Chapter 338 The Power of Yang Transformation

Facing the counter-questions from the rebels, Tsunade was speechless, and wanted to refute but didn’t know how to refute it.

Although the Wood Style experiment is progressing well in the family, it is still far behind the human experiment and the risks are great.

It is impossible for her to let her younger brother take the risk of transplantation. Even if the transplantation is successful, without the amount of non-human Chakra like Grandpa, the Wood Style used will not be too strong. Forced use will only overdraw the younger brother’s body.

But just watching her younger brother being calculated by the adversary, how can she feel at ease?

“Sister, you don’t need to say any more. The Yang Power Project is my choice. I want to blaze a new path for Senju.”

Senju Nawaki suddenly expressed his stance, with an unprecedented expression of decisiveness.

He also knows that the family secretly restarted the Wood Style reconstruction plan. Even some time ago, his uncle Senju Orange Water pumped several tubes of blood from him in preparation for the Wood Style transplant.

But that plan couldn’t even be successfully developed by Grandpa Second, and the dangers in it were simply unimaginable.

He is more optimistic about the pioneering and innovative style of Shimura’s family compared to planning the grandfather’s Wood Style.

“I will stare at you all the time!”

Seeing that his brother had decided, Tsunade secretly sighed that his brother had finally grown up, and immediately glared at the rebel.

After shrugging without words, and continuing to eat and drink under the service of the little fiancé, Shimura Xuan Ding, ignoring the shyness of the little fiancé, hugged her in her arms and turned to feed her breakfast.

This show of affection caused the three people next to panic, and finally came to the basement of this villa to prepare.

Half an hour later, Shimura Xuan Ding brought her blushing little fiancee to the basement below the villa.

Tsunade has arranged several mixed enchantments here to prevent people from Iwagakure from perceiving abnormalities.

After all, this is the territory of the hostile Ninja Village!

“First of all, it is Yang Dun Chakra Mode. It has the same effect as the Baihao Technique that your sister used before, but it is more powerful and perfect.

Don’t remember, just use Yang Dun Chakra to follow along. ”

A simple reminder, Shimura Xuanding’s palm is pressed on the heart of the little brother, and a set of exclusive version of Chakra circulation circuit is constructed in his body with the immortal force silk thread.

Uchiha Mikoto on the other side uses illusion to connect his vision with Tsunade, and through Sharingan’s ability to understand the Chakra circulation trajectory in Senju Nawaki’s body, to prevent that pervert from using his hands and feet.

Senju Nawaki was obedient and didn’t bother to remember, and mobilized Yang Dun Chakra to flow along the complicated circuit. A few hours later, a milky white Yang Dun Chakra wrapped it and entered Yang Dun Chakra Mode.

“Milky white, why not green?”

Looking at the white Yang Yun Chakra in front of him in wonder, Shimura Xuan Ding was puzzled and depressed.

Why is your own fairy power green?

He really has no love for this healthy color!

“Is it wrong?”

Looking down at the white masculine Chakra on his body, Senju Nawaki blinked his eyes awkwardly.

Is there a problem with this Yang Dun Chakra Mode that I made?

“It’s okay. Next, I will integrate the natural energy of the yang attribute into your body, and guide your yang escape Chakra into the power of yang, pay attention to cooperation.”

Take out the Yang Gou Jade, transform it into the natural energy of the Yang attribute and transfer it into Senju Nawaki’s body, and then slowly adjust the circuit of Chakra to swallow the natural energy that merges with the Yang attribute.

This step was also very smooth, allowing Senju Nawaki to smoothly transform into white yang power.

“The quality really is a level higher than the pure power of five escapes.”

Feeling the power of this transformed Yang, Shimura Xuanding secretly said as expected.

In the original work, Sage of Six Paths once gave Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke the power of yin and yang, helped Uchiha Sasuke to turn on the six-goed jade Rinnegan, and let Naruto own the Truth-Seeking Ball, and could even use the Six Paths Planetary Devastation to seal Kaguya Ji.

He had long been curious about the power of yin and yang, and the power of the black thunder of Third Raikage gave him some guesses.

Sage of Six Paths must have mastered the method to further transform Chakra at the level of escape, and the power of yin and yang is the result of the opponent’s practice.

I just don’t know whether the method of transforming the power of Yin and Yang of the other party is the same as his method of swallowing.

“Can you hold on?”

After the white yang power Chakra stabilized, Shimura Xuanding asked.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

With a triumphant smile, Nawaki took off the forehead protector from his forehead, revealing a diamond-shaped mark, which is exactly the mark of the Hundred Healings Mark.

“Hundred Healings Mark·Open!”

Jieyin opens the Hundred Healings Mark, and the vast Chakra gushes out to complete the consumption of Chakra, the power of transforming sun.

“Nature Transformation with yin attributes has been cultivated, and it belongs to you.”

With a shocked punch, Shimura Xuan Ding really underestimated this little brother.

“Since there is the support of Hundred Healings Mark, then go ahead.”

Without stopping, Shimura Xuan Ding signaled Nawaki to temporarily remove Yang Dun Chakra Mode, and then built an exclusive version of Earth Style Chakra Mode for him.

Although Senju Nawaki has a normal brain, his physical talent is really fierce. It didn’t take long for him to repair the Earth Style Chakra Mode. The whole body was covered by the earth-yellow Earth Style Chakra, and the body cells were also strengthened.


“Good intensity!”

Flicking his finger on his brother’s arm, Tsunade gave a good comment.

Earth Style ninjutsu can strengthen the body’s hardness, and Earth Style Chakra Mode is the pinnacle of Earth Style ninjutsu, and the strengthening effect is stronger.

“It’s indeed a lot harder, I feel like I can ignore those fine ninja… Mikoto, what are you doing?”

