Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 81: The Fairies’s Power

Chapter 81: The Fairies’s Power

「He~, so this is this city’s labyrinth!」

「It really is different compared to the labyrinth where we come from.」

Aria and co had arrived in front of the labyrinth to complete the commission quest.

Upon stepping into the labyrinth, both Faeri and Lily were looking around curiously.

Since they originally came from a forest-type labyrinth, seeing an orthodox labyrinth like this was a fresh experience for them.

「Please get yourself together, girls. Your 〝Divine Protection? might not work against the monster in this place.」

「Understood, Aria.」

「We won’t let our guard do~wn.」

Aria called out the two fairies to warn them.

And she might have said 〝Divine Protection?, but…

Both Lily and Faeri were, in fact, bestowed with a special power called divine protection.

Their divine protection allowed them to roam freely inside of their labyrinth as long as they weren’t initiating the attack.

They did have enough power to protect themself but rarely used it since their divine protection allowed them to swagger inside the labyrinth at ease.

However, this was a completely different labyrinth than the one they came from.

Their divine protection might not work in this place.

「Moreover, we’re even more fired up after wearing these equipment!」

「Thank you very much, you even went as far as preparing the equipment for u~s!」

Lily and Faeri were frolicking amongst themself as they looked at each other’s outfit.

Since both of them were going to participate as adventurers from now on, Aria asked Vulcan to prepare custom made gear for both fairies.

Since both of them were asking for light equipment which allowed them to move at ease, their equipment were composed of leather equipment.

Naturally, Vulcan made holes on lily’s back that allowed her to unfurl her fairy’s wings.

Aria’s armor was the same as before, bikini armor.

Her armor only had minimum coverage to allow her moving more easily.

Her armor was made out of orichalcum alloy which was light yet more durable than normal iron.

Since she was the holder of the 《Acceleration》 skill, her gauntlets and leggings would show it’s worth when she was moving at high speed.

Her weapons of choice were the usual dual knives and throwing knives.

Vulcan’s armors were her usual overall on top of her bare skin, leggings and gauntlets made of orichalcum, similar to Aria.

Her weapon was battle armor also made out of orichalcum.

Stella’s armors were composed of her usual risky hotpants and sarashi which allowed her to move freely.

Naturally, she was equipped with gauntlets and leggings too.

Her weapon of choice were the mega shield and greatsword, both of which were made from an ultra heavy metal called black iron.

And last but not in the least were Tama’s orichalcum made cat-knight armor[Puss in B**ts].

「Nyaan(There’s an incoming enemy, master)!」

Tama meowled with seriousness.

The sounds of footsteps along with 『GUGIGYAAN!』 came from the inner side of the labyrinth.

「Goblin and…… Hob-goblin huh.」

「Under normal circumstances, Hob-goblin won’tt appear on the first floor. I see, the labyrinth really is becoming strangenyan!」

Both Vulcan and Aria noticed the sign of the approaching enemies.

The one who appeared were goblins and their higher species, hob-goblin.

The two of them raised their clubs as they headed toward Tama and co.

There’s no way both of the goblin species who were well known for their lusty nature would let go off a group of extremely beautiful women whose attire exposed a lot of their skins.

「Humph, let’s just smash their head.」

Stella was closing in on them with a ferocious smile on her lips.

It seemed like her dragon’s instinct went on rampage again and made her more blood thirsty than usual.

「Leave them to us!」

「Let us to show you guys the power of fairie~s!」

Faeri and Lily said so the moment Stella was about to leap toward their opponent.

It seemed that both of them wanted to show off their combat prowess to Aria and co.

「Understood. But make sure you guys don’t force yourself, okay?」

「But of Course!」

「Leave it to u~s!」

After saying so, both fairies entered combat mode.

Vulcan’s eyes were locked onto their figures as if to say 「Nya~n! Can’t miss this rare opportunity to see the combat prowess of the fairy race nya~!」

Stella reluctantly agreed while saying 「Humph… I want to rampage to my heart’s desire but, I guess, understanding the extent of our new comrades’ abilities is important too」.

Seeing this, Vulcan couldn’t help but mutter with a surprised look on her face,(N-Nyaa!? That battle maniac Stella-chan is… letting them take her prey!?).

Her reaction was natural.

After all, she was the only party member left behind during Aria and co’s adventure in Gladdstone, thus missing Stella’s growth.

「Just in case , can I ask you to support them, Tama?」

「NYA~(Leave it to me, master)!」

After replying with his usual adorable cry, Tama stooped over as if he was about to use his skill anytime.

「HERE I GO! 《Fairy Bullet》」

Lily pushed out her hands as she flew toward the incoming goblins.

Then, something resembling pink colored light bullets appeared in front of her.

The pink light bullets were fired toward those goblins at breakneck speed.

It was a sure kill attack for those stupid goblins.

Along with a loud crisp sound, like a stone bursting, the goblins howled in agony 『GUGAAAA――!?』 .

Those goblins lowered their clubs while pressing their hand on their injured arm.

Their arms were dangling powerlessly.

It seemed like Lily’s attack broke their arms or dislocated their joints.


The hob-goblin shouted a war cry after receiving an unexpected counterattack from Lily.

Then, when it tried to turned around to save its own life――

「Too la~te?! 《Branch Whip》!」

Now is Faeri’s turn to show her power.

At that moment, a green colored magic circle formed under her feet, and then…

Tree branch-like things appeared in the middle of that magic circle.

While it appears like a tree’s branch, it was long, and flexible.

And then, the tree branch――《Branch Whip》―― shot upward and whipped towards the hob-goblin’s shoulder.


The hob-goblin’s wails resounded through the labyrinth.

It seemed that aside from being flexible, the 《Branch Whip》 was packed with power too.

Upon a closer look, the hob-goblin’s shoulder had sunk.

「Amazing! Both of your attack resulted in such tremendous damage in spite of being fired from such long range!」

「Yup, they’re battle-ready nyan!」

「Hou, you two were quite powerful indeed.」

Aria, Vulcan, and Stella gave their impression one after the other, after they saw Lily and Faeri’s power.

Meanwhile, Lily was still showering the goblin with 《Fairy Bullet》. Faeri, on the other hand, incapacitated the hob-goblin with 《Branch Whip》.

(Both Lily and Faeri were using mid-range type attacks. I see now… Their power was definitely what our party needed the most right now.)

Tama gave them a passing score with flying color too.

Normally, the fairy race skills were only on the level of causing mischief to humans.

Tama himself used to feel that way.

But seeing the two fairies’ skills were truly an eye opener for him.

He concluded that high-pixie and high-dryad couldn’t be compared to normal fairies.

Moreover… Whether it was Aria, Vulcan, or Stella, everyone of them were close combat fighters.

Excluding Tama’s skills and Aria’s throwing knives, they had no mid-range type attack.

But now, there could be more variations to their mid-range attacks with Lily and Faeri joining their party.

More variation to attack from their back line means more assault formation for their vanguard and more leeway for Tama to support their vanguard.

「Huhu~hm, this is our true power!」

「Those goblins were too weak to begin wi~th!」

Both Lily and Faeri puffed out their flat chest, seemingly satisfied in seeing Aria and co’s reaction.

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