Chapter 263

“The ninja warrior and ninja are what I prepared for the future ninja, and I don’t want to put them directly into the war, especially the ninja war.

I know Third Kazekage’s thoughts very well. They just want to use those ninja warriors as cannon fodder.

I need you to become stronger as soon as possible and prevent Third Kazekage and others from pushing those children onto the battlefield as cannon fodder in the village.

In exchange, I will let other Shinobu warriors not go to the battlefield, including our Konoha.

Of course, I will let the Great Name Mansion of the Kingdom of Wind cooperate with you. Now you only need to smoothly improve your own strength and the right to speak in the village as soon as possible. The Ninja World War should not officially break out in one or two years. ”

“If you can guarantee that other Shinobu villages will not send Shinobu warriors to deal with our Sunagakure, I can try to protect those children.”

Gazing at each other, Gairara was the first to express his stance.

She also didn’t want to make the scale of the next Ninja World War bigger, it would not be good for everyone.

But the premise is that the ninja warriors of other ninja villages are not dispatched, otherwise they can only let those children go to the battlefield in order to protect themselves.

“me too!”

Ye Cang followed, saying that if it was just this request, it wouldn’t matter if he agreed.

“Very good, let’s go back!”

Seeing the two women respond, Shimura Xuan Ding was full of smiles.

At this stage, the Ninja Warrior has just been created, and it is still very weak, and it needs a stable period of time to develop wretchedly.

In the next Second Ninja World War, he would not let the ninja warriors fight, and at most assisted the five ninja villages to guard the village, allowing the five ninja villages to liberate more ninjas to participate in the war.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at the girl who was staring at her, Shimura Xuan Ding asked in puzzlement.

What’s wrong with this girl?

“I feel you still have something to hide from us!”

Staring closely at someone’s eyes, Gairara always felt that this guy was not at ease.

“I’m hiding too many things from you, which one do you mean?”

He asked with a smile, let the girl squat, and flew back to Sunagakure with the big sword under his feet.

At the same time, Shimura Xuan Ding once again realized that a woman’s sixth sense was unreasonable, and this girl could even feel that she was not at ease.

That’s right, the main reason why he imparted the two-girl set of Chakra armor secrets is to force him to split with the Sunagakure ninja.

These two girls are now Fengying’s diehards. After going back, they will definitely tell Third Kazekage about the seven Chakra armors they passed down. Then Third Kazekage and others will definitely let these two girls go to research and development to be popularized. The Secret Art of Chakra Armor.

But what I gave is an exclusive version of the Chakra circulation circuit that fits the bodies of the two women. It is not impossible to develop a general version based on it, but it is necessary to wait for the two women to reach the Six Paths level to fully understand the mysteries of the human body, or die. Millions of people went to experiment one by one.

These two methods are unrealistic, but will Third Kazekage and others believe the explanation of the two women?

With the mind and mind of those old guys, they would only think that the two women are in Tibet, and even doubt the loyalty of the two women, and the development of the next thing will become very simple.

At that time, Third Kazekage and others will personally push Karuura and Yekura out of the ninja group, into the two systems of ninja samurai and ninja, and become half of them.

This is called a positive plot. Even if Third Kazekage and others were involved, they would not expect it to be the result of their own plan. Even if there is speculation, there is no evidence.

The scheme is more insidious, but it works, isn’t it?

Soon Jialuluo flew back to Sunagakure with the big sword, and the two women went straight to the Fengying Building to report, and honestly explained everything except for the transaction with Shimura Xuanding.

This matter should not be known to Third Generation and others.

“Can’t those seven secret techniques be cultivated for others?”

After hearing the reports of the two women, Third Kazekage’s old face flushed with excitement, and then calmed down, feeling that the matter might not be easy.

“The Chakra circulation circuit is very complicated, and it fits very well with our body. It is difficult to develop a general type of secret technique on this basis.”

Difficult to look at his face, Jiaren Luo was not confident that he would be able to develop a general version of the secret technique.

They had already tried in this regard, but unfortunately the secret techniques that the guy passed to them were very strange, incomparable to themselves, but they couldn’t be applied to other people.

I even tried with some ninjas not long ago. Eight were killed on the spot, 17 were mutilated, and dozens of others were injured.

Obviously that guy had been guarding them a long time ago.

“You learn and adapt to these secret techniques as soon as possible, understand the mysteries within, and then develop a general version of the secret techniques on this basis. This is very important for the village.”

Feeling disappointed, but Third Kazekage still gave an order to let the two women start development.

If a universal version of this secret technique can be developed, it will be a huge improvement for their Sunagakure.

We must know that the Lightning Style armor secret technique alone has raised the overall strength of Cloud Shinobi Village to a new level. This is an opportunity, an opportunity for Sunagakure to rise.

“Yes, Lord Third Generation.”

The two women Jiaru Luo Yecang solemnly took their orders.

“Go back and rest!”

Waved for the two women to go back to rest. After both women left the office, Third Kazekage looked at Ebizō.

“Has the inheritance obtained by dividing the blessings have not been cracked?”

He was greedy for the secret technique inheritance Shimura Xuanding took out, and he had long been eyeing the secret technique that gave the blessing.

It’s just that the secret technique is very pitted and requires a state of mind called the realm of Buddha to cultivate. Only one person in the sand temple meets the conditions.

And without this Buddha’s realm as the foundation, there is no way to cultivate that secret technique inheritance, which is very pitted.

