Chapter 239 The Secret of the Eight Inner Gates

During the time when Shimura Xuan Ding and Shimura Danzō went to Loulan, the Shimura people started to operate the hype according to Danzo’s instructions before leaving, and the Shimura Xuan Ding and Tsunade’s attempted confrontation became Konoha’s most popular topic today. Even other Shinobu villages know about it.

At the same time, he opened the bank secretly and induced Tsunade to come over and bet.

As one of the protagonists, Tsunade naturally bet that he won, and he has absolute confidence in himself.

During this period of time, she didn’t relax her practice, especially after seeing Shimura Xuanding’s Yang Dun mode, her inspiration exploded, and she created a ninjutsu, which is enough to make her own strength get a leap.

She is sure to win this battle!

It’s not just Tsunade that thinks, but almost everyone in Konoha thinks that Tsunade will win.

Even Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who have personally seen Shimura Xuanding capable of breaking out of the Eight Inner Gates Formation, do not think Tsunade will lose.

We must know that they secretly observed last time that Shimura Xuanding used external force and a group of energy liquids rich in vitality to turn on the Yang escape mode, and that external force seemed to disappear after the war.

They don’t think that the other party can start Yang Dun mode again. Without the powerful self-healing ability endowed by Yang Dun mode, they will definitely die if they forcefully open Eight Inner Gates Formation.

Shimura Xuan Ding without Eight Inner Gates Formation is definitely not Tsunade’s opponent!

“Have you found out who is behind those gambling games?”

In the Senju clan, Tsunade asked solemnly.

“I found it!”

Jiraiya, who walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, puzzled, and had the same doubts as Orochimaru who came in behind.

“Is it Shimura’s house?”

Asked, Tsunade had already guessed in this regard.

“You guessed it right, it’s Shimura’s family, does Xiao Xuanding have any hole cards that can defeat you?”

Nodding, Jiraiya didn’t understand Shimura’s operation.

After opening so many markets, if Tsunade really wins, the Shimura family will have to lose hundreds of billions of taels, which is not a small amount.

Even the Shimura family, as Konoha’s richest man today, is absolutely difficult to handle, at least it is badly injured.

He doesn’t think the Shimura family will do stupid things, and there must be reasons for doing so.

The most likely thing is that he has absolute self-confidence to enable Shimura Xuanding to defeat Tsunade, but how is this possible?

Anyway, Jiraiya couldn’t think that Shimura Xuan Ding had a way to defeat Tsunade, unless he could turn on Yang Dun mode again and then turn on Eight Inner Gates Formation.

Could it be possible that the external force that was originally used can be reused?

“If Xuan Ding-kun can really open the Eight Inner Gates, can you resist it?”

Orochimaru licked his lips and asked. At the same time, he was very interested in the yang escape mode that Shimura Xuan Ding used and the kind of external force.

I really want to get that kid over for a good check on his body!

“If it’s the Eight Inner Gates Formation of the original level, I’m sure to carry it for a minute, and wait until he can’t bear it to release the Eight Inner Gates.”

Recalling the Eight Inner Gates Formation that the rebel had shown when he dealt with the evil god, Tsunade stroked the heavy giant sword in his hand, thinking that he could give it a try.

“That level at the beginning? Does Eight Inner Gates Formation also have levels?”

Sharply grasping the key points in Tsunade’s words, Orochimaru is even more curious.

Although he doesn’t like the Forbidden Technique of Eight Inner Gates, it does not hinder his interest in this power. After all, Shimura Xuanding and Tsunade showed strong physical power after the Seventh Gate broke out that day, surpassing the positive Kage- The level is powerful.

“The Forbidden Technique of Eight Inner Gates varies from person to person. It focuses on increasing the user’s power speed. The stronger the cultivator’s physical fitness, the stronger the combat power after the increase.

In terms of physical fitness, that little pervert is very strong. Although it is far worse than my grandfather, it is definitely not worse than my second grandfather’s peak physical fitness.