Senju Nawaki was very satisfied with the Earth Style Chakra Mode, but immediately saw the goddess in his heart draw out a handful of kunai, and most importantly, it was still flashing with electricity.

This scared him a lot. The defensive power blessed by Earth Style Chakra Mode is indeed good, but the problem is that Lightning Style restrains Earth Style!

“Don’t be distracted, your physical fitness will be improved a lot after the unearthed power is transformed, coupled with the defensive power blessed by the power of the earth itself, it is enough to ignore the ordinary S-level ninjutsu effect, and Lightning Style should be able to ignore it. To A level.”

As a reminder, Shimura Xuanding took out the earth gou jade to transform the natural energy of the unearthed attributes.

The same operation is to guide the Earth Style Chakra to swallow and merge the natural energy of this earth attribute, and it smoothly transforms into the power of golden earth.

As the power of the earth appeared, it suddenly swallowed Nawaki’s Chakra frantically, strengthening his body cells, especially bone cells.

Because of Shimura Xuan Ding’s warning in advance, Senju Nawaki was prepared for it, and Chakra, which was sealed in the Hundred Healings Mark, emerged and was swallowed by the power of the earth to strengthen his physical fitness.

The strengthening speed is not slow, it will be completed in half an hour, and Nawaki’s physical fitness has also been improved several times.

The most important thing is that the Earth Style Chakra Mode operated by the power of earth Chakra is more powerful, rendering the skin golden, just like casting gold, revealing an indestructible texture.

“Mikoto, use your chidori to poke it.”

The bright eyes were bright, Tsunade hurriedly motioned to the disciple beside him to do something to try the strength of Chakra, the power of the earth.


Uchiha Mikoto, who wanted to try for a long time, decisively condensed the Chidori Technique on Supremacy, and the extremely condensed thunder attribute Chakra showed a sense of indestructibility.

Senju Nawaki can also feel the power of the earth, full of confidence, and then a tragedy.


Despite being hindered by a lot of obstacles, Uchiha Mikoto pierced Senju Nawaki’s thick arm with Kunai’s hand until it reached the handle.

“That’s it?”

Disappointed, Tsunade looked contemptuous, because she was expecting that before, but she did not expect it to be a silver wax gun head.

Senju Nawaki also cast a suspicious look at the big brother, the effect is really unsatisfactory.

“That is the Thunder attribute Chakra ninjutsu, and the penetrating power equivalent to the S-class Lightning Style ninjutsu just now after blessing.”

Angrily stared at the Sharingan girl, Shimura Xuan Ding felt that this girl was deliberately embarrassing him.

Chakra metal has a great bonus effect on ninjutsu. The higher the purity, the greater the bonus effect. Uchiha Mikoto’s Kuwu is all forged from the thunder attribute Chakra metal, otherwise it would be impossible to rely on one alone. Thousands of birds pierce the defense of the power of the earth.


Senju Nawaki felt very hurt with an expression of incomparable resentment. Although the kunai was stabbed in the arm, it was no different from stabbing in the heart.

Does he still need to pursue this kind of childhood sweetheart?

“Sorry, it’s nothing to take the mistake.”

The girl pulled out Kuwu without expression, a stream of blood rushed out, but it quickly healed under the influence of Yang power in a short while.

“Don’t stare, just follow this set of circulation circuits to run the sun power Chakra and the earth power Chakra at the same time, and start the swallowing step.”

Instructing my little brother to practice quickly, Shimura Xuan Ding tailored a set of Chakra Mode that can coexist according to Senju Nawaki’s current physical condition and the characteristics of the power of the earth.

That’s right, the original seven Chakra Modes cannot coexist, and they have to make special adjustments. This is the second layer of anti-theft measures.

After all, the multiple overlapping Chakra Mode and the single Chakra Mode are completely different concepts, and the power of increase is not the same.

The very obedient running sun power Chakra and earth power Chakra, and then slowly swallowed the earth power Chakra based on the power of the sun.

Although Yang Dun has no restraint characteristics for Earth Style, the two attributes of Yin and Yang are essentially higher than those of Five Dun, which has the basis for swallowing.

Coupled with the use of a large amount of Chakra to bless the power of the Yang, and only half a day before and after the power of the earth Chakra was swallowed completely, the power of the Yang Chakra also ushered in another metamorphosis, and by the way, Senju Nawaki’s physique soared.

The evolution of Yang Power was indeed very smooth, but it brought another problem with it.


Senju Nawaki, who had completed the swallowing metamorphosis, waved his arms excitedly, and then the arms twisted into a weird angle.


Looking at the broken arm, Senju Nawaki complained even more.

He has experienced this kind of experience. When he first started practicing Weird Power Art, he greedily went forward without the strengthening blessing of Earth Style. As a result, the muscles burst out too strong and they sprained the bones on their own.

Unexpectedly, I experienced this kind of hard-working experience again today.

“Don’t worry, I am prepared, and I will help you replace the calcium in your bones with this stuff.”

Pushing the glasses, Shimura Xuan Ding returned a relieved look. He had expected this result a long time ago.

This is also a major flaw in the attribute swallowing route. If all other attributes are swallowed, it is naturally difficult to obtain the blessing effect of those attributes.

However, the strength limit of calcium is not high, and it is normal for the bones to be twisted and broken.

Take out the enclosed object scroll that you carry with you, take out the Kaguya puppet inside, then a Sunagakure magnetic field escape puppet and Cloud Shinobi Village’s electric Magnet Style puppet.

The originals of these three human puppets were all sent by Black Zetsu along with the pets last time, and they were all quasi-Kage-level powerful bodies.

Next, he will use this little brother to experiment with a real Magnet Style.

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