Chapter 287 Thunder Slash

The following days became the same. During the day, Shimura Xuanding confronted many Cloud Shinobi on the daughter mountain next to the Raikage building. Black Zetsu took the opportunity to sneak into the various secrets of the major ninjas and steal the precious inheritance of secret techniques. If you encounter any treasures, they will be taken away, and by the way, a fake camouflage will be put on.

In the evening, I went back to cultivate immortals and helped Matatabi and Gyūki to practice the Meridian and Acupoint Reconstruction Technique.

It wasn’t until the tenth day that the many quasi shadows of Cloud Shinobi Village couldn’t help but end. The result did change, but it only changed Shimura Xuanding from a single-handed sword to a double-handed sword.

Now his normal strength is able to approach a positive Kage-level ninja with the blessing of the supernatural power magic speed technique and the strong unicorn arm Technique, which is enough to deal with all the quasi-Kage-level powerhouses.

With both hands holding the knife, many quasi-shadows still failed to break through the half-minute limit, and they were defeated one by one in a straightforward manner.

In the last ten days, those Kage-level powerhouses couldn’t sit still, and even Yu Yi Jingyin and Yu Yi Lan’er sisters joined the battle.

“Miss Sister turns out to be a dual-sword flow!”

Looking at Yuyi Lan’er, who was holding double knives on the opposite side, Shimura Xuan Ding really didn’t realize that this girl was really good at double knives flow.

In Lan’er’s memory, both single-sword style and double-sword style practiced, and he didn’t look closely at this aspect, and didn’t know much about it.

But the problem is not big.

“You wait until I conjure a double knife.”

Instructing the young lady to wait, Shimura Xuan Ding once again took out a No. 4 Tang Tang knife, separated it from it with the acquired magnetic field attribute Xian Yuan force, and then made a knife handle.

In this way, two Shengtang knives measuring two meters in length were formed.

“I’m also very good at double knife flow!”

Shimura Xuan Ding said modestly while playing with a sword while holding a pair of knives.

It’s a pity that the lady sister is a wordless and ruthless person. She disappeared in an instant without saying a word. When she reappeared, she had already come to her side, with double knives in her hand stabbing out one after another.


He waved his knife to seal the file, and when he went to fight back, she found that the young lady’s body had disappeared, and she came to the other side when she reappeared.

“Double-sword flow of speed flow!”

With a clear mind, Shimura Xuanding lifted the strong Qilin Arm Technique, speeding up the confrontation with it.

Although the Vigorous Qilin Arm Technique can greatly increase the strength, it will affect the supernatural speed technique and reduce the speed, making it a little difficult to deal with the opponents of the speed flow.

Yuyi Lan’er is obviously a leader in speed flow, and her delicate and delicate figure brings her extremely high agility.

At the same time, it has cultivated the Lightning Style armor to a very deep level, and has touched the threshold of the Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

In addition, Lan Er also mastered some of the Matatabi power in the body, which greatly strengthened the body’s speed.

This is not over yet. The two knives in his hand are still oscillating at high frequencies under the action of the Lightning Style Chakra.

“Ultrasonic shock Lightning Style knife!”

Seeing this famous ninja technique, Shimura Xuan Ting was very curious about it.

Although the book of seal of Cloud Shinobi Village has been obtained, the Super Sound Shock Lightning Style knife is obviously not a dangerous Forbidden Technique and has not been included in it.

As for Yu Yi Lan’er’s memories, he had not had time to read it by himself, only knowing that he knew how to do this ninja technique.

The essence is to use the Lightning Style to make the blade oscillate at high frequency and have a stronger edge, just like the high-frequency dagger in the previous science fiction movies.

Ultimate speed and unmatched sharpness are indeed a good match.

But it’s just not bad!

“Yang Dun armor!”

“Eight Inner Gates·Seventh Gate·Open!”

Perceiving the difficulty of Yuyi Lan’s ears, Shimura Xuan Ding decisively exploded the Yang Dun armor, then broke out the Eight Inner Gates on the basis of Yang Dun armor, and drove to the Seventh Gate in one breath.

