

『Hou, this presence……』

The lowest floor of the labyrinth――

An S-ranked monster and the strongest existence in this labyrinth is looking at the fast approaching sign from above with bloodshot eyes.

And then――


Tama falls, and then stops in the mid air right in front of the Earth Dragon.

Different from normal, his cute eyes were narrower and sharper.

『What do you want, O weak one. Why do you come back to this place despite managing to escape from this great one? 』


It’s calm―― But, the Earth Dragon is asking that question while releasing an overwhelming pressure.

Tama feels that there’s no use arguing about it and fired his 《Flame Howling》 right from the front.

『GUHAHAHAHAHA!! Interesting! Let’s have a rematch then! I’m gonna make you pay for what you did to my eye!! 』

The Earth Dragon doesn’t know the other party’s goal. But, it’s natural to release killing intent towards the enemy who blinded one of its eyes when the said enemy suddenly appeared in front of the Earth Dragon.

With that alone, the Earth Dragon has plenty enough reason to fight Tama. It swung it’s giant forefeet claws toward the incoming flame howling while laughing loudly.


The claws pierce through the 《Flame Howling》 and continue on towards Tama.

Though the surface of it’s forefoot suffered from light burns, it isn’t fatal damage.

(KUH! If 《Flame Howling》 can do nothing but this degree of damage, take this!!)

Tama dodged the claw of the Earth Dragon by flying to the right.

『GUfufufufu……… You dodged my attack huh』

Though Tama was thrown into a desperate situation just from receiving the Earth Dragon’s attack in their previous battle, the current Tama isn’t the old Tama.

Though it was just a moment, he learned the movement of the Earth Dragon.

He also became more and more accustomed to the body of a Behemoth.

And, he knows that fighting on the ground will spell his defeat.

That’s why, Tama is using his 《Flight》 skill to move around in the air at high speed.

「NYAN《Rock Edge》!! 」

As soon as he dodges the claw attack, Tama invokes one of his 《Elemental Tail Sword》, 《Rock Edge》.

In order to open some distance, he drives a powerful attack into the forefeet of the Earth Dragon.


Thanks to his 《Elemental Tail Sword》 of earth, Tama managed to wound the Earth Dragon.

Thus, the Earth Dragon turns it’s body in a half circle. Followed by a blow from it’s tail.

(Urgh, I can’t dodge this! In that case!!)

Tama knows that even if he dodges that tail attack, it’s still going to graze him.

Just a graze carries a terrifying amount of power. Unfortunately, it’s just that.

He invokes one of his predated skill, 《Iron Body》.

The moment the tail is about to graze him, he strengthened his body to become as tough as metal to invalidate the damage.

Thus, Tama’s turn has come.

Now he chooses 《Elemental Tail Sword》 of the wind, 《Aether Edge》.

And aims for the Earth Dragon’s eyes just like their previous battle.


The Earth Dragon isn’t self-conceited like last time.

Feeling the swirl of mana that was flying toward it’s face from Tama’s tail, it turned it’s head.

(This is going to become a war of attrition huh……)

On one side is an S-rank monster who boasts overwhelming destructive power and a tough body, The Earth Dragon.

One another side is another S-rank monster who—Despite still being an infant— can make use of a myriad of skills and his experience as a former knight, The Behemoth.

Tama is estimating that this battle going to turn into a long and brutal one.

The violent exchange of offense and defense.

It’s a seesaw game with paper thin difference between life and death.

In accordance to Tama’s prediction, their battle has been raged for dozens of minutes.

But then, a change that will tip the scale of battle is coming.

「Haa…………. Haa………」

『Gufufufufufu, what’s matter O little one. It seems that your breathing is getting rougher by the minute? 』

Maybe because it recognized Tama’s power, the Earth Dragon changed it’s way of calling Tama from “Weak One” to “Little One”.

Countless wounds are carved into the tough body of the Earth Dragon.

And in contrast to the Earth Dragon, since Tama has been using his 《Iron Body》 skill to block the attacks of the Earth Dragon while dodging so that it only grazed him, he’s almost unhurt.

But it’s as the Earth Dragon has said, moving around so much like that is slowly chipping away at Tama’s stamina.

『Let’s stop this. You can’t defeat me. Now be a good child and die.』

(Yeah……… I don’t have that much stamina. Besides, my mana is about to reach it’s limit. At this rate……….. I am going to be defeated―― )

He’s about to lose.

Thus, Tama made a certain decision.

And then, in his monologue……….

(Good bye, master………!!)

And then, it’s appears in his mind.

His status―― Displayed in front of him. The Letters of “Evolution”.!


Tama’s body is shining brightly.

That light is filling the room with increasing brightness.


Even the Earth Dragon has to shut it’s eyes due to the torrent of bright light.

And soon, the light subsides.

And, the one standing in front of the Earth Dragon is――

A large being wrapped in jet black hair. Two horns that resemble a demons are growing from it’s forehead, sharp fangs are peeking from the gap of it’s maw.

Moreover, every part of it’s body is covered by black armor with blue hue to it.

In short, it’s a quadruped majestic beast with dragon features―― A lion.


The quadruped beast appearing from inside the torrent of light.

The Earth Dragon is extremely confused due to the sudden change.


The quadruped beast lets out a majestic howl.

The atmosphere is trembling due to the sheer volume.

And then, the quadruped beast spoke.

――My name is “Tama”!! A Behemoth S-rank monster who has become the knight of adventurer Aria! AND NOW, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU AND SAVE MY MASTER’S LIFE!!!!!

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