Chapter 254

Ninja’s work efficiency is very high. After hearing Shimura Xuan Ding’s salary of one billion taels, Third Kazekage went directly to the battle without saying a word.

A dozen solar furnaces built around the village were used to smelt sand into lava. According to the drawings given by Shimura Xuan Ding, a cylindrical tall building with a diameter of 200 meters and a height of 600 meters was created.

Finally, the tall building was divided into ten parts, and all Magnet Style ninjas in the village were controlled by airlift to the apartment where Kayura was originally located.

The apartment was demolished a long time ago, or was demolished by the original residents who lived there. The demolished was happy.

No way, Shimura Xuan Ding dumped one billion taels again, and no one could bear the temptation of money.

A large pit with a depth of 100 meters and a diameter of 200 meters was dug in place as the foundation, which was directly connected to the underground rock layer.

In just one day, the 600-meter-high building was completed. Although it was assembled one by one, a 30-meter-diameter lava column was inserted in the center to connect all the floors into a whole.

The next step is the decoration work, and it is up to the original apartment residents in this area to start, after all, the billion taels are not for nothing.

Three days later, Jiarongluo and his party who had returned from the mission stood under the tall building in a daze.

“That’s right!”

Ye Cang looked back at the familiar street, wondering.

I really don’t understand why I just accompanied Luo Sha out of the village to dig a wave of mines. After I came back, the house was gone and turned into such a tall building.

“It’s that bastard!”

Luo Sha, who was with him, looked at the gold medal on the door of the villa, gritted his teeth with hatred at the name on it.

“House of Yecang, Karuura, Yasha Maru, Shimura Xuan Ding.”

After reading the line on the house number, Ye Cang probably guessed what was going on. It must have been the beast who came to Sunagakure and built this high-rise villa.

“Ye Cang, Arrow, welcome you home!”

At this time the door opened, and a golden-clad boy with a bright sunny smile welcomed the return of the two women.

“Asshole, what about the original residents here? What did you do to them?”

Luo Sha asked angrily and hated this bastard to death.

“Looking at what you said, I am also a member of Sunagakure, how could I persecute people in the same village.

Before giving a relocation fee of one billion taels, they all moved to other places happily.

By the way, those people are responsible for the decoration of this building, and the effect is not bad. ”

Yizheng expressed his identity as Sand Shinobi. Shimura Xuan Ding stepped forward and grabbed the wrists of the two women and pulled them into the villa. As he walked, he smiled and exhorted: “I built this villa for the four of us. , I will basically not stay in the village in the future, you have to take good care of your home.”

Jiaren Luo, who was caught by the wrist, naturally resisted, but unfortunately, her power was far from someone’s opponent, she could only be dragged into the villa gate.

“Asshole, don’t go!”

Luo Sha, who had just reacted in a hurry, got up and chased after him. Unfortunately, she was finally blocked by the gate. She wanted to force a breakthrough, but found that a large enchantment was arranged here, enclosing the entire villa building.

This discovery made him vomit blood with anger.

“Rosa Chūnin, Master Fengying has an order. Please do not disturb Shimura Xuanding during his stay in the village. He and Jōnin have special tasks to perform together.”

An Anbu ninja showed up to stop Rosha’s attempt to use Magnet Style to attack the villa building and conveyed Third Kazekage’s order.

“How long will the bastard stay in the village?”

With a gloomy little face, after a long time barely calmed down her mood, Luo Sha asked.

Although he didn’t want that bastard to be alone with his goddess Kayura, since it was Third Kazekage’s order, he could only recognize it.

Now I just hope that bastard will not stay in the village for too long.

“Not sure.”

After returning the three words, Anbu Ninja continued to hide in the dark, guarding the villa building from outsiders while monitoring the Shimura Xuanding inside.

“The top floor is divided into three areas, the bedrooms for the three of us, and the living room on the roof.”

All the way to the top level, Shimura Xuan Ding gave a brief explanation, and dragged the two women to the rooftop, where barbecue and various delicacies were already prepared.

These ingredients are frozen foods he brought from home, which are specially sealed with ice cubes.

After all, Sunagakure is notoriously lacking in resources, and even eating is a problem. As a spoiled young master, he doesn’t want to come over and suffer.

“It is a large cold storage with a set of refrigeration equipment. It relies on solar power and does not require multiple pipes, but you must remember to maintain it frequently.”

While arranging the cut barbecue on the dinner plate in front of the two women, he pointed to the large cold storage not far away.

Refrigerators have existed for a long time, but they have not been popularized. The main reason is that there is not enough power supply. Only those nobles in the Daming Mansion can enjoy it, and there are special power generation devices.

His power generation device relies on solar energy, but it is not photovoltaic power generation. Instead, it uses mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a steam boiler to heat it. The water vapor drives the generation of mechanical energy, and then drives the generator to generate electricity, and finally puts it in the cold storage. The refrigeration equipment is up and running.

Facing the barbecue that Shimura Xuan Ding handed over, Jia Ruluo ignored him, and even his bright eyes were full of defense.

She hadn’t forgotten what this guy had done to herself in the first place, and she also understood the real face of this guy. Now, the appearance is just a disguise.

“Sister, you can eat too! The barbecue that Xuan Ding’s brother makes is delicious.”

