Chapter 221 Flickering Elderly Madara to Work

“too slow!”

In response to the condensed Rasengan Gold Core, Uchiha Madara was very dissatisfied.

It’s shameful to not be able to condense all of them in one breath with their own strength!

“You can’t be anxious about this, you have to take your time, wait until all the acupuncture points in the body have been cultivated to the left and right Rasengan Golden Core, and they are completely stabilized before the second stage of cultivation can begin.”

Without rushing to comfort him, Shimura Xuan Ding knew very well that the old Madara in front of him was a terribly impatient person, otherwise he would not try to play a peace plan like Infinite Tsukuyomi.

“There is a second stage?”

With a stunned face, Uchiha Madara did not expect that there would still be a second stage of cultivation.

In his opinion, the Rasengan Gold Core at this stage is perfect, beyond the limit of ordinary people’s understanding, but there is even the next stage of cultivation method.

Is Shimura’s R&D capabilities so awesome?

“Rasengan is just the ultimate of form changes. You can also add Nature Transformation and even escape changes to the inside, and its effect will be qualitatively improved.

It’s just that the energy entity needs to be crystallized first as the core of the Rasengan Gold Pill to further stabilize Rasengan, otherwise it will be very dangerous. ”

Calmly stated the theory of the next stage of cultivation, in this regard he did not intend to hide it from the Uchiha class.

To deal with Uchiha Madara’s dead Tsundere’s second-year-old, you have to use your heart to attack each other with absolute sincerity.

Senju Hashirama has already given the correct answer, and he just needs to imitate and copy it.

This is called Gizuna!

Moreover, the next stage of the cultivation of Rasengan’s golden core also needs the help of the elderly Madara, otherwise the difficulty will not be easy to pass, even if he has the method of trial and error.

“It’s a flawless practice!”

After a long silence, Uchiha Madara said with emotion, she was really shocked, but theoretically speaking, the feasibility is indeed very high.

“Now our Shimura family is stuck on how to condense energy into a solid crystal, just like the Wood Style Chakra crystal left by First Hokage.

I have tried to replace it with Yang Gou Jade, which has the natural energy of the Yang attribute, but unfortunately the foreign object is a foreign object and cannot be perfectly compatible with itself, and its strength is not high. It broke after a long time. Obviously there is no shortcut in this regard. .

This is also one of the main reasons why my father always wanted to find Master you for cooperation. ”

While talking, Shimura Xuan Ding took off the jade necklace hanging from her neck and handed it to Uchiha Madara.

At the beginning, he divided the Yanggou jade into two into the left and right Rasengan Jindan, which is the main point of death gate of the heart. Based on it, he displayed the Yang Yunxian Yuanli Model, and then displayed the Eight Inner Gates Formation.

It’s a pity that the external force is an external force, and it cannot be perfectly compatible with itself. The next day the hook jade shattered, and the Rasengan golden Danyang attribute it gave it faded and was beaten back to its original shape.

Obviously, if you want to complete this step of cultivation, you must use your own energy to condense physical energy crystals, so that you can be perfectly compatible with yourself.

After taking the chain, Uchiha Madara fixed his eyes and found that the green yanggou jade was indeed full of cracks. It used to be broken, but now it is only glued together.

“Your father is looking for the right person, Hashirama can condense the Wood Style Chakra crystal, and the old man can naturally too.”

After observing, throwing the gou jade necklace back, Uchiha Madara looked proud.

Although he has never seen the Wood Style Chakra crystal, he can naturally understand the inner principle at his height, but it is still very difficult to do it.

Because Senju Hashirama’s Wood Style is a three-attribute blood that integrates Yang Dun’s Earth Style Water Style, and is of extremely high quality. It is difficult to condense a single attribute into a solid crystal by several levels, even with his strength. It’s hard to do.

But it’s just hard!

“Then my father and I will wait for the good news from Master!”

With a smile on her face, Shimura Xuan Ding understood that the old man Madara was finally crippled, and now she started working for herself.

He has no idea how to condense Chakra crystals. Although First Hokage condenses Wood Style Chakra crystals, it is far from the single-attribute energy crystals he needs.

Moreover, the brain circuit of First Hokage and the method of condensing the crystallization of Wood Style Chakra is estimated to be a miracle. Even if there is a method, it is a non-human language with no reference value.

In this regard, the elderly Madara has to be involved, and this can also be used to hold the old guy and prevent him from doing things.

“By the way, the eyes of Master Master can’t be restored until now?”

His gaze fell on Madara’s gray eyes, and Shimura Xuan Ding was very curious about it.

He knew that at the end of the Valley War, Uchiha Madara set up the Izanagi Technique for his eyes in advance for resurrection, and then one eye was gone.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that more than 20 years have passed, and I still haven’t been able to recover. It seems that the damage caused by Izanaki can’t carry immunity even with the Eternal Eye, even with Hashirama cells.

“Izanagi Technique is a taboo technique. The more you obtain, the greater the price you will pay. With the strength of the old man who wants to be resurrected after death, the power of an eternal eye is almost not enough. This eye has been completely abandoned. NS.”

With a gloomy expression on his face, Uchiha Madara also suffered from liver pain for many years.

I thought that I had an eternal eye as the foundation, and I should be able to recover the damage of Izanagi Technique, but the reality was slapped.

Twenty years later, he tried his best to recover it, not even the power of Hashirama cells.

“Can I do a detailed examination of your two eyes?”

Speaking of the final request, Shimura Xuan Ding looked calm.


There was a slight silence, but Uchiha Madara did not refuse.