But how many Chakras can burst out of Eight Inner Gates depends on how much vitality there is in the body, which is a taboo technique for squeezing and even overdrawing vitality.

Although the little ghost has a strong physique, it has not much vitality. This is a limitation of innate physique and aptitude.

In addition, in order to maximize the use of the Chakra burst and extend the time, the little pervert forced the burst intensity down.

The Eight Inner Gates Formation itself burns out the vitality in the body within a minute, and even the body collapses, but the little pervert was extended to ten minutes at first, and also used the kind of vital energy liquid. ”

Opening the mouth to give a detailed explanation, Tsunade also needs two teammates to help analyze the wave and see what the final hole card of the rebel is.

As a ninja, the collection and analysis of intelligence is the top priority. In this regard, both teammates are excellent.

The intensity of the Eight Inner Gates Formation that the evildoer broke out at the beginning is actually not too high, at least much worse than some of the ancestors recorded in their Senju family classics.

According to ancient records, one of their ancestors broke the limit, Eight Inner Gates Formation, which distorted the space, and that kid was far behind that limit.

However, that kind of instantaneous extreme explosion would damage itself as well, and the body would collapse directly, while the low-intensity Eight Inner Gates of that kid would not.

“Tomorrow’s battle is a battle against each other. In principle, it is not allowed to use that kind of external force. It is impossible for Xiao Xuanding not to know this. His hole card should not be the Eight Inner Gates Formation.”

Jiraiya expresses his own point of view, not thinking that Shimura Xuan Ding will use the Eight Inner Gates Formation in a competition.

After all, that kid is a pity!

The three of them couldn’t help but fell into contemplation, all thinking about the confidence of Shimura Xuanding and the Shimura family.

“Sister, don’t you play so big, right?”

Senju Nawaki, who had been silent for a long time, spoke weakly. He disagrees with the fact that his elder brother and elder sister have been made so big, as if they had murdered their father.

He even disagrees with my old sister taking this opportunity to gamble, especially the new year’s money he has saved for several years to bet.

If this were to lose, his wife would have been gone.

Unfortunately, Tsunade ignored Nawaki’s proposal.

This time, he must chop up that rebel’s thieves to make his memory long.

Her Tsunade is not that easy to touch!


Suddenly Orochimaru turned his head and looked out, with surprise on his face, and then Jiraiya and Tsunade also looked out.

“Damn little pervert!”

After confirming that it was the breath of an insurgent, Tsunade gritted his teeth angrily.

Because the adversary went straight to his original villa and residence, not his current one.

The original villa house had already been taken over by the grandmother, and the rebel would definitely not be at ease when he went to find the grandmother. Apparently, he still wanted to cuckold grandfather and be her step-grandfather.

That’s right, after returning to Konoha through the Summoning technique, Shimura Xuan Ding settled down with Shimura, her number one battle pet, and went straight to Ms. Meidu.

“Miss Meidu, Dad said that the little fox has something to do with me?”

Shimura Xuanding asked curiously after having a hot dinner with Miss Meidu.

At first, I knew from my old father that it was the news revealed by Nine Tails. This was indeed a lot of favor.

Before Uzumaki could speak, a scarlet Chakra gushed out and drove his hair to dance, seeming to be protesting.


“The little fox is protesting to you, saying that he is not a little fox, but a big fox.”

He pursed his lips and smiled, Uzumaki was so beautiful that he was laughed, and then he changed his expression and said seriously: “He wants you to create that kind of division for him, but I hope to postpone this for a few years.”

A few months ago, Nine Tails asked to tell her, this is indeed a good thing, and it can ease the relationship between Nine Tails and Konoha, but she hopes to leave this kindness to the next generation of Jinchūriki.

