Chapter 326

“When did you have such a pervert hobby?”

Looking at the dark-green butterfly on the forehead of the young man beside him, Yuyijingyin looked disgusted.

Originally green is a very healthy color, but since the birth of the master of Weidujiang Yinzhongniao, this color has given it a very different meaning.

But who would think that today this rebel actually got a butterfly on his forehead, and even got a small green butterfly tattoo on the center of his eyebrows.

Too pervert!

“What do you know as a woman!”

Shimura Xuan Ding, who was following Shimura’s forehead with the immortal power of the butterfly, squinted her eyes, indicating that you don’t understand.

In fact, he is also very depressed. The Yali butterfly itself is green, and the stronger the potential, the heavier the color.

This dark-green Yacht butterfly was carefully selected by Black Zetsu, but the mental power corresponds to the key point in the pine cone, which means that he will have the tattoo corresponding to the Yacht butterfly tattooed on the center of his eyebrows.

The feeling of being green on the head is really uncomfortable, especially if you need to double repair with the Yali butterfly, plus this thing is an insect, not only the small meridian and the acupuncture points are also very fragile, and can only be attached to the eyebrows for double repair.

This will add green to green!

Fortunately, the spiritual talent of the Yali Butterfly is indeed very strong. After so many days of cultivation, he awakens and cultivates the innate Yin attribute of the immortal power.

He is currently undergoing double repairs with him, and he will soon be able to obtain this innate Yin attribute.

“Does Chakra have other questions?”

Holding back the strange feeling of being dragged by the tail, Yuiqin asked a very sensitive question.

The last time Cloud Shinobi Village was attacked showed that there was a problem with Chakra, but at the time they only thought it was a minor problem. Who would think that Uchiha Madara also abolished Chakra and switched to immortal power.

This is very abnormal!

“You are not going to abolish Chakra, why do you ask this?”

Playing with the little oxtail in his hand, Shimura Xuan Ding did not intend to answer this question.

Some things have to be kept secret for the time being, and even if they are said it is useless, these people do not intend to abolish Chakra.

In the previous plan to purify Chakra, Third Raikage only allowed 30% of the ninjas in the village to come to purify. Obviously, it was only intended to be a precaution, and it was also a distrust of their father and son.

Even purifying a Chakra is so defensive and petty, let alone letting it abolish Chakra and transform it into immortal power.

“What if I want to cultivate your fairy power?”

Turning her body sideways, Yu Yijingyin said earnestly.

This was the task given to her by Third Raikage during the day, to find out what is the mystery of Shimura Xuanding’s immortal power.

“Xian Yuan Li can allow you to change cultivation, but you are not qualified to know the secret of Chakra right now.”

Still didn’t say much, he Shimura Xuan Ding is a tight-lipped man.


Turning around uncomfortably, turning the beautiful snow-white powder back to someone, Qin Yin’s heart is even more sure that Chakra must have problems that they don’t know about, and even hidden dangers.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a strong person like Uchiha Madara to abandon Chakra, who has cultivated for decades, and go to cultivate the power of immortality.

It’s a pity that the adversary’s mouth is too strict, and the most important thing is that he is too defensive to ask.

In the early morning of the next day, the two women broke out again with unbearable catching tails, but after so long of adapting, they no longer flee like the shy lightning flashes they were at the beginning.

After waking up, the sheets and mattress were sealed up with a sealing reel and taken back to be cleaned, but the pretty face was still a little red and annoyed.

That rebel’s claws are so annoying!

But I have to say that this guy really has a set, every day they can make subtle adjustments to the secret art operation circuits they practice, so that the training efficiency is always at the peak.

The rapid increase in strength forced them to come and be checked by him every night, and then clutched their little tails all night.

“It’s time to go to Iwagakure!”

Pushing open the window and looking at the rising sun in the east, the dark-green Yali butterfly on Shimura Xuan Ding’s head knew it was time to set off to Iwagakure.

There is no way, the money that can be made here has already been made almost. During this period of time, I have been transforming between the gynecological sacred hand and the male sacred hand, sending the gospel to the masses of male compatriots and young ladies in Cloud Shinobi Village.

