Chapter 285

“Is there any species left by the Lord God of the Heavenly Lord in myths and legends?”

Blinking curiously, Shimura Xuan Ding’s heart was refreshed. There is a cheap, thousands-year-old father who is really making a lot of money.

Sure enough, there is an old family, like a treasure!

He has studied the myths and legends of this world. The Lord of Heaven is the god who opened up the world. Just like the god-tier of Pangu in the previous Chinese myths and legends, the Lord God of Heaven represents the foundation of the world, and the foundation of a world is time. And space.

Therefore, if you want to obtain the power of space and time, you must find it from the Lord God of Heaven.

“In myths and legends, the Lord of Heaven once created two beasts to accompany him, one is the spring dove, which represents the power of time, and was named the phoenix, symbolizing the beginning of a new year.

The spring dove will only be active in spring, and it will turn into an egg after spring, and it will break out of its shell again when the spring comes next year, and so on.

Moreover, the spring pigeon lays an egg at the end of each spring, and then evolved into a group of pigeons.

It’s a pity that pigeons have been passed on for too long, and they have long lost the mighty power of their ancestors.

However, the maiden line of the country of ghosts seems to be related to the spring pigeon beast, and you can start to investigate in the future. ”

Black Zetsu began to explain that the first race group is a mythical creature with time power, even a divine beast, but that name made Shimura Xuan Ding secretly complain.

“I really want to believe in Brother Chun to live forever!”

“The maiden line of the country of ghosts!”

Recalling a theatrical version of Hokage, there was a maiden in the country of ghosts, and the maiden line does have a bit of time power and can predict the death of others.

In addition, there was once a person related to the sprite monster arguing with the Shion mother. She had a pair of wings behind her. Could it be the wings of the spring dove?

After thinking a lot, Shimura Xuan Ding decided to go to the Kingdom of Ghosts in person if he had time.

“The second pet is the first river crab in the world. It has the power of space, and then all the river crab populations have been reproduced.

However, like pigeons, the inheritance time is too long, and the river crabs have long lost the power of their ancestors.

But the last time I sneaked into the Hyuga clan, I saw a vague record in a very old scroll. It seemed that there was a powerful river crab in some secret place. ”

Speaking of the second group of sacred beasts, Black Zetsu is secretly planning how to induce Shimura Xuanding to go there.

But it is not the time yet. The people there are very powerful, and there are too many people. It is not something Shimura Xuanding and Shimura family can deal with. You have to take your time.

At least it has to wait until Shimura Xuan Ding and his son have the power to surpass First Hokage. This is not anxious.

And the name of the second sacred animal group made Shimura Xuan Ding couldn’t help but want to vomit. Is it possible that having space power is the reason why river crabs can walk sideways?

However, Black Zetsu’s reminder reminded him of another theatrical version of Hokage, which was the final theatrical version of Hokage Shippuuden, involving the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon, the descendants of Sage of Six Paths’ brother Ōtsutsuki Hamura.

It seems that there is a big crab in a space channel leading to the moon from the Ninja World. Could it be that the thing is a descendant of the mythical beast crab?

“Although the big crab has not shown space means in the animation, it can be arranged by the moon Ōtsutsuki clan to guard the space passage. It is likely to have a certain space ability, and it is even possible that the space passage is shaped by the power of the crab. And maintained.”

After thinking about the original Hokage book, Shimura Xuan Ding feels even more troublesome about it.

According to the timeline shown in the animation, it seems that the Ōtsutsuki clan and branch house on the moon have not yet opened, and they are still in their heyday.

The most important thing is the giant Tenseigan, which is a super killer.

In case the Ōtsutsuki clan angered the moon in advance, and let it control the moon to smash it down, the whole world would have to collapse, not to mention that there is probably Ōtsutsuki Hamura hidden in the moon, the other party in the original work.

“It’s a long-term plan!”

Putting down this thought, Shimura Xuan Ding looked at the dark black Zetsu in front of him, knowing that this man would definitely help him arrange everything, no need to worry.

“The power of time and space is not in a hurry for the time being. What matters at the moment is the creatures with the seven attributes of wind, fire, thunder, water, soil, yin and yang.

Those with innate yang attributes already have Shimura’s big mouth, and those with yin attributes can be booked on the Yali Butterfly, leaving the attributes of wind, fire, thunder, water, soil, and five escapes. You can step up your search for relevant information. ”

In this regard, Shimura Xuan Ding believes that Matatabi said that the secret, space and time, these two powers should require the seven attributes of Yin Yang, wind, fire, thunder, water, and soil as the foundation to better carry and apply these seven attributes. The animals are cultivated, and they have created seven innate attributes for themselves.

It would be embarrassing if you don’t really have the opportunity to get the attributes of space and time in the future, but you can’t integrate into yourself because of your lack of foundation.

“I will take a closer look at Cloud Shinobi Village to see if there is any relevant information.”

Nodding, Black Zetsu has already begun to figure out how to find a reasonable source of intelligence for those targets. After all, all the intelligence can’t be found here in Cloud Shinobi Village. If you go to other Shinobi Village to search, it will be too time-consuming.

Now, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and others may come to the Ninja World at any time, and every second can’t be delayed.

“You have to find a chance to guide Shimura Danzō to get the group of White Zetsu out. It happens that he has Hashirama living cells in his hands.”

