Chapter 273 The Strange Style of Cloud Shinobi Village

Third Raikage is very efficient. After visiting Cloud Shinobi Village for a day, when I returned to the mansion, I saw two tall and charming young ladies.

“From the Yuyi clan?”

Sensing the vigorous vitality in the two women, Shimura Xuan Ding probably guessed the origin of each other.

In the Ninja world, only the Sage Body can have this kind of vitality, and it is the Sage Body of the Senju family. In this respect, even the Sage Body of the Kei Yoruichi family is far inferior.

In Cloud Shinobi Village, there happened to be a close relative of the Senju family, the Yuyi clan, and the Ninja clan where the two golden horns and silver horns belonged.

In the original work, it was said that the golden horn and the silver horn have the blood of Sage of Six Paths, so they bear and merge the Chakra of Nine Tails.

And from Tsunade’s memory, the Senju family seems to have a deep grievance with the Yuyi family. It is not just the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama who was killed by the golden horn and silver horn. It was not dealt with as early as the Sengoku era.

It is estimated that it should be similar to the relationship between the blood pool and the Uchiha family.

Since the Golden Horn and Silver Horn incident, the Hakata family has been disbanded and integrated into Cloud Shinobi Village. Unexpectedly, there are still two Kage-level powerhouses.

“You are Shimura Danzō’s son?”

The tall beauty looked up and down. She had read this kid’s information. His father was Shimura Danzō, their sister’s big enemy.

“Uh, my father is indeed Shimura Danzō.”

Nodded, Shimura Xuan Ding vaguely felt the malice of these two young ladies. Could it be that he had an enmity with his father?

When I was about to open my mouth and say something, I suddenly felt my head dizzy slightly, and my body shook and fell to the ground.

“After all, it’s just a kid!”

With a chuckle, the tall beauty gestured to her sister, and she raised her hand to set up an isolation barrier in the room.

The task this time is to get Shimura’s secret technique from this kid. Compared to those complicated methods, they prefer to point directly.

But when the tall beauty set up the isolation barrier, before turning around, she felt that hundreds of silk threads were accurately pierced into the body, blocking all the acupuncture points, making it difficult to run Chakra.

Turning his head hard, he found that the golden armored boy was sitting behind him with a smile, and the younger sister on the other side was also restrained in the same way, making it difficult to move.

“Are you not poisoned?”

With her eyes wide open, the tall beauty understood that they had been planted, and they had been deceived by a junior.

“The two young ladies should be house girls, otherwise the experience would not be so bad.”

Shimura Xuan Ding was also surprised when she spoke with a smile.

His body strengthening secret technique will cultivate all parts of the body, and all aspects of functions will be improved as a whole.

Including the sense of smell, as soon as I entered the room, I smelled that I didn’t smell the subtle smell when I got up in the morning. It was not the body scent of the two women, but a special medicine.

After taking a bit of a sip, my head felt slightly dizzy. It was determined that it was just a drug, and then he fainted, and then took advantage of the slackness of the two girls and decisively restrained it with Xian Yuanli silk thread.

As long as you get within three meters of someone he wants, even those who are Kage-level have to kneel.

The two sisters had no words, and they were indeed planted this time.

And the next scene made them even more furious, and struggled hard.

Shimura Xuan Ding stepped forward to undress the two young ladies and let them become frank and upright people, and then started copying each other’s body data.

Although he had done it many times, he found that he was still very clumsy and inefficient in this regard. He had to be careful, slowly, and copy the data over and over again.

Ugh! It’s so useless!

After finally completing the data copying, Shimura Xuan Ding sighed and said, “How come you ninjas are so desperate one by one? This overloaded training method should have been eliminated long ago. According to your physical condition, you can’t live beyond fifty. , This is because you have the Sage Body that originated from the Senju family.

The physical condition of these two girls is not very optimistic, there are too many hidden injuries, and they are hidden injuries that even Sage Body can’t heal. Obviously, they have been squeezing the body’s potential with overload practice.

