Chapter 251

Shimura Xuan Ding spent two days at home cultivating immortals, and then came to the Senju clan to assist Miss Uzumaki Meidu in her practice and condense the Rasengan Golden Core.

“We must strictly follow this Chakra circulation circuit to condense Rasengan. The speed must be in perfect harmony with the Chakra circulation circuit. There can be no conflicts, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.”

The palm of the hand is attached to the position of the young lady’s vest, and a set of exclusive Chakra circulation circuit is designed according to her physical condition, Shimura Xuan Ding solemnly instructed.

This is not a joke. The cohesion of Rasengan’s Golden Pill is extremely complicated. It is like a three hundred and sixty-one digit code lock, and every number must be matched.

Everyone has subtle differences in physique, meridians, acupoints, and so on, which must be matched.

The whole set of Rasengan golden core cultivation method is just like the formula to unlock this code lock. The speed of the Rasengan golden core of each acupuncture point needs to be strictly calculated, and a slight difference will cause the entire cultivation system to collapse.

At that time, so many Rasengan Gold Pills burst in the body, even if Sage of Six Paths comes, it will probably feel very sour.

So absolutely not sloppy!

“It’s really overly complicated.”

Rubbing her swollen forehead, Uzumaki Meidu was deeply shocked by the complexity of this Rasengan Gold Core, which was countless times more complicated and more dangerous than the most complicated seal technique she had learned.

“This is the foundation of the follow-up practice. The perfect Rasengan Golden Pill will take the acupuncture points as the foundation in the body, and the meridians will form a pattern to promote mutual stability, so that even if it is attacked by external forces, the Rasengan Golden Pill will be able to withstand it. .

Otherwise, once someone else destroys the Rasengan Gold Core in the body in the future, we will explode on the spot without waiting for the enemy to take further action. ”

Be patient and explain, Shimura Xuan Ding attaches great importance to this point. Uzumaki beauty is a big hole card used to counterbalance Uchiha Madara at this stage, and there must be no slippage.

“I feel that your Shimura family’s thinking is problematic. The practice method is always slanting, and it is extremely dangerous. If you don’t die, you will have to be disabled. Isn’t this not good?”

After hesitating, Uzumaki reminded me kindly that he felt that this kind of sword practice system was not good, very bad.

The first two levels of ED physical secrets are extremely dangerous, using various sound waves to exercise various parts of the body, and a little carelessness will leave incurable disabilities.

The previous C-level physical strengthening secret technique even hit the point on the acupuncture point. This is even more dangerous, and if one is not careful, it will be fatal.

She was shocked to see her, and she didn’t know how much sacrifice the Shimura family had paid to create this secret technique of cultivation.

“This is also an anti-theft method. If someone else obtains our cultivation secret technique through disgraceful means, they will not be able to practice normally if they have a tiny bit of incompleteness.”

Hey smile, Shimura Xuanding deliberately developed this kind of sword-moving slant practice method, which is a perfect anti-theft method.

This is also learned from the writings of Mr. Jin. Look at Mr. Jin’s 72 stunts at Shaomu Temple. Even the great men like Xiao Yuanshan Murongbo and Kumozhi have to kneel after practicing, and even if they have practiced more. Kneel, this kind of anti-theft method can be called the best in the world, and it really deserves to be the leader of martial arts.

Of course, this is more of a kind of helplessness. It can only be used to create this style of painting as a method of death and trial and error.After all, it was developed on the basis of countless wrong deaths, and it was naturally extremely dangerous.

But he has avoided those dangerous mistakes. As long as he has a complete cultivation method and he practices it step by step, there will be basically no danger.

“You are even my sister on guard.”

Smiled, Uzumaki didn’t care about it, and thought it was normal. After all, similar anti-theft methods are used by many ninja forces, and the Senju family are also using it.

It’s just that the Shimura family’s series of secret arts cultivation methods are much more dangerous.

“This is also mainly because you don’t want to embarrass you, sister, and you must not pass this exclusive practice method to others, otherwise the mortality rate will be as high as 99.9%.”

With the same smile, Shimura Xuan Ding is indeed guarding Miss Meidu, to be precise, guarding the Senju clan.

He didn’t want the overall strength of the Senju clan to be too strong. It was already the limit to trade the C-level physical strengthening secrets.

“Oh! Those people are getting less and less upbeat!”

When it comes to this topic, Uzumaki can’t help but sigh.

The Senju family, who had lost her husband and brother-in-law, was debilitated a lot, not only due to the weakness of hard power, but also the weakness of thinking. Many things could not even be seen by her.

Originally, according to my uncle’s plan, it was to abandon the high-level powers in the village, shrink the power of the Senju family and develop silently, until there was another super Kage-level existence.

It’s a pity that those people are too greedy and reluctant to bear the high power in their hands. Now they are even more faintly making the Senju family a target of Konoha.

This is also the main reason why she is unwilling to go out over the years, and the source of malice that covers almost the entire village shocks her.

“I suggest you write to the Uzumaki clan, and ask them to reveal all the details and step up their cultivation at all costs. In the next second Ninja World War, Uzumaki Kingdom will probably become one of the main battlefields.”

The sadness of the young lady made Shimura Xuan Ding’s heart moved, and she felt that she could start making arrangements in advance.

These words made Uzumaki’s heart beat in the United States. He raised his hand to arrange an isolation barrier, and asked seriously: “Did you get any information?”

Based on what she knows about this little brother, she is by no means a targetless person, since she said that, she must know something.

“I suspect that someone has revealed the secret of sealing Kurama, Miss Sister, to other Ninja villages. If other Ninja villages want to make better use of the power of those big guys, they will definitely look at the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.”

