Chapter 208: Planning Three Tails Six Tails

“Danzo, how did that thing appear?”

The strange gazes of the people made Oh Yemu want to find a hole in the ground, and he was even more upset with the kid who made him look like a ghost, but he still suppressed the upset and asked the doubts in his heart.

Before coming, he hadn’t put the evil demon in his eyes, and he was still very confident even if he had the latest intelligence brought by the brown soil from Huangyan.

After all, his dust escape is the existence that can be called the number one attack power in the Shinobi world today.

But just after he arrived, he used the most powerful Dust Evasion Boundary Stripping Technique and tried it, and it hit the demons sturdily, but it was useless, and even the demons hadn’t reacted much, and they were still talking to Three Tails. Boom with Six Tails.

If he didn’t recognize the danger of that evil demon anymore, he should have found a piece of tofu and killed him.

“That thing was artificially shaped thousands of years ago. A total of dozens of them have been sealed under Loulandi, but only that one has been successfully conceived.”

Shimura Danzō did not hide this, and Shimura Danzō was not afraid that these people would go to Loulan to investigate.

Because my son’s original idea was successful, he transplanted the sacred tree he got from Takiin Village and activated it with Wood Style Chakra, and he really connected with the roots of the sacred trees in Loulandi.

Now the roots of the entire Loulandi have come alive, which is equivalent to the birth of the super-large tree world displayed by First Hokage. No one can pass through that layer of protection and enter the Loulandi. Now it is absolutely safe.

“What? People shaped it?”

The complexion of everyone present changed. If it was naturally bred by the world, it would only admit that it was unlucky, but if it was artificially shaped, it would be extremely terrifying.

Since one can be molded, more can be molded, and it is even possible that in addition to Loulan, there are similar terrifying demons in some parts of the world.

For example, the monster in the country of ghosts and the cult of the evil god in the country of Yunoh seem to be very wrong.

Everyone thought a lot for a while, and the more they thought about it, the more headaches they got.

“We found traces of the Chakra technique there, proving that it was the ninja who shaped the demons.”

Shimura Danzō said a cryptic piece of information again, but Shimura Danzō said nothing.

Some things should not be fully exposed for the time being, but you can remind these people, let them go back and search for a wave in their homes to see if there is any arrangement similar to Loulan Didi.

It would be better to find another Rinnegan from Sage of Six Paths.

And these words made Jiraiya and Orochimaru look at each other, and then looked at Tsunade vaguely.

They may know that there was a Wood Style creation in Loulandi, maybe that kind of evil spirit is related to the Senju family.

Either the Senju family participated in the creation of that kind of demons thousands of years ago, or they later sealed the demons created by someone there and sealed off dozens of demons’ compatriots, only one remained.

Compared with the former possibility, they believe in the latter. After all, the Senju family is not a group of paranoid and psychopaths like Uchiha. Their three views are pretty good, and it is unlikely that such evil spirits will be created.

“Raise this piece of land, let’s go to the battlefield and take a look.”

Shimura Danzō, who finally completed the initial self-operation, sutured the wound in the chest cavity and signaled Ohnogi to start the crowd.

It’s no use staying here all the time, it’s better to go to the battlefield and watch it, even if there are any accidents, you can react immediately.

Onoki didn’t move, and the cinnamon seal behind it first cut the area where the tent was located with the Earth Style, and then used the ultra-lightweight rock technique to lift into the air, and soon came hundreds of meters in the sky, and you can see it from a distance. At the other end of the island, there are three giants in fierce clashes, and two other giants are resting outside the battle ring.

It is the demons and the four big-tailed beasts!


A stick hit the drawn tentacles, Four Tails Monkey King split body very depressed.

“Damn, I hate this mollusk!”

As a monkey who started to play sticks, he hated this kind of boneless opponent the most. Once a stick was dropped, it was like hitting cotton, without any strength at all.

“I’m sorry, we burnt his body and limbs last time, only the octopus head is left.”

Shimura Xuan Ding shrugged, helpless and delighted.

This time the demon still only had an octopus head, at most the broken tentacles re-growth, and then the entire head became countless times larger, but the torso and limbs that had been burned did not regenerate.

Obviously, either the cost of regeneration is too great, or the body cannot be regenerated at all.

It is much easier to deal with if there is only one octopus head.

“Here I have to deal with Kokuō temporarily, you go and talk to them.”

No longer fighting alone, the Sun Wukong split body greeted Shimura Xuanding, merged into the body, exploded with all strength, and even used magma to condense into a long stick to assist in the battle.

The Kokuō split body on the other side is also integrated into the body, using the meridians and acupoints in the split body to perform ninjutsu and cooperate with the body to fight.

The power of Boil Style exploded, driving Kokuō’s huge body into a rapid collision, knocking the demons back several times.

On the other side, Shimura Xuan Ding jumped off the Four Tails body and went to the Three Tails and Six Tails who were resting outside the battle circle.

“Hi, big guy, my name is Shimura Xuan Ding, how are you guys!”

“We have seen the memory clips shared by Kokuō and the others. You are a very interesting human being.”

Looking at the tiny human below, Three Tails was also very interested in it.

