Chapter 259 Three Powers Checks and Balances

“Master, what do you think of the current Ninja Ninja Village and Ninja World?”

Shimura Xuan Ding looked down after arranging the affairs of Kayura, and asked a crucial question.

“Ninja Ninja Village and Ninja World are the products of mistakes. You ninjas have abandoned Ninja Sect and Chakra. They have become cancer tumors in the world and will inevitably be eliminated in the future.”

Unequally divided blessing monk opened his mouth, and Shouzuru bitterly expressed his dislike for the ninja.

In the past few months, their nine big-tailed beasts have exchanged many times in the spiritual space, and they all agree with Shimura Xuanting’s point of view. They believe that the ninja has become a tumor in this world and must be eliminated to restore the purity of Chakra, even Rebuild Ninzong.

Not paying attention to Shouhe’s words, the monk Fenfu seriously considered this issue, silent and half-paid, and said two words of evaluation.

“not good!”

Among other things, at least the occurrence of the Ninja World War is the strongest proof that the Ninja Village system is not good. This is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

“Blessed seniors…”

Ye Cang, who had been following with no words, really couldn’t accept this evaluation, which was a denial of their ninja and Sunagakure.

The most important negative person is One Tail Jinchūriki, and even the disciple of Master Second Generation, who is the same mentor as Master Third Kazekage.

This is terrible!

“There are many things you juniors haven’t touched yet. The dark side of Ninja Ninja Village is not as simple as you think.”

Shaking his head slightly, Monk Fenfu looked at the younger generations Ye Cang and Jia Ruo kindly.

Although he has stayed in the sand temple, he is not ignorant of the outside world.

For example, he had heard about the incident last year, and vaguely guessed that the departure of Chiyo and Xiangyu was not easy, and it might be involved in the power struggle in the village.

This is not what he wants to see.

Seeing that Monk Fenfu is indeed a sensible person, Shimura Xuanding is more sure about the monk Huyou, and Shen Su earnestly said: “The existence of a ninja is not necessary for the entire mankind and the entire world, or even redundant.

The chaos in the Sengoku era was largely driven by ninjas, but the ninjas in the Sengoku era continued to kill on a family basis, mainly targeting the ninja group.

The establishment of the ninja village system brought together the ninja forces, especially Second Hokage opened a ninja school, which trained a large number of civilian ninjas, and completely transformed the ninja into a war machine.

The casualties and losses caused by the last Ninja World War cannot be counted, and it has brought pain to countless people.

And this is just the beginning. As the Ninja Village continues to grow, Ninja World Wars will inevitably break out frequently, and even grow bigger and bigger, until the world is destroyed.

To solve this problem from within the Ninja Ninja Village and Ninja World, the only way to reappear the ultra-standard existence of First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, to further gather the ninja groups, merge the major Ninja villages to form Ninja.

But this involves two problems. First, the existence of Ninja Village is absolutely forbidden by the Daimyo Mansion. There must be a battle between the two sides. Either you die or I die. There is no third option. ”

“Can’t we all live together peacefully?”

Karuura couldn’t help but speak, and didn’t like this argument very much.

“You Sunagakure can’t live peacefully with Shouhe? You are always greedy and want to seize the power of others, and even make up the setting of Jinchūriki. You must know that Sunagakure is the first to make Jinchūriki, First Hokage Madam also just borrowed your approach.”

Asked a question in the past, leaving Jiaren Luo speechless.

After all, even they themselves cannot achieve peaceful coexistence, so how can they talk about peaceful coexistence with the Daming Mansion.

This is indeed an irreconcilable contradiction.

Monk Fenfu also fell into silence. When he was very young, he was sealed into his body by the abbot of the previous generation of Sand Temple, Saman General Shouhe, and replaced the sealed cauldron that needed to supply Chakra from time to time for blessing.

At that time, the Ninja Village era had not yet appeared, and Shamen was not Sunagakure’s Second Kazekage. Seriously speaking, he was indeed the first tailed beast in the Ninja world, Jinchūriki.

“What’s the second question?”

Ye Cang asked. Shimura Xuanding said that there were two questions before, so what about the second one?

“If there is another super-special powerhouse like Senju Hashirama Uchiha Madara in the ninja world, the possibility of the ninja winning the final victory will be very high, and the establishment of the ninja country will become a necessity at that time.

In this way, there will be a fatal problem, which is also the fatal flaw of Ninja Ninja Village, because ninja is not a qualified ruling class. Can you imagine what a style of painting a world ruled by ninjas would be like? ”

These words caused the three people present to fall into silence again, and the expected results were not very good.

Darkness, blood, killing, deceit, cruelty, etc. are all the essence of ninjas, which will bring about a terrible era that is darker than the Sengoku era.

“Xuan Ding-kun raised this question, has he thought of a solution?”

After a long silence, Monk Fenfu suddenly spoke, staring at the golden armored boy in front of him with hope.

The two women next to them also turned their eyes to look, and were also very interested in what Shimura Xuanding said next.

What solution will this guy have?

“I don’t know if you have ever understood the structure of the Daming Mansion. Nowadays, the Daming Mansion of various countries is divided into three parts. In addition to all the names of the Prime Minister, the lower part is divided into three powers: Ministers, Admiral and Nobles.

The three major forces have checked and balanced each other, forming a relatively balanced and stable structure. This is the foundation on which the Da Ming Palace can be passed down for thousands of years.

Just as a triangle is the most stable structure in reality, a table with four legs is often uneven, but a table with three legs can adapt to any terrain and is the most stable structure.

If a ninja wants to establish a ninja country, he must also create a three-power separation and three-power check-and-balance structure.