A solemn opening to tell this piece of information, Shimura Xuanting needs to form an alliance with the Uzumaki clan in the future Second Ninja World War, and must gain the trust of those redheads in advance. This is a good opportunity.

Moreover, according to the information disclosed by the one hundred feet An Lushan, in the future, they will use the entire Uzumaki clan’s life to perfect the Eight Trigrams immortal furnace, and this aspect also needs to be prepared.

“What’s wrong?”

Suddenly discovering that Miss Sister’s eyes became weird, Shimura Xuan Ding looked at herself in wonder, and found nothing wrong.

“Did the little monkeys leak this matter?”

After hesitating, Uzumaki Meidu asked in a tactful language.

What she really wanted to ask was whether Shimura Danzō had leaked it deliberately, but it wasn’t a good idea to say that, after all, it was the little brother’s father.

‘Damn, is the sixth sense of women so accurate? ’

Her heart beat again, Shimura Xuan Ding became more and more afraid of the mysterious sixth sense of the woman, but she didn’t show the slightest panic on her face.

“My sister wanted to ask if it was my father’s rumor, and wanted to kill the Senju clan with the help of the Second Ninja World War, and then truly take power in the village, right?”

He asked indifferently, Shimura Xuanding’s mentality was very stable, without the slightest panic. Anyway, it was someone from his old father’s group who did this bad thing. What does it have to do with him?

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s mainly that your father’s style of doing things is this unscrupulous, and the maliciousness of the little monkeys can’t be hidden from me.”

Her face was sad and sad, Uzumaki Meidu shook her head slightly. She suspected it was not without reason. After all, there were not many people in the village who had this motive, just a few.

Most of these people are still the disciples of their husbands and uncles, which makes her feel very uncomfortable and confused.

Is the Shinobu system established by Hashirama right or wrong?

“Miss Sister thinks that my father Shimura Danzō and our Shimura family need to use this kind of unpretentious means to suppress the Senju clan?”

The complexion was still calm, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t panic at all.

Although it was indeed done by my old father, who can testify?

It’s just that my father’s style of doing things does have a problem. Miss Meidu is the first to buckle up the black pot. The name of Guo Ying is really well-deserved!

“I will write to my father and ask them to step up their preparations.”

Uzumaki did not doubt Shimura’s words, and nodded that it would make the Uzumaki clan guard.

The facts are exactly as the little brother said. With the background displayed by the Shimura family, there is no need to make such small moves, and it can directly suppress all dissatisfaction with its tyrannical strength.

Just as the husband and Uchiha Madara subdued those ninjas to join Konoha, the Shimura family has this confidence.

The most important thing is that last time she also set up a Shadow Clone to go to Hokage Cliff to watch the duel between her granddaughter and this little brother. At that time, Shimura Danzō gave her a sense of depression, which was similar to the sense of depression that her husband Senju Hashirama gave her back then. .

Obviously, Shimura Danzō’s strength is not as shown, it has a bigger hole card.

With such strength, would people use that kind of little trick?

It seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen should have leaked this secret.

“What are you doing sneakily?”

Suddenly, her eyebrows frowned slightly, Uzumaki removed the isolation barrier and stretched out a diamond chain to pull in a figure from the outside.


Tsunade, who was dragged in, was a little flustered, and calmly said that he hadn’t done anything, but he cast a cold glance at the rebel.

She had long sensed that this rebellious disciple had come again, and she didn’t care about it, but her grandmother suddenly arranged an isolation barrier, which made her very uneasy, for fear that a little uncle would be created.

“I almost forgot. At the end of the Hokage Cliff battle, I checked the physical condition of Mr. Tsunade, and found that she was overloaded with practice during this time, leaving a lot of hidden injuries on herself. I suggest going to our Shimura’s house. A wave of recuperation.”

Recalling the misunderstanding of Tsunade’s memory about the relationship between herself and Miss Meidu, Shimura Xuan Ding decided to adjust the price of this fat sheep teacher.

And this girl has grown a lot in more than a year, and it’s time to update the data.

“Don’t think about it!”

Tsunade has blown up her hair. Having had the experience back then, how can she not guess the true intentions of this rebel?

She will never go to the Shimura family in her life, nor will she die!

“You damn Nizi really take my words as deaf ears?”

Uzumaki’s beauty is furious. As a person who has come from the Sengoku era, she knows how cruel the overloaded practice of quick success and quick profit is. That is the main reason why the ninja’s life span is only 30 in the Sengoku era.

She originally hoped that her granddaughter would have a good future, but who would think that this girl should practice like that behind her back is really annoying.


Seeing her grandmother angry, Tsunade panicked.

“To shut up!”

He scolded, Uzumaki Mei Du slammed forward and slapped his granddaughter’s abdomen with his palm, and the complicated sealing technique spread, confining Chakra in his body.

“Little brother, trouble you!”

After sealing the granddaughter, Uzumaki Meidu signaled Shimura Xuanting to take the people away.

“Miss, don’t worry, I will definitely use the best means and the best medicine to help Teacher Tsunade recover.”

Solemnly gave a promise, Shimura Xuanding couldn’t help but Tsunade spoke again, Xianyuanli silk thread stretched over to tie her body, even her mouth was firmly tied, and finally she carried it on her shoulders and walked out. .


Tsunade naturally struggled hard, but without Chakra’s physical fitness alone, he couldn’t get rid of the bondage of the immortal force silk thread. He could only be humiliated by Shimura and left Senju clan land, and then passed through the streets where people go. Under the strange gazes of countless people, he was carried into the Shimura family.

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