The spiritual spaces of their nine big-tailed beasts are connected, and they can communicate together if necessary.

It’s just that they haven’t done this spiritual communication for thousands of years. They didn’t expect that Sun Wukong and Kokuō used the link of the spiritual space in the past few months, saying that they found the person predicted by the old man and shared some of their memories.

Through those memory fragments, they also somewhat believed that this human being was probably the one predicted by the old man before his death, and at the same time they were very interested in the way of the guardian beast of the world.

Because of this, after Sun Wukong and Kokuō confided the huge threat of evil spirits, they took the initiative to propose to Kirigakure’s dirty ninjas to come and fight against evil spirits.

This will be their first battle to become the guardian beast of the world!

“My name is Jifu!”

Finally, Three Tails revealed his real name.

This funny human is qualified to know his real name.


The meaty Six Tails Saiken also revealed his real name, and was also very interested in this human teenager.

“Iso, Saiken, I’ve written down your names.”

Nodded solemnly, indicating that he had written down the names of these two new friends, and at the same time secretly felt that the tail beast was so foolish.

Although these big guys have survived for thousands of years, their minds are still very simple, many times better than human beings, and even made him feel a little guilty.

It seems a bit unnatural to fool these ignorant tail beasts!

“By the way, Saiken, I know a young lady who knows Lava Style. She is now being held in Iwagakure. Next time I ask her to come back, you should have a lot of topics in common, and she is a bit different from those ninjas now. You should To be friends.”

Recalling that Miss Shui Rong who was still locked in Iwagakure, Shimura Xuan Ding felt that she could get acquainted with Six Tails Saiken.

“Lava Style!”

Saiken thoughtfully, and immediately asked excitedly: “Can I also use that human to split into a split body like Monkey King and Kokuō, and then practice your secret method?”

“As long as Miss Shui Rong is willing, I can help you to complete the split.”

With secret joy in my heart, Shimura Xuanding immediately expressed his willingness to help and can authorize Six Tails Saiken to practice.

“That’s great!”

The six Saiken were equally delighted. He had long been greedy for the split body of Monkey King and Kokuō. Besides, the secret technique that could shape the meridian and acupoints could improve their strength a lot.

The only pity is that the accumulation of their tail beasts for thousands of years is too strong.

“I want that kind of split too.”

Three Tails Ji hurriedly raised his claws to express his stance, expressing that he also wanted such a handsome split body, even if it was sealed by a ninja, it could allow the split body to roam outside.

“Yes, I will start looking for suitable candidates in this regard.”

Nodded, Shimura Xuan Ding had been fighting these two big guys a long time ago, and he had plans to save Shui Rong before.

Originally, he was eyeing Shui Rong’s future daughter Terumi Mei, but he didn’t expect the tail beast to be so foolish, and to meet Three Tails and Six Tails so soon, some plans can only be advanced.

“By the way, do you have a gender distinction?”

Thinking of the uncharacteristic body shapes of Monkey King’s split body and Kokuō’s split body, Shimura Xuan Ding asked curiously.

Although Kokuō’s voice sounds soft, it does not seem to be female.

He couldn’t tell Four Tails Sun Wukong split body, and just looked at it vaguely, the two bodies have no corresponding characteristics, and it is difficult to distinguish it temporarily.

“Our tail beasts don’t have the concept of male and female, and even the voice of speaking is simulated, purely depending on their preferences and personalities.”

Ji shook his huge head. Their tail beasts do not have gender distinctions. After all, they are not flesh and blood bodies, but pure energy bodies, and they will not be restricted by the form of ordinary creatures.

Not to mention that their sacred tree father has no gender, or is hermaphrodite.

“In other words, you can become male if you want to become male, or female if you want to become female!”

Suddenly, Shimura Xuanding thought of the fox in Miss Meidu’s belly for the first time.

Compared to a little fox brother, being a little fox sister is more pleasing to the eye.

“They are coming!”

At this moment, feeling the change in the spiritual space, the six Saiken spoke.

The two guys in Cloud Shinobi Village are about to arrive.

“You kid can count.”

At this moment, a burly figure rushed from the other direction, and when he came over, he slapped Shimura Xuanding’s shoulder with a slap, and the heavy gold battle clothes shook.

“Senior Zidian, your appearance is a bit miserable now!”

Shimura Xuanding grinned as he looked at the miserable appearance of the Purple Lightning Swordsman now.

It’s really miserable, it’s all out of shape.

“My old man, this is not bad, your grandpa and them are still lying on the distant island and can’t get up!”

Not paying attention to the injury on his body, the purple swordsman turned his expression, looked at the evil demon fighting Four Tails Five Tails, and asked, “Is there a way to kill something?”

Only when you really face the demons can you know the horror of this thing.

They have used all the methods, but it is difficult to damage the other party, and the other party is much stronger than the information recorded, and its size alone has increased by several levels.

All the top swordsmen from the six nations came over and lay all down within a few days of carrying them. The gap was too big.

Of course, this is mainly because the time for them to practice the immortal vitality cultivation method is still short, otherwise they will practice for a few more years without killing the evil demon, at least they can break the defense, not as embarrassing as they are now.

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