Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 58: Nominate Commission

Chapter 58: Nominate Commission



(Ah~… Being stowed between my master’s breasts is as comfortable as ever…)

The party was on the way back from the labyrinth.

Once again, Tama was sandwiched between Aria’s soft melons.

He enjoyed feeling through her boobs the soft vibrations of every step she took.

「Nya~! Tama-chan’s relieved face is shoooooo cu~te, nya~! 」

「Ku…! Just you wait, someday that expression will be mine! 」

Vulcan’s chest tightened when she saw Tama’s intoxicated face as he basked in Aria’s maternal assets.

On the side, Stella pouted as she plotted for the future. She was adamant about winning Tama’s affection, even though she had already lost the battle.

Her intention wasn’t only procreating with the Behemoth-turned-kitten, but also to pamper him like Aria often did.

It was a one-sided battle. Aria didn’t spare a single thought to the voice of a loser dog like Stella. Her attention was solely focused on her knight, who made a face like a spoiled child.

As they watched, cuddled and plotted, they arrived at the guild located within the central district of the city. They only managed to retrieve a small number of raw materials from the monsters they defeated, but that could become their income.

Their savings were on the verge of being fully depleted. But that wasn’t the only reason they went to the guild.

The first was to let Stella see them selling the raw materials from the defeated monsters. This way, she’d know how to turn those materials into money.

The second reason was for registering her as an adventurer. Since Stella herself expressed her desire for the job, the adventurer tag became a must for her.

Learning these basic procedures would be useful for Stella if she, at some point, wished to depart from the group and go solo.

Aria opened the guild’s main door.

It was almost evening, so the place was packed with people. They crowded the reception counter in front of the bulletin board, surrounded the tables in group meetings and filled the bar in the inner part of the building.

In front of the bulletin board were some adventurers choosing tomorrow’s commission. They were the diligent adventurers that didn’t neglect planning their missions one day ahead.

The less diligent ones went to the bar as soon as they received the reward for the day’s commission and promptly spent their money on ale and snacks.

Even now, one of those drunkards merrily slapped a waitress’ butt inside the bar.

「OOH! So this is the Adventurer’s Guild, huh! 」

A very excited voice resounded inside the bustling guildhall. Of course, it belonged to the clueless Stella.

Labyrinth City was a place brimming with life. The inside of an Adventurer’s Guild was even livelier than the city itself. Stella looked at the merry adventurers with a burning curiosity. Maybe such a scene felt very pleasant to her.

「Oi, who’s that girl? She’s a babe! 」

「A rookie? With that body, those clothes that barely cover anything and those jeans that expose her butt… SHE’S F*CKING SEXYYYY! 」

The adventurer’s line of sight was focused on Stella, drawn by her skimpy attire. Seeing her (lack of) clothing, the men were almost immediately charmed by her beauty and raised a ruckus.

Such a reaction was normal. A beauty stood among them, with a narrow waist and almost perfectly round hips, along with two ripe fruits on her chest. A sarashi-like attire covered those ripe fruits as a top and hot pants exposed her upper buttocks below.

[Note: Sarashi = chest wrap, like samurai.]

「No, wait a minute! That girl is indeed cute but take a look at Aria-chan! She’s wearing… BIKINI ARMOR! Her adventurer gear from before was plenty good but now… HER NEW GEAR COMPLETELY EMPHASIZES THE DEPTH OF HER VALLEY!」


Due to a certain adventurer’s remark, the stares that had been concentrated on Stella started spreading toward Aria and Vulcan as well.

It was as they said. Aria’s current gear exposed a lot more skin compared to her previous equipment. Naturally, their main focus was the wonderful valley created by her breasts.

But there were other parts exposed as well, as her waist, thighs, and back… Aria’s beautiful hipline aside, there was skin exposed from her abdomen all the way to her foot.

Moreover, as if that level of exposure wasn’t enough, the area covered by the lower parts of her bikini armor was minimal. That style was commonly known as low-rise.

The last one was Vulcan. The degree of her exposure was the lowest if compared to Stella and Aria. However, below her overall attire, she was practically naked.

Her chest was slightly smaller than her companions’, but it was slightly exposed on the sides. Along with her healthy light brown skin, it gave her an extra degree of sexiness.

All three were outstanding beauties of their own.

Some of the male adventurers were hunching forward while holding onto their crotches.

「Hm? Somehow, I feel like those males’ line of sight is focusing on us. What is this creepy feeling that’s crawling over my body?」

「Uhh… For some reason, their gaze is even more intense than before…」

「Nya~, it can’t be helped, nya~. Look, we’ve got Stella-chan dressed like that, and your gear doesn’t help either, Aria-chan…」

Maybe because she noticed that the adventurers were looking at her with lewd gazes, Stella seemed to be displeased.

Aria was reacting in the same way. The poor girl was bad at dealing with men, and her anxiety made her unintentionally tighten her hug on Tama.

Vulcan, who had expected things to turn this way, folded her tiger ears and sighed as if giving up on the situation.

At that time Tama let out an impressive snarl from his hiding place in Aria’s valley, warning away the male adventurers that ogled Aria and co.



Despite his cute kitten appearance he was, in fact, an S-Rank monster. His true strength and coercive power were simply overwhelming.

The adventurers around them had just taken a glimpse of Tama’s true power.

And even though he couldn’t forgive anyone who had bad intentions toward his master, he only intended to scare them.

(Yup, I suppose that’s enough. That’s what they deserve for looking at my dear master with their filthy eyes.)

After he saw the terrified faces of the male adventurers, Tama let out a cute purr with a satisfied face.

「Fufufu, Thank you very much, Tama.」

「Nya~, Tama-nyan really is a good kid, nya~.」

「Amazing! To do that simply by howling…! As expected of you, Powerful One! 」

The three girls praised Tama’s action with delight on their faces.

As a former dragon, Stella should be able to do at least that much, but that was something to be pondered in another moment.

「Ara~n, if it isn’t Aria and co. And that girl… Is she your new comrade? 」

As Aria congratulated Tama for saving them by rubbing her cheek against his fur, someone called out to them. The newcomer’s voice made the male adventurers freeze on the spot.

The one who appeared was… a 190 cm tall bodybuilder, skin-headed (wo)man wearing bandage-style attire.

It was Arnold Hwarzenegger-san, commonly known as Ana-san, the guild’s (fe)male receptionist.

「Good evening Ana-san. This girl is Stella-chan, she’s our new party member starting from today! 」

「Ana-san, we want to register Stella-chan as an adventurer, nya~n! 」

Both Aria’s and Vulcan’s expression brightened once Arnold entered the room. They looked up to that person and knew very well what kind of person Arnold was.

「Before that, can I have some of your time, Aria-chan? 」

「…? Me, what might it be? 」

Aria pondered what matter could be so important to make Arnold disregard Stella’s introduction and even the matter of registering her as an adventurer.

「Allow me to give further explanation in this regard.」

She could hear someone else’s voice speaking as they approached.

A man stood behind Arnold.

「It’s nice to meet you, Aria-san. My name is〝Reis?. Today I came to nominate you for a commission.」

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