The green fairy power was revealed, and his whole body was rendered a layer of forgiveness, especially on his head, even the brilliant gold heavy gold battle suit turned into green gold.

Without delay, I imitated the style of Yu Yi Lan Er’s swordsmanship to show an optimized version, with stronger strength, stronger speed and more perfect sword skills to quickly defeat Yu Yi Lan Er, still did not let it break through half of his own. The myth is not broken in minutes.

He even cut off the double knives in his hands abruptly.

Looking at the severed double knives in his hands cautiously, Yu Yilan didn’t say a word, picked up the broken blade and returned to Ye Yuelan’s back.

“Sister Jingyin, do you want to come and have a fun?”

Inserting the heavy gold double knives into the ground and picking up the No. 3 Shengtang Knife again, Shimura Xuan Ding’s eyes fell on Yuyi Jingyin, especially the Field Sword on his back.

It was an extremely slender Field Sword, reaching a staggering 1.8 meters in length, which was equivalent to the height of Yui Jinyin.

“Don’t try to beat me in half a minute!”

Jumped to the front of Shimura Xuanding, pulled out the back Field Sword and held it in his hand, staring bitterly.

While talking, a scarlet Chakra appeared on the surface of the body, forming a coat to wrap the whole body, and a Chakra tail appeared on the back, and a pair of horns appeared on the head, and even the body shape took place to a certain extent. His feet changed to the shape of a cow’s hoof, and his height increased to 2.5 meters.

This is a kind of tail animalization, to be precise, half-tail animalization, and it is a transformation to the form of the Gyūki split, not the ontology.

“It’s a bit rough!”

Looking at Yuyi’s voice that even changed his body shape, especially the pair of transformed cow hooves, Shimura Xuan Cao sighed while thinking about how it feels to step on the back with these small cow hooves.

“I can beat you!”

He spoke fiercely, and finished holding the Field Sword and slashed forward.


Holding the knife to seal the file, and also blessed with the supersonic shock Lightning Style knife, the Field Sword cuts into the Shengtang knife, breaking the two at the same time, and then there are successive slashes.

Yui Jingyin itself is a Kage-level powerhouse, coupled with the increase in power speed from the tail beastization, and the improvement of the Lightning Style armor, the combat power is quite brutal, not much worse than the Third Raikage in its heyday.

That is, there is no extreme offensive ninjutsu like hell stab.

However, Shimura Xuan Ding, who used the Eight Inner Gates and the Vigorous Qilin Arm Technique, was not bad. The two-hundred-and-five Tang Tang swords were swung open, and the style of swordsmanship opened and closed, and Yuyi Jingyin kept heading for each other.


The dull and fierce gold and iron clashes agitated, making this place seem to be a smithy of a steel mill.

Compared with the speed double-sword style of her sister Yui Lan’er, the sister’s Yui Jinyin is a power-type single-sword style, which is more in line with the mainstream of Thunder Country’s swordsmanship.

“Maybe it can last more than half a minute!”

Seeing that the two sides of the battle were evenly matched, Tutai clenched his fists in excitement. Maybe Yui Jingyin can let them break the half-minute unbreakable myth of Shimura Xuanting, and also break the shame on them at Cloud Shinobi Village.

The surrounding Cloud Shinobi also have the same ideas as Tutai, and they are all full of excitement and anticipation.

“Don’t be too happy, that kid should still have hole cards for nothing!”

Ye Yuelan, the oldest person present at the scene, spoke in a cold voice. Although she had some aspirations to extinguish her prestige, she still didn’t think that Ye Yueying could break that kid’s half-minute myth.

Yuyiqin, who had gained the power of the tail beast, has indeed improved a lot, but the kid’s hole card is definitely more than that.

“Keep watching!”

The Third Raikage who came to watch the game was also not happy. Obviously, he did not think that Yui Jingyin could survive the half-minute limit, but he was even more looking forward to what kind of hole cards Shimura Xuanting would use.

Should I use Eight Inner Gates Formation?

Seeing that the half-minute time limit is getting closer and closer, Shimura Xuan Ding understands that it is impossible to beat the young lady in this state without playing a hole card.