Thinking of the White Zetsu sealed in the mother’s space, Black Zetsu thought to himself.

The White Zetsu legions made by the mother at that time were basically sealed in the Heavenly Imperial Space. To get those White Zetsu Summoning out, he needed the cooperation of the Chakra he inherited from his mother and the sacred tree.

It happened that Shimura Danzō and his son bred a Second Generation Chakra sacred tree. Although it is different from the First Generation Chakra sacred tree, it is still in the same line. It is not a problem to use Summoning to produce the White Zetsu.

With the assistance of White Zetsu, the intelligence gathered over thousands of years will become much easier to explain.

At this moment, not only Black Zetsu was trying to find a reasonable excuse for those intelligence sources, Shimura Xuan Ding was also trying to find a way for it, and he didn’t want to delay.

“Can my father make another clone like you? If we spread more to other Shinobu villages, our plan will definitely speed up a lot.”

Given a leading suggestion, Shimura Xuan Ding also wanted to see the White Zetsu made by Miss Kaguya Ji.

Although White Zetsu in the original book is very culinary, except for one Uzumaki, the others are all culinary chickens.

But since Ms. Kaguya Ji has the confidence to rely on the White Zetsu Corps to fight against Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and others, those White Zetsu must be unique.

“My clone is an accidental product, it is difficult to replicate, but we can try to use the power of the Second Generation Chakra sacred tree plus Hashirama living cells to grow some special clones. It does not need to be too strong, as long as the basic ones can be used. Wood Style can increase its latent ability to inquire about intelligence. This shouldn’t be difficult.”

With secret joy, Black Zetsu made a suggestion naturally, which can also be said to be an excuse.

“Good idea, contact my father now and let him start to grow clones with Hashirama living cells in large numbers, first come hundreds of thousands.”

With a very embarrassing wave of his hand, he ordered a hundred thousand horses, Shimura Xuan Ding was also very excited, and finally saw a biological weapon like White Zetsu.

“I don’t know what the IQ of the clone is, whether it can practice the Rasengan Golden Core System.”

Quite appropriately, he said to himself, but he stunned the Black Zetsu next to him. After he recovered, he was extremely excited.

Yes, besides him and his mother practising this kind of Rasengan golden core system, those White Zetsu can also follow the practice, even if the potential is limited, but as long as they can cultivate three hundred and sixty-one pairs of Rasengan golden cores, they can have at least one comparable to Senju Hashirama. strength.

By the time 100,000 Senju Hashirama will be on the battlefield, even if Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and others are killed, they can instantly become dogs.

“No, you can’t let those clones practice Chakra. They have to practice my immortal power, otherwise the old Yinbi of Sage of Six Paths will take the opportunity to monitor us and we won’t be beautiful.”

Talking to herself again, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t plan to let those White Zetsu practice Chakra. To practice, he had to practice his immortal power.

Although Xian Yuanli has only just started, and there are still many shortcomings, but the IQ of White Zetsu’s thing, I want to come to practice fast.

By the time he truly cultivates, he should have already perfected the immortal power system to a certain level.

And these words moved Black Zetsu’s mind again. As the incarnation of his mother’s will, he knew the mystery and essence of Chakra very well. Since both the mother and Yui can leave behind in Chakra, there is no reason why the universe Ōtsutsuki doesn’t. Be prepared.

Otherwise, once the power of Chakra is stolen, how should the Ōtsutsuki clan counterattack the universe?

Believe that the Ōtsutsuki clan of the universe must be guarded, so the energy of Chakra is not very safe.

Then I thought about it, the immortal power derived from Shimura Xuanding fusion of local warrior vitality and monk mana is quite good. Although it is a brand-new power that has just been created a few years ago, with this kid’s heaven-defying understanding, it is enough. It is not impossible to push it to a very high level, even beyond the Ōtsutsuki clan in the universe.

Thinking of this, Black Zetsu immediately made up his mind to change to the cultivation of Xian Yuan Li.

As a filial son, he must not only save his mother, but also ensure his mother’s safety in the future. In this regard, he must take precautions.

Without delay, a ring was separated from the body and worn on the wrist, and the Chakra brought from Shimura Danzō was transported in, and a vague projection appeared in an instant.

“this is……”

Looking at the bracelet on Black Zetsu’s wrist, Shimura Xuan Ding’s face twitched.

“This is a special ninja built for my father with the Second Generation Chakra sacred tree, which can make long-distance calls.”

The projection spoke, and it was Shimura Danzō’s voice. Obviously this was Shimura Danzō’s projection.

“It needs to be improved!”

Looking at the bracelet on Black Zetsu’s arm, Shimura Xuan Ding couldn’t help but want to complain.

This thing should have the same function as the kind of ring organized by the strongest Ninja in the future, but Nagato made only the size of a ring, but the old Guoying father made a bracelet, and it was stupid and thick. , It’s far from the other Nagato, and the force level has been lowered a lot.

“It just works!”

Originally, I wanted to show off the newly invented Shimura Danzō. I was upset, and at the same time, I secretly said that having a great son is not all good, and I have no sense of accomplishment in anything.

“To what extent has the Second Generation Chakra God Tree improved?”

With a straight face, Shimura Xuanding asked about business, and he didn’t know what level the Second Generation Chakra God Tree would evolve to after devouring the Sharingan that the Uchiha family had accumulated for thousands of years.

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