This is also the main reason why ninjas generally find it difficult to live a long life, and basically their strength will begin to decline once they pass forty.

Think about how fierce Fourth Raikage was during the Fourth World War in the original book, but in the biography of the blog, he became a thin old man, and his uncle was bald.

You must know that Ye Yueai was only in her early sixties at that time. This was the result of too many hidden injuries in the body.

This aspect is most obvious in body ninjas, just like those cultivators who practice foreign kung fu in previous novels are miserable in their later years.

Regardless of the fact that Tsunade, who is also a body ninja in the original book, is very fierce, but it is mainly supported by his own Sage Body, medical skills and Hundred Healings Mark. Once Chakra is gone, he will be beaten back to her original form and become an old woman. The essence is still Unchanged.

“Come on, first use Chakra to follow this circuit to repair the hidden wounds in your body.”

Ignoring the angry gazes of the two women, Shimura Xuan Ding’s palm was placed on her heart, and a little bit of force was used to flatten the half of the burden, making her palm closer to each other’s heart.

The Xianyuan force silk thread penetrated in and built a set of extremely complicated circuits with the heart as the core.

“What are you doing in a daze? Running Chakra, is it possible that you want me to do a detailed inspection for you?”

Seeing that the two sisters were still indifferent and keeping a glaring attitude, Shimura Xuan Ding urged.

Although the process of meeting this time was a bit unpleasant, he still decided to cultivate a wave of these two young ladies.

As long as he cultivates the Rasengan Golden Core at that time, he can control his life and death and become his own pawn in Cloud Shinobi Village.

As for whether the other party is willing or not, it doesn’t matter, there are ways to let him go according to his thoughts.

After hesitating, someone’s threat worked, and the two sisters finally mobilized Chakra in their bodies to run along that circuit.

No way, now that the meridian and acupoints in their bodies are interspersed with that kind of silk thread, there is no way to resist.

This time it is indeed planted home!

“Now, take these two barrels of special edition Shimura Erguotou and drink them back. It will be very effective in repairing your injuries.”

One night passed like this. In the early morning, Shimura Xuanding took out two barrels of special edition Shimura Erguotou beckoning the two women to take it back to speed up recovery.

“This time we accept the plant, and we will wait and see later!”

Speaking bitterly, the tall woman resisted the anger in her heart and didn’t run into trouble, and quickly left with her sister.

This time she didn’t know whether it was a loss or a gain.

Although it only ran for one night, the Chakra circuit was indeed very effective. The cell activity of the whole body was stimulated, and the previous dark wounds were also repaired a little bit.

Although there are not many repairs, it will have a considerable effect if you persist for a long time.

But the problem is that their chastity is gone, and they have been touched all over their bodies, pit!

Watching the two young ladies leave, Shimura Xuan Ding lay back on the bed, and his consciousness entered the Black Ding space, merged with the data of the two young ladies’ copies, and obtained all the memories of each other, including the blood and blood feud with his own father.

“Sure enough, I was cheated by my old father again!”

After reading the memories of the two young ladies, Shimura Xuan Ding finally knew what was going on.

It turned out that the father and grandfather of the two young girls were both members of the Second Raikage’s Shadow Guards, but they all died under the knife of their old Guoying father. One was beheaded by Shimura’s sword technique, and the other was captured by the old father to ask Lightning. The secret technique of Style armor and Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

That’s right, the incomplete version of Lightning Style Armor and Lightning Style Chakra Mode that the old father took out was obtained from the grandfather of the two sisters.

What a sin!

“Forget it, if you have grudges, you have grudges. Anyway, they are just acting as sponsors and tool people. If you really don’t know how to raise them, I will send them to see Sage of Six Paths.”

A cruel look flashed in the star, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t care much about it.