Although the working hours are far less than those in Kirigakure, the level of medical skills has been raised to a higher level, and the efficiency has not been reduced in the slightest.

“You are going to Iwagakure!”

In the temporary Raikage office, Third Raikage frowned as he watched the boy in golden armor who had sunk his entire body on the sofa in front of him.

“Our Cloud Shinobi Village has no patients who need me for the time being. I have to go to Iwagakure and continue to glow and fever. I am too kind and can’t bear to watch those patients who have nowhere to seek medical treatment and will be forced to live their lives.”

Putting her feet on the coffee table in front of her, Shimura Xuan Ding shrugged helplessly.

Last time I planned to send the gospel to the younger sisters and brothers of Iwagakure, but unfortunately the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. The demonic incident forced him to leave Iwagakure first.

Since I have time this time, I naturally have to squeeze the small money in the pockets of the young ladies of Iwagakure.

“You have to die on the money sooner or later!”

The frustration that the teenager showed made Third Raikage want to slap it over. This kid is too pretentious.

Although there is no clear statistics, this guy has made at least hundreds of billions in their Cloud Shinobi Village in the past few months, and the process is still the same as Kirigakure, but he can only agree and even give the green light all the way.

No way, the ninja power in their Cloud Shinobi Village is not weak. After all, the ninja power in the Shinobi Village was originally brought together by many ninja powers.

Although the forces of the Ninja clan made the Ninja Village quickly built and become stronger, it has also become a hidden danger and constraint to the Ninja Village.

As the head of a village, it is politically correct to weaken the power of the ninja.

I can only take this opportunity to let this kid earn the small money of those ninja ninjas, and achieve the purpose of weakening the power of the ninja.

“Stop disturbing your office.”

Without staying for a long time, Shimura Xuanding got up and left.

This time I came here mainly to say hello to Third Raikage, lest the old guy think that he has disappeared for no reason, and put on a name of rebelliousness.

“Xuan Ding -kun, I will give it to you!”

Signaled to Third Raikage, Tutai walked out to see him off. It was he who welcomed Shimura Xuanding into Cloud Shinobi Village at the beginning, and he should have seen him off at this moment.

Not long after Shimura Xuan Cao left, the two sisters Yui Kenyin also came to say goodbye.

“Third Generation, we plan to follow Matatabi and Gyūki to the Water Congress to join the other tail beast splits and practice together.”

“be careful!”

Nodded in agreement, Third Raikage also wanted to get information from Mrs. Second Tsuchikage Yuguan and others, especially the Rasengan Golden Core Secret Art that those people practiced.

“Still can’t figure out that secret technique?”

Unwilling to ask again, Third Raikage was very enthusiastic about the Rasengan Golden Core Secret Art.

Some time ago, the kid taught the Rasengan Golden Core Secret Art of the Yuyi Jingyin Sisters. This brand new Secret Art opened his eyes, and he could see the power of this Secret Art even without practice.

It’s a pity that the secret techniques acquired by the two sisters Yuyi Jingyin are tailor-made exclusive versions that cannot be popularized at all, and there are many new knowledge points involved in them. They can’t crack them at all, they can only stare at them.

Facing Third Raikage’s inquiry, the sisters Jingyin bowed their heads and said nothing, and they were also quite unwilling.

The secret techniques passed down by the rebels were too profound, far beyond their accumulation of knowledge, many aspects only knew the reason, but did not know why, none of the secret techniques obtained so far have not really been understood.

At this stage, Chakra can only be run along the circulation circuit set by the rebels, and nothing else can be done, let alone cracked.

“Don’t be anxious, these secret techniques involve too many new knowledge points, it is normal to start, and you should be able to see some when your strength improves.”

Speaking of comfort, Third Raikage also understood that he was impatient.

Not to mention the secret operation circuits obtained by these two girls, even if he obtained the perfect Lightning Style Chakra Mode training scroll traded by the Shimura family, he did not understand the operation that Shimura Xuanding gave him when he upgraded the black thunder. Loop.

