Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 44.2 : IT’S A PERVEEEEEEERT! !

Chapter 44.2 : IT’S A PERVEEEEEEERT! !


The scream of orc resounds. After looking at the effect of 《Dragon Fang》, Tama already has expectations for the power of 《Dragon Claw》.

And then, his expectations were spot on. Before his forelimb even touches the orc’s body, something that resembles four scratch marks tear the orcs body apart, leaving gaping wounds from which blood pours out like a water fall.

The feeling of his paw slapping something remained in his paw. The effect of 《Dragon Claw 》 is just like 《Dragon Fang》, it created gigantic claw in the air with mana which has it’s movement synchronized with the movement of his paw.

(Uhm, this is a useful skill too. Moreover, now I’ve gathered five powerful means of attack by using magic, tail sword, howling, cl[p]aw, and bite.)

In front of the orc who has crumbled down due to pain and hemorrhaging, after nodding in satisfaction, he licks his forefeet which he then used to wash his face.

(Yosh, now is the time to test the last skill, 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》)

After that, Tama who was striding freely while OTK-ing monsters like Looper and orc by spamming 《Dragon Claw》 finally arrived at the fifth floor of the labyrinth.

After confirming that no people [or monsters] were around, he activated 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 skill.

Different from the two previous skills, 《Dragon Fang》 and 《Dragon Claw》, 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 is a skill that he can’t imagine what sort of effect it’ll give just by it’s name.

Since he knew that invoking that kind of skill against the monsters in the fifth floor of the labyrinth is too dangerous, he decided to activate it from the sky.

(Here we go, 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 Activate! !)

He activates the skill with his mind. And then……

KAH! !

Tama’s body is wrapped in a golden colored light. And then, he feels………… Heat being transmitted into his body.

And then, from the feeling that transmitted into his body, he understood that the effect is “Status Enhancement”.

The inherent skill, 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 is………… A skill that grants all kinds of buffs, paralyze resistance, freeze resistance,

And then, an understanding naturally came into his head that this will not just affect him, but another person too.

(What a wonderful skill. As long as I invoke this skill before battle, I can protect my dear master even from someone who uses poison like Beryl! Truly a skill that is befitting of the “Divine Protection” name.)

As Aria’s knight(Pet), there’s nothing better than this skill to protect his dear master. In fact, 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 was a miraculous skill that appeared along with his evolution to protect his master that he couldn’t protect last time.


While Tama is moved emotionally from knowing the effect of 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》, a monster appeared from the shade of a rock while releasing such a groan.

It’s a human shaped cow, namely the Minotaur. With a huge axe in it’s hand, it stares at Tama with it’s bloodshot eyes. It seems that he wants to eat Tama.

(………… Take this, 《Dragon Cla-. No, let’s see how powerful the buff effect of 《Divine Protection of the Lion King 》is)

After Tama made such a decision in front of the fast approaching Minotaur, he prepares to jump with his bottom fluttering like a real cat, and then……


He kicks the ground. With a bullet-like speed. a DOPAN! Tama crashes into the Minotaur’s stomach, head first. ! .


Minotaur raises an agonized voice as it’s falls on it’s knees. That’s natural considering the sheer power of Tama’s head-butt.

Against that, Tama is………

(It doesn’t………… Hurt?)

Standing on the Minotaur’s side with a slightly bewildered face. Tama expected the same level of damage that pierced the tough body of the Minotaur to be transmitted to him, but………

Unexpectedly, the painful feeling didn’t come at all. Tama ponders about the reason, but he scraps that thought as soon as he remembers the effect of the divine protection that was applied to him.

(I see! My defense is enhanced by 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》. But such ridiculous enhancement is…… Definitely the most reliable skill!)

Tama is drowning in his own 《Divine Protection of the Lion King》 skill. And then, using it together with a defensive skill such as 《Iron Body》 will theoretically make his defense impregnable. When his thoughts were wandering around.

(Oh crap, I forgot that I was in the middle of a battle. Let’s take care of this guy first.)

His consciousness was pulled back by the Minotaur’s scream. Tama raises one of his forelimbs and then with a 「Nya~n!」. 」.

He activates his Predation skill, 《Dragon Claw》. Huge scratch marks tear the atmosphere, severing the Minotaur’s head from it’s body, causing a huge amount of blood to spray in the air. The defeated Minotaur falls silently to the ground.

(I’ve confirmed the effect of the skills. Well then, it’s time to go back to my dear master.)

Because Aria’s going to resume her adventuring activities starting from tomorrow. If possible, he wanted to return to her side before she opens her eyes…… When he was thinking about that matter.

「Found ya!〝Powerful One?! ! 」

He suddenly heard such voice.

「Nyan(WHO!?)! ? 」

Turning around, Tama enters battle state immediately. And there, standing in the place where that voice came from…… Was a beautiful woman.

The color of her cat-like eyes is gold, chestnut colored long and unkempt hair, for some reason she is only wearing a piece of rag-like cloth on her, and a thin one too, those kinds of cloth is not even enough to hide her enormous breasts and plump buttocks.

(Why is this girl in this kind of place? And did she call me “Powerful One” just now? No, rather than that, for some reason……… This atmosphere seems…… familiar. )

Tama is bewildered by the sudden change of situation. At the same time, he feels that the girls atmosphere seems familiar to him. Ignoring the turmoil in Tama’s mind, the girl with the scrappy rags for clothes then――

「What’s happened to you Powerful One, why did you go back to your former form? Oh, whatever. Rather than talking about such mundane things……」

After saying so, that girl ran toward Tama’s direction. And then――


She shouted those words.


I don’t know who she is. But my instinct is telling me that this girl is a bad news! ! Against the fast approaching girl(Pervert), Tama choose a tactical retreat.

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