After all, she hasn’t been able to hold on for a few years, and even giving favors to Nine Tails is of little use, but it happens to be reserved for the next generation of Nine Tails Jinchūriki to take this opportunity to get along with Nine Tails. Maybe she can truly gain the power of Nine Tails.

Of course, she didn’t think so at first, but the big nephew Senju Orange Water said it was good. Compared with herself, the next generation of Nine Tails Jinchūriki needs this kindness to Nine Tails more.

“Have you discussed this decision with the little…big fox? What’s his opinion?”

After thinking about it, Shimura Xuan Ding thought this was a good opportunity to use the Senju family’s attitude towards Nine Tails and his own contrast to the big fox.

Sure enough, Uzumaki fell silent when faced with the question of Shimura Genting. Obviously, from the standpoint of the Senju family and Konoha, it didn’t matter what Nine Tails’ attitude was.

All this is for Senju and Konoha!

“I don’t know what Miss Sister, you and the Senju family think, and I don’t know what First Hokage thought back then, but I think the tail beast is a complete intelligent life form with the power to determine itself, and we must respect it.

And I have never heard of the tail beasts taking the initiative to harm us humans. These big guys should have become our human friends.

But because of Uchiha Madara’s actions that year, Nine Tails was sealed by First Generation and you. Seven of the other eight big-tailed beasts were also captured by First Generation indiscriminately, and they were humiliated and sold as livestock.

The peace between Ninja Village and Ninja World should not be based on the humiliation and freedom of other intelligent life forms. This is not true peace at all, it is false. ”

Yizheng’s words express his attitude towards the tail beast and his criticism of First Hokage’s actions back then.

Shimura Xuan Ding, his friend of the tail beast, must redress the grievances of these poor big guys, and return them justice and freedom.

“Perhaps you are right, but the matter can no longer be undone at this point, and it was not easy to catch and sell tail beasts back then.”

Silent for a while, Uzumaki Mi agreed with this little brother’s words a little bit, but she must consider the Senju family and Konoha, and even the Uzumaki family in Uzumaki.

She also participated in the capture and sale of tail beasts back then, and even those super large seal scrolls that temporarily sealed tail beasts were made by her herself.

This was done to guard against a man, a terrible man, a man who was invincible after Hashirama passed away.

For the hard-won peace of Konoha and the Ninja world, those tail beasts had to be sacrificed.

“Your ninja thinking is inherently wrong, and you will inevitably regret it in the future.”

Putting on a look of loss and sighed, Shimura Xuan Ding felt sorry for not being able to help his friends.

He is so useless!

“The little fox said he wanted to see you.”

Suddenly Uzumaki Mei said a strange word, and even his expression revealed a strange expression.

“The big fox wants to see me?”

She was stunned, but Shimura Xuan Ding did not refuse, her gaze fell on Miss Meidu’s abdomen.

“Miss Sister, temporarily reveal the seal, I will go in with my spirit body to look at the big fox.”

Uzumaki did not refuse this, and talked about his clothes, revealing the seal of the tail beast on his abdomen.

Just looking at the slightly bulging abdomen, Shimura Xuanding’s face couldn’t help but twitch.

“I just ate a little bit!”

A touch of embarrassment appeared on the perfect jade face, Uzumaki Meidu quietly defended, saying that this is a support, she has not grown a belly, and has always been in great shape.

“Overeating is not a good habit.”

A kind reminder, Shimura Xuan Ding pressed her palm on the little sister to smooth… well, the slightly raised abdomen, while experiencing the confusing touch of the beautiful woman’s skin, while copying it, copy the tail beast seal along with the Nine Tails data in it. Go to the black tripod space.

He wanted to do this kind of thing a long time ago, and only today did he find a reasonable opportunity.

Without delay, the spiritual body of consciousness entered the sealed space through the tail beast seal, and also saw Nine Tails Kurama, but after seeing the image of Nine Tails, Shimura Xuanding’s spiritual face couldn’t stop twitching.

Terrible, terrible!

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