Chapter 344: Helpless White Soil

A week later, despite Shimura Xuan Ding’s unwillingness to give up, the teacher and the younger sisters left resolutely and did not leave behind.

In the same way, the little fiancee and little brother also followed and went back to Konoha. Fortunately, these two people were very reluctant, unlike Tsunade and little Mikoto.

“The boss has a very good relationship with his teacher.”

Looking at the big brother who had been standing at the gate for more than an hour, Ditai couldn’t help but sighed, and he was quite envious.

Although ninja pays attention to the bondage of master and apprentice, it is really rare that the relationship is so good.

At least back then, the relationship between his leading teacher and them was very ordinary.

“Humph! Of course their relationship is getting better!”

With a cold snort, Bai Tu was full of disgust.

That night she could see everything clearly and know how the granddaughter of First Hokage is related to the dead pervert.

And the eldest lady from Uchiha’s family is the same, it’s not a normal relationship between apprentice and apprentice.

“In this way, in order to make it convenient for me to guide you in cultivation at any time, I will live in my villa in the future.”

At this time, Shimura Xuan Ding turned and walked over, and gently made a proposal, a proposal to make Bai Tu’s complexion change.

Just as he was about to refuse, he suddenly sensed an immortal force silk thread pierced into the back of his neck, and his body became uncontrollable.

“Then we’re welcome.”

Hehe smiled, Ditai would naturally not refuse such a good thing.

Zi and Han also agreed, and even Huang Tu, who had always been taciturn, nodded.

In the end, Shimura Xuanding secretly controlled the white earth with the immortal force silk thread and nodded, the proposal was passed smoothly, and the group returned to the villa with joy.

“Zi, how are you practicing with Han’s Lava Style Chakra Mode and Boil Style Chakra Mode?”

Back to sit on the sofa in the large living room on the first floor of the villa, let Bai Tu sit next to him, Shimura Xuan Ding asked Zi and Han about their cultivation progress.

Both of them have obtained the Four Tails and Five Tails’ Blood Succession Boundary, and with the blessing of the power of the tail beast, they can quickly cultivate into the Blood Succession Boundary Chakra Mode.

In the original work, Lava Style Chakra Mode was cultivated by Lava Style Chakra Mode. The whole body is covered by golden Lava Style Chakra. It has the hard defense and strength blessing of Earth Style, and the high temperature of Fire Style, which is the same as the swirling Naruto of Nine Tails mode. It can be seen that it is strong with a strong wave from the front.

If it weren’t for Uchiha Itachi’s Mangekyō and Hoshigaki Kisame’s Water Style in the original work, it was too restrained, and two Akatsuki members alone would never have caught him.

“The progress is not ideal.”

Scratching his head awkwardly, Zi was also very upset.

Although I have written down the Lava Style Chakra Mode operation circuit taught by the big brother, it is one thing to memorize the thing, and it is another thing to control the Lava Style Chakra to follow the operation to form the Chakra Mode, and it has not been completed until now. .

The Han on the side also bowed his head guiltily, his progress was also very unsatisfactory.

“Don’t be discouraged, your Lava Style and Boil Style are not your own after all, but come from Monkey King and Kokuō, and they will inevitably be weaker in control.

As long as you integrate your own Earth Style Chakra and Fire Style Chakra into it, you can completely become your own blood boundary.

It’s the same on Hanyou. If you practice Water Style Chakra and Fire Style Chakra, and merge them in reverse, you can refine the Boil Style from Kokuō into your own, and your control will increase a lot.

In addition, the Chakra Mode of Blood Succession Boundary has stronger pressure on the body than the single attribute Chakra Mode. You should practice your body more. ”

To give two suggestions, Shimura Xuanding had carefully studied the Four Tails and Five Tails in the Black Ding Space, and he was naturally very clear about them.

“Thank you, boss for your advice.”

Zi and Han were thoughtful and hurriedly got up and bowed to thank them.

