Chapter 210 Eight Inner Gates Formation

“Yang Dun Xian Yuan Li Mode!”

The immortal power in the body circulates rapidly, and it flows through the blood vessels all over the body, dyeing the blood green, and revealing a bright green light.

“The Chakra Mode of Yang Dun?”

At this time, the Third Raikage Shadow Clone, who had just rushed over, once again looked shocked, and those old eyes were almost glaring out.

As the existence who has cultivated Lightning Style Chakra Mode to Dacheng, he is very familiar with Chakra Mode, and Shimura Xuanding’s current state is similar to his Lightning Style Chakra Mode, but instead of Lightning Style, he uses a very vibrant Yang. escape.

Others also looked surprised, Orochimaru looked at his eyes more brightly, and felt a little regretful in his heart.

The Shimura family was offended by the Loulan incident last time. It may be difficult to obtain these Shimura secret arts.

“Eight Inner Gates·Open!”

After the Yang Dun Xian Yuan Li mode stabilized, Shimura Xuan Ding drove the Eight Inner Gates to the Seventh Gate in one go.

Without hesitation, the soles of the feet stomped on the ground, and the figure rushed out like lightning.

With the blessing of the anti-gravity Technique and powerful force, the speed reached the extreme, and in a blink of an eye he rushed to Eight Tails Gyūki’s body and slammed on the horns.

Eight Tails Gyūki also had a tacit horn, flying Shimura Xuan Cao towards the head of the evil demon’s huge octopus at a faster speed.

Because of the speed and the small size, the demons’ tentacles could not be intercepted at all.

“Little pervert!”

Tsunade, who had just reacted, murmured in dissatisfaction, and then drove the Eight Inner Gates to the Seventh Gate, and then rushed to the battlefield, using Gyūki’s body to smash the evil demon’s head.

The two of them attacked the demon’s huge scarlet eyes, one on the left and the other on the right.

However, the evil spirit itself is not a vegetarian, swinging its huge tentacles and slapped it.

Facing the offensive that could fly the tail beast, the two could only choose to avoid.

But because of her small size, it’s not difficult to avoid it.

“It’s now!”

Eight Tails Gyūki, the eldest brother present, gave a wild roar, and stretched out his sturdy and powerful hands to grab the two tentacles of the demon and stubbornly grabbed it.

Four Tails Sun Wukong also stretched out his hands and grabbed two of them, Matatabi and Three Tails, and Six Tails Saiken each opened their mouths to bite one, and then tied the remaining tentacles with their tails.

“Boil Style·Strange Power Impact!”

The last Five Tails Kokuō body exploded with Boil Style power, and the boiling Chakra provided an unimaginable impact, driving a huge body to rush to the evil demon that was temporarily contained.

At the same time, Shimura Xuan Ding, the two masters and apprentices, also took the opportunity to blind the evil demon’s eyes with their respective big swords, making it more violent, but also losing sight, making it more convenient for the next action.

“Damn, it’s worthy of being on the same level as the god tree father, really strong!”

Grasping the tentacle that was almost freed, Four Tails Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

The power of this thing is too strong, especially now that he is blinded and becomes even more violent.

At the same time, Five Tails Kokuō also slammed into the demon’s body, lowered its head and hit the demon’s bald head with the largest and hardest horn, denting the top of it downward.

The demon’s head itself has bones, but that layer of skin is too thick, at least ten meters.

And now being hit hard by Five Tails Kokuō, at the same time that Five Tails Kokuō’s horns broke, it also tore that piece of skin, revealing the blood-colored skull below.

At the same time, the rain gate attached to the neck of Five Tails Kokuō jumped down, urging his own Explosion Style to the ultimate limit, slashing with a knife, and at the same time fully inspiring the surgical brand on the Daguan knife to activate the gravity orb.

The Daguan Knife, which weighs thousands of tons, has increased its gravity tens of thousands of times, and its power is simply unimaginable.

