Behemoth's Pet



???U~h??? I can???t move anymore??????

???Geez, that???s just natural if you eat that much food. You must measure how much you can eat without getting sick, you know, Stella-chan? ???

They returned to their room on the second floor after finishing their dinner. Stella was pale and moaned in pain, but that was expected. After all, she did eat more portions than what an extra-large person would! Even gentle Aria was astonished with how much Stella was eating and tried to stop the glutton, but her warnings were ignored.

Vulcan, Stella???s other guardian, had parted ways with them in the first floor and went home.

???Now it???s hard to even to brush your teeth, right? Well, it can???t be helped then, it???s time to go to bed, Stella-chan.???

???U~h??? Brushing??? Teeth? I don???t know what that is, but it???s impossible for me right now, so let???s sleep. But where am I going to sleep? ???

???On the bed of course????????? Is what I wanted to say but I guess you forgot about the bed, too. This way, Stella-chan.???

While Stella wondered what a ???bed??? was and how one could sleep on it, Aria led her by the hand toward the two bedding stored in the room.

???OOH! What???s with this comfy sleeping place! This is the first ti?????? Oops. I??? don???t think I can sleep anymore.???

Stella went silent when the pain in her stomach exceeded a certain threshold as she curiously felt the bedding she was supposed to sleep on.

???Well, Tama. It???s time to brush our teeth ????

???Nyan! ???

After she looked at the silent Stella, Aria walked toward the corner of the room with Tama in her arms. This inn charged considerably less than other inns to provide each room with a washbasin. On top of theirs laid a cup with one normal and one mini toothbrush inside it.

The normal one, naturally, belonged to Aria while the mini one was Tama???s. It had been custom ordered by Aria. Tama had been using it every day to brush his teeth alongside Aria.

???U~h??? Leaving me behind and frolicking with Powerful One again~ (T^T)???! ???

Though he could hear Stella???s depressed muttering, Aria was completely focused in brushing Tama???s teeth and did not take note of the pitiful mumblings behind her. Instead, her chest was already pink-colored.

???HA~hn?! Tama obediently brushing his teeth is just too cu~te ????

This vibration is so comfortable. The technology of my dear master???s toothbrush is as wonderful as ever.

Tama was also extremely delighted by Aria???s superb way of handling the toothbrush.

Once she was done brushing her own teeth, Aria returned to the bed carrying Tama in her arms. Though she sometimes overheard Stella complaining about it in a vexed tone, sleeping with Tama in her arms was Aria???s last blissful moment of the day and she wouldn???t allow anyone to take it from her. After saying???Have a nice dream ????to Stella in a sweet voice, she lulled herself to sleep by brushing Tama???s fur.


Midnight of that day??????

Tama heard a strange voice in his head as he peacefully slept between Aria???s melons.

Is this??? an auditory hallucination? Or just my dream?

Tama pondered sleepily about the voice resounding inside his head, still half-asleep.


That voice kept echoing in his head. Tama???s eyes snapped open when he realized that it wasn???t a dream or an auditory hallucination.

As he heard the voice reverberating in his head, his eyes immediately landed on Stella???s figure standing beside Aria with a delighted smile on her face. Now that he was completely awake, the voice sounded even clearer. The voice in his head was exactly like Stella???s, and she stood right in front of him.

Don???t tell me that??? this is your voice?

When Stella, standing in front of him, nodded to answer his guess, her voice resounded in his head almost at the same time as her movement.

Telepathy Skill??? I had heard rumors about such skills, but??? to think that it actually exists. No, let???s set that aside for now. Right now, I???m impersonating a kitten that can understand some commands, but if it???s known that I actually completely understand what people are saying, then??? they might think that I have that telepathy skill!

In this world, Telepathy was an extremely rare skill and Tama admired Stella for being capable of using. However, he suddenly realized that now Stella could communicate with Tama in a way that Aria couldn???t, and if she told his master about that???

With how strangely intelligent Tama was, it was easy to realize that Tama was a former human ??? moreover, hypothetically speaking, the situation could become even worse. His true identity as a Behemoth, an S-Rank monster instead of a kitten, could be discovered!

Just imagining that flow of events was enough to send shivers through Tama???s spine.

??? Eh?

This girl??? What is she talking about? When did I slaughter her?

Tama became even more confused after hearing her remarks. Surely he would remember killing a beautiful girl like Stella. And even if he didn???t remember but had truly killed her, how was she standing, alive and breathing, in front of him now?


Tama???s eyes widened as the memories of many days ago resurged when he heard Stella???s words. Around one month ago??? That was when Tama had dared to challenge an earth dragon by himself. He had no other option, as Aria had been critically ill from Beryl???s poison and the antidote required the eyes of an earth dragon as the main ingredient.

He had had no hope of finishing the battle against the Earth Dragon with the level of power that he possessed at that moment. Even as he assumed that he wouldn???t be able to regain his kitten form afterwards, Tama had decided to evolve into the 2nd form of Behemoth and, as Stella said, used the flaming sword ?????? ???Flame Edge??? to finish the Earth Dragon.

If that had not been enough, he had met that same Earth Dragon before. Back when he had just reincarnated as a Behemoth, he had fallen on its head after the forced transfer. Tama was forced to agree with Stella. He had indeed fought the very same Earth Dragon twice, and that line of thought made him realize something that shocked him.

This girl??? NO WA???Y!?

Her laugh echoed inside his head and he was finally convinced about who she was. No wonder he felt that they had met before, she was the Earth Dragon that he had defeated a month ago! He even understood why the Earth Dragon, the being that should have died a month ago by his own paws, now stood in front of him reincarnated in the body of a teenage girl.

There were stories about high ranking dragons and their longevity. Of how they???d reincarnate again and again, for thousand of years, in completely new bodies while their memories of past lives were preserved. He had even heard that it was possible for such a dragon to reincarnate in another race entirely.

As Stella sent that explanation to him via the Telepathy skill, Tama was remembering all sorts of legends that were told about the dragon race. He silently slipped out from Aria???s embrace and cutely glared at Stella ??? no, the Earth Dragon as his fur stood on end.

What is your goal, Earth Dragon? Why are you here? Is it revenge? If that???s the case, then, bring it on!

It wasn???t strange to assume that she was here for revenge. After all, he had killed her. Even though she now had the appearance of a beautiful girl, he could not forget that her true nature was that of a formidable dragon.

??? EH? Then, what is your goal?



As she telepathically screamed, Stella threw herself at Tama, attempting to force him to mate her, thus inflicting another great trauma into Tama???s psyche.

The quiet of the night in the labyrinth city was disturbed by the terrified scream of a certain kitten.

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