There are too many new knowledge points involved in it, and more than 95% of the new knowledge in the whole set of secret techniques is unknown to him.

Even he is like that, let alone the two sisters Yuyi Jingyin.

“Third Generation, we are gone!”

After not staying for a long time, the sisters Yuyi Jinyin turned and left the office, preparing to split with the two big-tailed beasts and head to the country of water to join the other tailed beasts.

“His purpose for going to Iwagakure is definitely not simple.”

He sent Shimura Xuanding away from the soil platform to return, expressing his own opinions, and sure that Shimura Xuanding must have a plan to go to Iwagakure this time.

“It’s for sure that there are other purposes. That guy Ohnoki is bleeding heavily this time.”Hehe sneer, Third Raikage has always known that Shimura Xuan Ding is not a good person, and this visit to Iwagakure is definitely not purely for making money.

He knew that Iwagakure had scoured a lot of Chakra metals in the Iron Country. Those should be the targets of Shimura Xuanding and the entire Shimura family.

“The secret that we traded from him to the perfect Lightning Style Chakra Mode is definitely not hidden. Maybe Third Tsuchikage is already ready for the bargaining chip. In the future, we will be more difficult to play against Iwagakure.”

With worries on the face, Tutai knows that Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure will have a battle in the future, and the conflict of interest between the two parties is too great.

Even if the alliance has been secretly, it is only aimed at dealing with the Shimura family and Konoha. Once Konoha and the Shimura family are destroyed, they will inevitably fall into a melee and fight for benefits.

“Look at this information!”

Throwing a scroll of intelligence in the drawer to the soil platform, the smile on Third Raikage’s face became more sullen and happier.

“This… is it sure to be true?”

Unfolding the intelligence scroll and glanced at the contents inside, Tutai was shocked and almost couldn’t hold the scroll in his hand.

It’s not that his mood is not stable enough, but that the intelligence inside is too amazing.

The information provided in this scroll shows that the reason why Second Tsuchikage and Second Mizukage fought during the last Ninja World War was due to Konoha’s secret plans in addition to the old hatred and personal feuds in previous years.

It wasn’t long before Sarutobi Hiruzen succeeded Hokage. Faced with the siege of their four ninja villages and in a critical situation, Shimura Danzō thought of a way to break the situation and passed on a secret technique that Iwagakure and Kirigakure needed to both Iwagakure and Kirigakure. At the junction of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, both sides wanted to get the inheritance of the secret technique, and then they fought, with heavy casualties, and even Second Tsuchikage and Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Magic Moon died together.

The critical situation of Konoha being besieged was relieved at once.

In other words, Shimura Danzō killed Second Tsuchikage and Second Mizukage.

“Although the incident itself is very interesting, what is more interesting is the person behind the scenes who sent this information.”

The grin on his face remained the same, and Third Raikage became more and more affirmed that Konoha was insecure.

This kind of top-secret information is not available to ordinary people.

“Does anyone in Konoha want to use us to expose this to Iwagakure and Kirigakure?”

Tutai is not stupid, and guesses the intentions of the people behind the scenes.

“Although it was used, it is more beneficial to us. Get this information to Iwagakure and Kirigakure and spread it, and then send the original to the kid.”

Opening the mouth to explain to Tutai to deal with this matter, Third Raikage is not stupid, naturally not willing to be the sword of the person behind the scenes.

He also used this to divorce the relationship between the Shimura family and Konoha and prepare for the future battle of Uzumaki.

“No, we can’t send it to Xuanding-kun’s hands, and even help those behind the scenes to hide the traces.”

Speaking out his own suggestions, Tutai thinks more.

“This is a good idea. Let the people behind the scenes hide for a while and give Shimura a knife from behind at a critical moment.”

Immediately reacting, Third Raikage screamed at this proposal.

Just like those spies, the deeper the hiding, the longer the time, the greater the damage will be.

Compared with exposing this matter now to make the Shimura family vigilant, we still help to cover it up, so that the people behind the scenes will give the Shimura family a look at the most critical and terrible time. Then they will definitely destroy the Shimura family completely. Drop, and then divide up the heritage of the Shimura family.

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