“The Shimura family’s anti-theft methods are very tricky, and we can’t solve them with our background, unless we have studied for dozens of hundreds of years and have to pay no small sacrifices.”

Ebizō is also helpless. If it is other secret art inheritance, even if it is a little bit incomplete, it is not a big problem, but the problem is that the secret art inheritance developed by the Shimura family is known for its extreme danger and danger. A little modification can be done. Killing.

In order to cooperate with Jiaruluo and Ye Cang to see through the mystery of those secret techniques, many people have been sacrificed, but there is not even the slightest result.

This makes people very painful.

“If you catch him again and ask, what is the chance of success?”

Murder in his heart appeared, and Third Kazekage did not want to give up this opportunity.

“The probability is almost zero. Let’s not talk about the Eight Inner Gates Formation. We can’t stop him when the Seventh Gate is turned on, let alone people can fly.

The Magnet Style in our village can only fly at low altitudes, and people can’t stop it if they want to go. Moreover, the radiation energy of the boy’s suit is destined to be unable to be restricted by enchantment art. That is an existence without solution. ”

Helplessly speaking, Ebizō did not agree with Third Kazekage’s proposal.

If it’s just a low success rate, it doesn’t matter. They can put it together, but the kid has no solution now, and the success rate is infinitely close to zero.

They are no longer the little devil who let them know more than a year ago.

Not to mention that the kid could order One Tail to do something. He really wanted One Tail to run wild in the village, but it was a pit.

“How about poison?”

Third Kazekage is a man who doesn’t give up easily, let alone a hole card.

“No, there is no chance of poisoning, that kid has always been very vigilant.”

Shaking his head again, Ebizō really didn’t want to meet that kid.

It’s not enough to be strong, and the cards are still emerging. The most important thing is that people are still very cautious. Anyone facing such an opponent will have a headache.

Not to mention how to discuss the Fengying Building. On the other hand, Shimura Xuan Ding waited in the room for a long time to see that the two girls hadn’t come to the house, so they had no choice but to hold a bottle of Shimura Erguotou.

“This time we will do it ourselves.”

After taking a shower, Kareura, who was lying on the bed, saw Shimura Xuan Ding coming, and hurriedly pressed her quilt tightly, her pretty face flushed.

“Hey, don’t make trouble!”

Walked over and lifted the quilt, forcibly turned the girl’s body over, put Shimura Erguotou on the red and swollen, rubbing it with Shimura flow massage, so that the height of Erguotou’s alcohol and the Greer energy liquid in it penetrate Go in.

The girl who was forced to be treated again had to gritted her teeth and buried her face in the pillow. Her pretty face was red as blood, and even the jade skin of her whole body was covered with pink.

After a while, Ye Cang, who also took a shower, walked out of the bathroom and looked at someone who was giving a compulsory treatment to a good girlfriend, feeling helpless.

This guy is too domineering!

After giving Jiarongluo a massage therapy service and updating the data by the way, Shimura Xuan Ding gave Ye Cang a massage therapy service again.

“Today you have a good rest. You will learn the secret technique of Chakra armor a few days later. As before, the swelling will be healed at noon tomorrow.”

After finishing today’s treatment, Shimura Xuan Ding maintained that upright-kunzi smile, turned and left, and returned to the room to continue cultivating immortals.

“Does that guy really have any terminal illness in that regard?”

Lifting his head from the pillow, Ye Cang speculated maliciously.

During this period of time, the guy just stopped at getting started and didn’t make any further moves. It was really weird.

She didn’t believe that the guy was a doctor with noble medical ethics, and such self-control must have hidden secrets.

“It may also be a pervert with a special hobby!”

Kayara put forward different conjectures, and he always felt that there was a problem with that guy.

Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t know the malicious slander of the two girls, and after returning home, he worked hard to cultivate immortals and condense the Rasengan Gold Core.

The aggregation of Rasengan Golden Pill is in sequence. The first acupuncture point is the navel acupoint. The navel is the first acupuncture point that humans gestate in the mother’s belly. It is produced along with the umbilical cord, and then Eight. The key point of the Gate.

After the key points of the Eight Gate form a cycle, the other meridian orifice points will be gestated.

Mankind has evolved thousands of Ten Thousand Years, and it has taken the time of thousands of Ten Thousand Years to accumulate and evolve this kind of gestation process. Naturally, there is a certain truth.

Therefore, he condensed the Rasengan Golden Core strictly in this order, so that the condensed Rasengan Golden Core fits perfectly with himself.

After this period of painstaking cultivation, both the left and right Rasengan gold cores were condensed in the belly button acupuncture point and the key Eight Gate acupoints, and then a special acupuncture point in the brain needs to be condensed.

A special acupuncture point that is conceived at the same time as the key point of the Eight Gate is located inside the pineal gland of the brain. The Hundred Healings Mark practice of the Uzumaki family is also based on this special acupuncture point.

This acupuncture point is located between the main acupoints for opening the door and the main acupoints for Xiumen, and is directly connected to the two main acupoints. In addition, it is directly connected to the main point of death of the heart.

In addition, this key point can only be considered complete, so from a certain perspective, what the human body has is not the Eight Gate key point, but the Nine Gate key point.

It’s just that the acupuncture point in the pineal gland will automatically degenerate with the pineal gland after the body grows to a certain extent, which is far inferior to other Eight Gate key points.

In Shimura Xuan Ding’s Rasengan Golden Core Cultivation System, this orifice point must be restored to the same level as the Eight Gate key point, restoring the complete circuit of the nine gate key points when the human body was born.

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