Next to him, he was holding a deer leg chewing happily at Yacha Maru, watching the sister beside him did not move the barbecue, and handed it a puzzled look.

“Yasha pill, you go down to eat, sister has something to tell him.”

Touching his little brother’s head, Jia Ruluo gently gestured to go down to eat.

Some things must be asked clearly.


“Goodbye, Brother Xuan Ding!”

Nodding obediently, Yasha Maru politely said goodbye to Shimura Xuan Ding, then picked up his dinner plate and walked downstairs.

“It’s so cute!”

Looking at Yasha Maru, which is more like a little Loli, Shimura Xuan Ding is very affectionate to this little brother.

The future of this kid is really miserable. His sister was pitted to death by his brother-in-law, and he was also pitted to death by his brother-in-law Luo Sha.

It is said that Luo Sha is really a big scam. In the original book, the wife died and the younger brother-in-law was scammed, and finally the son became mad.

Jia Ruluo didn’t know if he was blind to the product.

When I came here before, the kid was not in the apartment, but in the school. As long as Jiaren Luo went out on assignments, the kid stayed at the school. He was a very well-behaved little guy.

Recalling the hard end of the little boy’s original work, a hot fireball was thrown over, raising his hand to easily catch it, and looking at Ye Cang who had summoned several Scorch Style fireballs.

“Beast, go to death!”

Annoyed, Ye Cang threw the condensed Scorch Style fireballs one after another, blocking all the hiding space of the beast.

Jiarongluo also followed suit, and a piece of yellow sand flowed out of his clothes to kill him.

It is a pity that the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too huge. The two women only felt a flash of golden light in front of them, and then they were hugged into a solid embrace as soon as their waists were tight.

“As a girl, be gentle, otherwise you will not be able to marry in the future.”

Caressing the soft and smooth willow waists of the two women, Shimura Xuan Ding smiled and suggested, and then looked at Gairara complainingly.

“Aruo, this is your fault. I have said that it was just a misunderstanding. It’s just a check on you. How can you slander me on Achang’s side?”

Judging from Ye Cang’s reaction just now, it was obvious that he already knew what he had done for Kayanluo in the first place. It seems that this lady is not a person who can keep secrets.

Being hugged in this way, the two women naturally didn’t want to, but wanted to struggle but found that the acupuncture points in the body were blocked, and it was impossible to run Chakra to perform ninjutsu.

Fortunately, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t really want to do anything with the two of them. After showing his absolute strength, he returned to his original position and enjoyed the barbecue that he had just grilled.

This kind of grilled meat that is directly grilled with the concentrated sunlight is quite delicious, without the smoke smell of charcoal grilling at all.

“No matter what purpose you have in Sunagakure, you will never succeed. We will keep staring at you.”

After restraining the good girlfriend who wanted to make another move, Jiaren Luo stared at someone bitterly, got up and left, and left here with the younger brother.

Ye Cang also glared at a certain beast with a garb, and then left the top floor.

Shimura Xuanding didn’t care about the two women’s leaving Shimura. He knew that the two would return soon. After all, he had already assigned a billion taels of security tasks on the Fengying Building and appointed the two girls to come over. The bodyguard, by the way, also gave Sunagakure an excuse to send someone to watch closely.

Sure enough, an hour later, Jiarenluo and Yecang returned again, but they did not come to the rooftop, but lived on the top floor.

Although I didn’t want to come over to see the Damn it guy again, this was an order from Master Fukage, which they had to obey as ninjas.

After enjoying a hearty meal prepared by himself, Shimura Xuan Ding lay down on the Xiaoyao chair and sunbatheed, thinking about his plan at Sunagakure, and did not go down until night fell.

“go out!”

The two girls, Ye Cang Jiaruluo, who had just put on their clothes after taking a shower, looked at someone who entered the room and scolded them coldly, and at the same time became vigilant.

“Presumably, Uncle Fengying has already told you. Next, I need Arrow to assist the big guy to split into the split body. In exchange, I will persuade the big guy’s body to be quieter. If there are no special circumstances in the future, basically Will not run away again.

Before that, I need to check Arrow’s physical condition in detail so that I can make a plan to merge and split with that big guy. ”

The straightforward person told the purpose of coming, but it was a pity that they got angry gazes.


Ye Cang clenched his teeth tightly with anger, and was really mad at the shamelessness of this guy.

You really think you are a gynecologist!

“Oh! Fortunately, you are still a Sand Shinobi, don’t you know how to sacrifice for the village?”

With a sigh of hatred for iron and steel, Shimura Xuan Ding felt that there was a problem with the thinking of these two girls. As Sunagakure ninjas, he had to have the consciousness to dedicate himself to the village.

“Don’t think about it!”

Also clenching her teeth, Jiaru Luojieyin displayed Magnet Style, preparing to use the sandy lava under her feet as a means of attack, or self-protection.

Ye Cang on the other side also condensed the Scorch Style fireball again, but unfortunately the strength of the two sides was too different, and Shimura Xuanding used the silk thread to control his body before he could react.

Compared with the Chakra silk thread, the Xianyuanli silk thread can be perfectly hidden into the natural energy because of the natural energy in it. Except for the pupil eyes, ordinary people can’t see it at all, and it is difficult to perceive it.

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