“Xunlei Slash!”

The golden sword air slashed through, not only cutting off Yuyijingyin’s fine Field Sword, but also cutting off his tough tail beast coat, even cutting off a lot of ribs, and blood spurted.


This blow made Third Raikage and Ye Yuelan who were watching the battle, Huo Ran couldn’t help but stand up. They thought that Shimura Xuanding would explode with all possible trump cards, but they didn’t expect the opponent to be a swordsman.

The sword slash just now is a unique power of the samurai swordsman, and it is necessary to practice sword meditation to a certain level before it can be displayed. It is also the symbol of the swordsman.

Jianhao’s sword energy is not only invincible, but also capable of long-range attacks, greatly enhancing his strength.

“Sure enough, he is worthy of being valued by Master Zidian Jianhao!”

Also came here to watch the battle at a close range, and praised him, and the black panther beside him also looked excited, and his fighting spirit rose in his heart.

After hearing that Shimura Xuan Ding knifed all Cloud Shinobi in Cloud Shinobi Village, he rushed over to watch the game, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Although there has been a letter from the famous mansion of the Kingdom of Wind, saying that Shimura Xuanting performed a similar sword-powered slash at Sunagakure, but after all, he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. Seeing it with his own eyes at this moment is really incredible.

Knowing that he barely touched the threshold of the swordsman now, he did not expect that Shimura Xuanding, who was much younger than him, had already become a swordsman.

“Why are you standing stupidly? I raise the isolation barrier and I will operate on my little sister.”

After exiting the sage mode, Shimura Xuan Ding hurriedly greeted the surrounding Cloud Shinobi to take action, and soon an isolation barrier separated the two. Shimura Xuan Ding, ignoring Yu Yiqin’s resistance, tore his chest and shirt to reveal the knife. mark.

“It’s a bit miserable!”

Shimura Xuan Ding was a little embarrassed looking at the knife mark that cut his right breast.

In the state of sage mode, the shot was indeed a bit harsh. Although he had tried his best to keep his hand, it still caused a very difficult injury.

This is indeed a very tricky injury. Don’t look at the structure of Miss Sister’s mind, it seems that the structure is very simple, but it is actually quite complicated. The most complicated one is the breast lobules, which is very troublesome to repair.

Compared with the suspensory ligament, the input tube, the input tube sinus, and the fat body, the structures are simple and much easier to repair.

“Don’t move, if you don’t want you to be distorted or the suppurative necrosis is removed, just be quiet.”

Seeing that the young lady did not cooperate, Shimura Xuan Ding scolded and entered the sage mode again to proceed with the operation.

Gritting her teeth, Yuyijingyin didn’t resist in the end.

After all, she is a woman after all, and everyone has a love for beauty. If the future really deforms there, or even directly necrosis is removed, she really doesn’t know how to accept it.

And there is no way to use the self-healing ability to heal on its own. After all, it is not a simple muscle structure, nor is it pure fat. If it is forced to heal itself, it will easily cause distortion and even leave ugly scars.

Shimura Xuan Ding, who was transferred to a gynecological sacred hand, performed the operation very seriously. First, he temporarily sealed the blood vessels, then cleaned out the blood flowing out, sutured the blood vessels, and then other pipes.

Followed by the incised fatty suspensory ligament and so on, and finally the most complicated breast lobules.

The operation lasted for three hours to complete. Most of the time was spent repairing the damaged breast lobules, and even some Greer energy liquid was used to speed up the repair.

“During this time, come to my room for an inspection at night to prevent it from becoming purulent. After all, if you are in contact with the outside air, you will inevitably be contaminated with some airborne bacteria.”

After stitching the skin on the chest of the young lady, and using the innate yang attribute immortal power to cooperate with the Greer energy liquid to repair it perfectly, without leaving the slightest scar, Shimura Xuan Ding gave a doctor’s order.

This will made Yuyi Jingyin’s body stiff, who had just closed her chest clothes, and raised her head and glared at him.

This bastard little pervert wants to bully her again!


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