Coupled with the unparalleled sharpness brought by the strong hardness of the meteorite alloy, the evil demon skull was forcibly cut open with a knife mark several meters long, straight into the inner mid-brain.

Even Daguandao was thrown into the brain, making the demons mad with pain.

This was not over yet, Five Tails Kokuō, who was about to use the rush to hit the past, slammed a hoof on the knife mark, and directly stomped the evil spirit’s skull out of a hole.

“Dead Door Open!”

Shimura Xuan Ding, who had just rushed over from his eye sockets, decisively opened the dead gate of Eight Inner Gates, allowing the fully opened key acupuncture point of Eight Gate to form a perfect circle.

This is the so-called Eight Inner Gates Formation, and the speed of body strength has been explosively increased.

Even if it hadn’t been coated with a layer of meteorite alloy before, the bones of the body would have to be crushed because they could not withstand this violent force.

“Damn, why is it still green?”

Shimura Xuanding vomited depressedly while jumping into the hole in the skull.

I thought that after the outbreak of the Eight Inner Gates Formation, he would become a man with a bloody disaster. Who would want to be green, and become dark green.

As a righteous-kunzi, he really doesn’t like this healthy color!

At the same time, the six big-tailed beasts separated the six sides as soon as possible, and arranged the six red sun formations based on the Four Tails Sun Wukong split and Five Tails Kokuō split with meridian and acupoints.

“Six Red Sun Formation, get up!”

With the six violent shouts, Monkey King and Kokuō split and their two Shadow Clones arranged a hexagonal enchantment, which is the Six Red Sun Formation, which tightly sealed the surrounding and upper and lower sides.

“Leave it to you.”

The four Shadow Clones greeted the Three Tails Six Tails Eight Tails behind them, and handed the Chakra supply task of the four sides to the four big tail beasts.

Although the meridian and acupuncture points need to be used in the arrangement, it is not necessary for the energy supply afterwards, as long as it can provide sufficient Chakra.

This is not over yet, the six big-tailed beasts simultaneously used the characteristics of gathering and absorbing natural energy inherited from the god tree father to quickly gather the natural energy around them.

Eventually it was ignited by the Six Red Sun Array and turned into a natural fairy fire, whose power and intensity increased several times.

At the same time, the evil demon who was drilled into the brain by Shimura Xuan Ding screamed in pain, and he didn’t care about rushing into the six red sun formations. All the tentacles were flapping their heads frantically, rolling more and more.

Although the burns of the body covered by the natural fairy fire were painful, it was far worse than the pain in the brain.

“That kid is too messy!”

The retired Tsunade breathed heavily while looking worriedly at the evil demon roaring and rolling in the six red sun formations.

She also did not expect that the insurgent would directly rush into the brain of the evil demon, and even exploded the Eight Inner Gates to the level of death.

What a fate!

Let’s not talk about how serious the deadlock of the Eight Inner Gates is. The evil spirit alone is terrible.

Just now she wanted to jump into the brain of the demon, but as soon as she touched the blood of the demon, her battle clothes were corroded and sneered. There was no way to persist, even the Chakra that broke out with the Eight Inner Gates was difficult to defend.

That evil demon is really like their ninja nemesis, the attack and defense formed by Chakra are useless, and physical skills can be somewhat effective.

“Tsunade, how are you?”

Jiraiya hurried over, looking at the corroded potholes, the gloomy heavy gold jersey, and his heart was horrified.

What the hell is that evil demon?

“Mizukage, give me a Water Style to wash it off. Don’t use Chakra to condense it. It gathers the moisture in the air.”

Seeing the sneer of his battle clothes still corroded by the blood of the evil demon, Tsunade hurriedly asked for help from the Third Mizukage who came from behind.

This is done with a lot of money, very expensive!

The Third Mizukage who rushed over was also unambiguous. The knot seal gathered the moisture in the surrounding air to form a stream of water that enveloped Tsunade and spun rapidly, taking away the blood of the demons on it.