He now basically believes that the Shimura family has never coveted his own eyes. After all, the series of flawless cultivation methods of Rasengan Golden Core are many times more valuable than his eternal eyes.

I really want to cultivate to Ultimate, and I can definitely have the strength beyond his peak period. At that level, the Eternal Eye is just like that.

Suppressing the ecstasy in the heart, Shimura Xuanding enters the sage mode and manipulates the immortal force silk thread to condense to the smallest degree, and then presses the palm of Uchiha Madara’s eyes, while copying the data, and carefully piercing from his head. The acupoints enter the two Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan along the meridian.

After a wave of detailed inspections, Shimura Xuanding sat aside and made a contemplative look, while consciousness entered the black top space, speeding up the flow of time, while zooming in and analyzing the two Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan copied.

“Sure enough, there are one hundred and eighty subtle acupuncture points!”

After seeing the magnified two eternal eyes, Shimura Xuanding said secretly as expected.

The Sharingan of the Mangekyō level has 144 subtle orifice points, while the higher-level Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan has 36 more subtle orifice points, reaching 180.

Moreover, the previous Jingwei acupoints are exactly the same as Uchiha Kagami’s Mangekyō. Obviously, Mangekyō’s pupil technique has little to do with the location of the Jingwei acupoints.

“The key is pupil power!”

Mingwu Sharingan’s core and most basic is the pupil power. Shimura Xuan Ding further guessed that Sharingan should have an independent promotion system until it opened up three hundred and sixty perfect subtle orifice points.

“It seems that the rumors that Vice Admiral Byakugan Sharingan and Rinnegan have separated and are listed as the three major pupils of the Ninth Realm are justified, but I don’t know who this rumor originated from?

Are the Sage of Six Paths brothers? Or their descendants? ”

Without delay, after gaining insight into the conditions and mysteries of the two Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Shimura Xuanding consciousness exited the Black Ding space and returned to the body in reality.

“Is there any hope to fix it?”

Seeing Shimura Xuanting raised his head, Uchiha Madara asked.

After all, he is a medical ninja who has become a monk, and he is not very Grandmaster in this regard. Perhaps his own judgment is not accurate.

And this kid’s medical skills are quite good, there may be a way to restore this eye.

An eternal eye and a full set of two eternal eyes are not the same concept.

“In theory, using the Meridian Acupoint Reconstruction Technique can be restored, but I can’t do it now. The main reason is that the fine acupuncture points in Sharingan are too small to recover.

And Izanagi destroyed these subtle orifice points, as long as you can restore them and then inject your pupil power, you should be able to recover. ”

Without concealing it, Shimura Xuanding even revealed the discovery of the Jingwei Acupoint.

“Fine points?”

With doubts on his face, it was the first time Uchiha Madara heard this new term.

“That kind of Jingwei Acupuncture is very small, much smaller than the cell, but in your eternal eyes, Master, the Jingwei Acupuncture is a bit bigger than Sangouyu’s, but it is still very small. Have an operation.”

Shaking his head slightly, Shimura Xuan Ding really had nothing to do with this aspect. Even a super microscope would not work. There was no way to perform such subtle operations at all.

“Compared with your original pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, although the subtle orifice points are not small, but the foundation is still there, you can start to repair it.

After the repair is completed, you can even try to use pupil power to guide those eyes into eternal eyes.

After hearing that the Jingwei Acupoint is much smaller than the cell, Uchiha Madara stopped paying too much attention, because it was useless to pay attention.

Even now he couldn’t sense the existence of the cell level, let alone the subtle orifice points much smaller than the cell.

Compared with restoring his original pair of Mangekyō, and then trying to upgrade them to eternal eyes, it is more reliable.

After all, the core of eternal eye metamorphosis lies in pupil power, and the eyeball is just a container for holding and exerting pupil power.

As for the eternal eye now, I can only think of a way to escape from Yin and Yang, and see if I can recreate it directly.

“After the secret operation of the condensed single-attribute Chakra crystal is developed, the old man will go to your Shimura’s house.”

Looking at the morning light that appeared outside the window, Uchiha Madara no longer stayed for a long time, got up and walked out.

Shimura Xuan Ding naturally got up and sent him off until he sent the cheap master out of the mansion.

“Illusory is awesome!”

Watching those Mist Shinobi Anbu ninjas guarding the outside and not seeing Uchiha Madara’s body and video, I can’t help feeling.

The illusion of the Ninja world is really awesome, and Sharingan’s increase in illusion is quite large. As the pinnacle of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Madara’s application of illusion has reached a kind of ultimate, which can be compared with the Kyōka Suigetsu of Shinigami Aizen next door. NS.

After some emotions, Shimura Xuan Ding turned around and walked back, first went back to his room, and put away all the contents in the scroll of Uchiha Madara.

I don’t know if I lost my mind, or I didn’t care about these things, Uchiha Madara walked quite smartly before and left these treasures here.

This time I made a lot of money!

Packed up these babies, turned around and went to Miss Teacher’s boudoir, and found that she had fallen asleep on the bed as expected.

Obviously, Uchiha Madara used illusion to put it down last night, and the Four Tails Sun Wukong split and Five Tails Kokuō split are the same.

After all, even the body of the tail beast can’t resist Uchiha Madara’s illusion, let alone a split body.

“Miss Yuguan, my disciple will check your body!”

Rubbing her hands in excitement, Shimura Xuan Ding stretched out his hand again.

During this period of time, the teachers and sisters have improved a lot, and it is time to update the data.

And he also needs a copy of Rasengan Gold Core to experiment with the effects of the two targeted occult techniques. After all, he has only experimented on himself before, and has not tried it on others!

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