The ninja is only one of the points, and two other points are needed to check and balance, so that they will not indulge themselves and act recklessly. ”

“Is that why you made that ninja in Iwagakure?”

If he thinks about it, Kareura probably guessed that the Ninja Warrior is a balance point for him.


Passing an appreciative look, it was a pity that he got a Byakugan from the young girl, and he was obviously still brooding about what happened last night.

“Are you going to invite the blessing seniors to become the third point?”

Ye Cang was also thoughtful, guessing that the third balance point of Shimura Xuan Ding must be related to the predecessor.

“Yes, not right!”

Nodded and shook his head again, Shimura Xuan Ding explained: “The balance of power can only be supported by a relatively independent group, which cannot be achieved by individuals alone, and personal thinking is too subjective, which is not conducive to overall development. , We need to start with the Fenfu master and develop a brand new system that can check and balance the current ninja system. For example, the ninja system of Sand Temple is very good.”

Without evasively speaking out the ultimate goal, Shimura Xuan Ding never thought of concealing these thoughts, nor did he want to turn them into that kind of secret conspiracy.

A masculine man has to do things with integrity, even if he wants to use tricks, he must use scheming, so that others have no choice but to follow the route he has set.

He had already set a path for Sunagakure and even the entire Ninja World, and everyone had no choice.

“Xuan Ding-kun’s proposal is very feasible. The old man is willing to give it a try, but the sand temple does not have a complete heritage and cannot have the power to counterbalance the ninja system.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Monk Fenfu was moved, but he was a little weak.

If you want to check and balance Sunagakure’s ninja system, the power required is not low. Without sufficient inheritance, it is impossible to cultivate so many powerful ninja monks.

And without enough power, everything is just a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water.

“There is no need to be absolutely independent, as long as it is relatively independent. The ninja system can learn from part of the ninja’s secret ninjutsu system and use it to improve itself, but the ninja also has to have a unique inheritance system. I just have this inheritance. One, I wonder if the master would like to learn?”

Staring at the monk Fen Fu with a smile, Shimura Xuan Ding is quite optimistic about this old guy. He is not only Sunagakure’s Jinchūriki, but also a disciple of Second Kazekage and a senior brother of Third Kazekage, with sufficient status and status.

It would be more appropriate to use it to take the lead in developing the power of the Ninja Sang. When the time comes, the three major systems of Ninja Ninja Warrior and Ninja Sang will be directly staged in the Ninja Village. It will be very interesting to think about it.

“The old man is naturally willing to learn, but I don’t know what Xuan Ding-kun wants?”

Monk Fenfu asked, he didn’t believe that this young man would selflessly pass on that secret technique to himself.

After all, the two essentially belong to two different and hostile Shinobu villages.

“I want to study that sealed cauldron!”

Pointing at the oversized sealed cauldron behind the monk Fenfu, Shimura Xuan Ding has been greedy for this thing for a long time.

If you want to make a storage ring, which is a necessary artifact for killing people and making money, you must have a reference.

At this stage, the Ninja world has similar functions as the two Six Paths Ninja Red Gourd and Amber Purifying Bottle from Cloud Shinobi Village. Next is the sealing cauldron used by Sunagakure to seal One Tail.

Although the sealing effect is not as good as the red gourd and amber bottle of Cloud Shinobi Village, there are also special features. For example, the sealing pot can be enlarged and reduced.

According to the blog’s biography, this sealed kettle is only the size of a spittoon, and even seems to be very light. It doesn’t matter to seal such a big Shouhe fat cat in, but now the sealed kettle is ten meters high.

If we can study the secret of enlargement and reduction clearly and apply it to our own Eight Trigrams furnace, it would be wonderful, and it will perfectly solve the defects of the Eight Trigrams furnace that is bulky and inconvenient to carry.

“You want to study that?”

Looking back at the huge sealed cauldron behind him, Monk Fenfu was vigilant.

This is a powerful ninja that can seal the tail beast, and the One Tail is too special. It is absolutely impossible to make trouble if it is sealed in for other tail beasts.

The most important thing is that his current tail beast seal is arranged in accordance with the seal technique on the seal cauldron, which involves the safety of the entire Sunagakure.

“Our Shimura family wants to make a kind of endurance that can store things freely on the basis of the sealing reel. There is no need to use the sealing reel every time, and it can be used repeatedly.”

Still speaking out his own thoughts without evasiveness, Shimura Xuan Ding really needs a storage ring, and it is too troublesome to always carry the pile of sealed objects scrolls.

“The ideas of the nobles can be described as wild and unconstrained. If you can study this kind of storage ninja, it will greatly promote the development of the ninja world.”

Admired by Shimura Xuan Ding’s proposal, the monk Fenfu used Chakra to manipulate the huge sealing cauldron behind him to shrink it and hand it to the golden armored boy in front of him, while secretly sighing that his weapon was small.

People want to use this sealing cauldron to study and make storage ninjas that are beneficial to the entire ninja world, but he was thinking that the other party wanted to use it to make sealed ninjas for war.

Small, my own structure is too small!

“Thanks to the master for your understanding and support. If you really research and make a storage ninja in the future, you will definitely give the master one.”

Shimura Xuan Ding sincerely gave a promise after receiving the reduced seal pot.

“Of course, there are yours.”

Looking at the two girls beside him, Shimura Xuan Ding also gave a promise.

“Who wants your storage ninja.”

Twisting their mouths and turning their heads to one side, Kareura and Yekura didn’t think the Shimura family would be able to study successfully.

Even if it is really researched out, the materials used are bound to be extremely precious, cannot be popularized, and are of little use to the entire Ninja World.

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