“It’s a loss! It’s a loss!”

Looking at the corroded pitted battle suit and the big sword in his hand, Tsunade was frustrated.

After this battle, at least one hundred kilograms of heavy gold alloy was lost, which is ten billion!

“Your focus is out of focus!”

Turning dark, Jiraiya didn’t want to look at this greedy teammate.

Is it time to care about those?

“The kid jumped into the head of the demon himself, I can’t follow it.”

With a solemn expression, Tsunade said solemnly, and she was helpless too.

“Can he resist the corrosion of evil spirits’ blood?”

Orochimaru was even more surprised. Even the extreme material of the heavy gold battle suit could not withstand the corrosion of evil spirits’ blood. Moreover, judging from Tsunade’s reaction just now, the chakra erupted by the Eight Inner Gates should also be unstoppable.

Obviously, Shimura Xuanding’s current energy can resist the corrosion of the evil spirits’ blood, which makes him have to wonder which power the evil spirits created.

It is important to know that in the battles of the previous few days, they did not perform as well as the top swordsmen. Although their slashes could not hurt the demons, they were able to repel them, and they were tough.

But the ninjas of these ninjas are directly immune to them, and now that this blood can corrode Chakra, they have the greatest restraint on their ninjas.

Perhaps it was a biological weapon created by the samurai and monks specifically for their ninja, not to mention the legendary Onmyoji.

Orochimaru thought of this. Other people were not stupid, and naturally thought of this. Then they started to use various methods to collect the evil demon’s blood that rushed down from Tsunade’s body, and prepared to take it back for a wave of research.

At least one has to find a way of restraint. After all, the ghost knows whether or not the evil demon can be destroyed this time, and even if it is destroyed, there will be a second evil demon.

Seeing this, Tsunade and Jiraiya opened their mouths, but in the end they said nothing.

This matter really needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Only Shimura Danzō, who knew the true origin of the evil spirits, had a hint of contempt in the depths of his eyes.

But it didn’t stop it, it didn’t have much to do with him anyway.

At the same time, Shimura Xuanding who entered the brain of the evil demon was shocked, and looked at the spar in his hand.

“What’s the situation? Does this big guy have a brain tumor? Or a brain stone?”

This is what he just discovered, and he can sense that there is pure mental power in it, and it can even be said to be the materialized crystallization of mental power, just like the Wood Style Chakra crystal of First Hokage.

“I thought I only needed to come in and do a minor brain surgery on this big guy, but I didn’t expect it would turn into a treasure hunt!”

Excited eyes flashed, Shimura Xuanding stuffed the spar into the inner armor and stayed on the belly for temporary preservation, and then wielded a big sword to cut through the thorns, shattering the brain tissue in front of him, looking for other evil spirit brain stones.

This kind of good baby can’t be missed!

Of course, I also don’t forget to consume the Greer energy liquid that I swallowed before to maintain the Eight Inner Gates Formation and Yang Dunxian Yuan Li mode.

Now he can rely on the celestial power of the Eight Inner Gates Formation to block the corrosion of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of the demons, otherwise it will be corroded into a skeleton in an instant.

And his treasure hunting road brought more violent pain to the demons, making them struggle more violently on the ground, and didn’t have time to bother with the natural fairy fires that burned themselves.

Even if it rolls and hits the Six Red Sun Formation, it can’t break through because of lack of concentration, and it is eventually bounced back.

This is not over yet, while the six big-tailed beasts maintain the six red sun formations and the natural fairy fire, they shrink inward, compressing the space for the demons, and at the same time make the natural fairy fire more concentrated and burning faster.

The high concentration of natural fairy fires gathered together, looking like a sun from a distance. The high temperature emitted ignited the remaining trees on the island, and even the surrounding sea surface was quickly evaporated, making the entire island enveloped by steam.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long, and Shimura Xuanding, who was embarking on a treasure hunt in the brains of the evil spirits, soon ran into trouble.

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