As long as the two women cultivate the Rasengan Golden Core as soon as possible, they can hold it firmly, not to mention that the two sisters, Ms. Hua, seem to care for the people very much. This is a good bond that can be used.

After his thoughts passed, Shimura Xuan Ding began to count the harvest.

The first to be counted is the seal book of Cloud Shinobi Village. It is equipped with a seal technique and requires a specific technique to unlock it. However, it is not difficult for him who inherited the seal technique of Miss Meidu, and it didn’t take long. Then untie it.

“I’ll go, I even have the design drawings of the Chakra cannon, I’m making a lot of money!”

Staring at the last drawing of the copy of the book of seals, Shimura Xuan Ding’s starry eyes flashed brightly, and this harvest alone made a lot of money.

You must know that the Chakra cannon of Cloud Shinobi Village in the original book is quite awesome. It can attack the moon over hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It is a super star destroyer!

It’s even better than Ten Tails’ Tailed Beast Bomb.

“It’s just a concept map. It shouldn’t be built yet, and it’s even just started experimental construction.”

Observing it carefully for a while, Shimura Xuan Ding felt disappointed. This is not a structural drawing of the finished product, but an initial design drawing. There are many shortcomings.

But the main idea has been devised, the others are just minor issues.

“The Tiansong Technique really has endless potential.”

Looking back at the piece that recorded the secret technique of Heavenly Delivery, and comparing it with the design drawing, Shimura Xuanding said with emotion.

The core of the Chakra cannon is the Heavenly Delivery Technique. This secret technique can not only perform fixed-point teleportation, but also achieve long-range attacks.

Send bombs directly to the enemy to attack.

“Wait, Godsend Technique, Star Destroyer, how is the style of Cloud Shinobi Village so similar to Marvel’s Asgard? Is it possible that Kishimoto copied other people’s comics after passing Journey to the West and the myths and legends of Asgard in the cottage? Wei?”

Recalling the Marvel movies that I have seen in previous lives, especially the Thor series, Shimura Xuan Ding is inexplicably familiar.

Third Raikage has the strongest spear. Now there is this Tiansou Technique that can instantly teleport people, and there is also the Chakra cannon that can destroy stars. As a dead enemy, Iwagakure is also a group of tall and strong brothers, like Marvel’s Ass Gad is too similar.

In the Marvel movie, Asgard’s rainbow bridge is like a combination of Chakra cannon and Tiansong Technique, which can transmit people and attack at a super long distance.

After the complaint, Shimura Xuan Ding continued to look at the memories of the two young ladies.

These two young ladies are the direct descendants of the Yuyi clan, possessing all the core secrets of the Yuyi clan, including the use of the Six Paths ninja.

“Yin Yuyi, Yuyi Laner, she’s still a sister!”

Shimura Xuan Ding is very satisfied with these two young ladies, showing the righteousness-Kunzi’s smile, the aptitude is first-class.

Both of them have five Chakra attributes, and they also have the blood inheritance limit of Yuyi Sage Body, but because Yuyi Laner has no yang attribute, Sage Body is in a semi-awakened state and can only provide strong vitality and physical fitness. In Chakra The quantity has not reached the level of Chajinla, so it can only be regarded as Chajinla.

“Hayilan ears have Yin and Fire attributes, so you can match them with Matatabi. If Yuyijingyin, you can match with Gyūki. By the way, what is the limit of Gyūki’s blood inheritance?”

Thinking about it, Shimura Xuanding couldn’t help thinking about the blood inheritance boundary of Eight Tails Gyūki.

The nine big-tailed beasts seem to have a kind of blood inheritance, One Tail Shouhe’s Magnet Style, Two Tail Matatabi’s Nether Flame, Three Tails Isofu’s Sea Dun, Four Tails Monkey King’s Lava Style, Five Tails Kokuō’s Boil Style, Six Tails Saiken’s Lava Style, Seven Tails Eight Tails and Nine Tails are not clear for the time being, and there is no obvious manifestation in the original work.

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