“Ditai, prepare for it. I will transplant the alloy skeleton for you in a while. By the way, Damutou will send some people to assist.”

Looking at the young Ditai couple sitting on the sofa on the left, Shimura Xuan Ding also felt that it was time to transplant the alloy skeleton for this junior.

At that time, let him leave Iwagakure and mix with Miss Yuguan.

“Finally to be transplanted!”

Rubbing his hands in excitement, Ditai was waiting for this day.

“Huang Tu, your body reconstruction surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, so you can take a look at the effect of Ditai’s reconstruction first.”

Finally, he looked at the loess, and he wanted to perform the same modification operation for it, but with a greater degree of modification.

“Trouble boss!”

Nodding his head to express his understanding, Huang Tu’s thankful thanks, and his heart is extremely excited.

Although the body shape after the transformation will change greatly, it doesn’t matter what it becomes as long as it can gain strong power and protect the village well.

What’s more, the world of ninjas is so strange, maybe in the future, you can find a way to shrink your body.

“Okay, all go out and get ready, and inform Ohnoki to send someone over by the way.”

He clapped his palms to signal the horses to leave. He didn’t have time to delay.

Naturally, Ditai and the others did not want to delay. Ditai and his girlfriend Jingzi went to fetch the alloy skeleton, and Zi and Han went back to the apartment to pack their luggage and move in.

Only Bai Tu, who had been silent for a long time, was ignored by everyone. It was also possible that several people were too excited and forgot this teammate, but Shimura Xuan Ding did not.

He leaned forward and rested his head on the girl’s black stockings. Shimura Xuan Ding manipulated the girl’s hands to massage her head, and said domineeringly: “From now on, you will live in the one in Lingyin. Room, I will open a cryptic door on the wall and come over to accompany me every night.”

It is all blamed on Yuyijingyin and Yuyilaner’s two teachers’ little sisters, who are used to this bad problem, and can’t sleep without the little sister or the little sister.


The girl who finally gained control of her head scolded, but as soon as she finished her scolding, her jacket was taken off by Xian Yuanli silk thread.

“Go on, I’ll take off a piece of clothing when you scold me. Huang Tu, they should be back soon.”

There was an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and he had always been experienced in dealing with such little sisters and little sisters.

Sure enough, when he mentioned the loess, Bai Tu swallowed the words in his throat, but his eyes looked fierce.

At the same time, complaining about how Grandpa Cinnamon brought this guy back to Iwagakure?

It’s like a tiger into the flock!

“Why are you still taking it off?”

The dress was taken off, leaving only the girl in the close-fitting coat to be anxious. This guy was too untrustworthy.

Obviously I stopped cursing, why are you still like this?

“Xiao Baitu, life has been alive for so many decades, we have to laugh and live every day, what do you think?”

Shimura Xuan Ding looked like a person coming over, pouring chicken soup to Loli with earnest words.

It’s a day to cry, and a day to laugh. Since it’s all a day, why not smile?

“Are you satisfied now?”

Squeezing a smile, Bai Tu succumbed.

She had also thought about telling Brother Huang Tu about the true face of this dead pervert, but she couldn’t imagine how Brother Huang Tu would treat herself when he knew that he was unclean. Would he dislike herself and break the relationship?

She really couldn’t accept the consequences, so she could only endure it in the end.

But who would think that this bastard has to be such an inch, what should I do?

Just when the girl was at a loss, Ditai and others returned, and Oh Nogi also brought a group of Anbu ninjas and medical ninjas to watch the alloy skeleton transplantation operation.

Of course, Shimura Xuan Ding also let go of the control of the girl, and Bai Tu immediately put on the dress and jacket that had been taken off.

Shimura Xuan Ding also recovered Masato-kunzi’s expression, and took Ohnogi and others to the basement where Senju Nawaki’s body was remodeled last time.

“I will shape some of your bone cells first!”

To explain, Shimura Xuan Ding manipulated the Kaguya puppet and used Dead Bone Pulse to use Ditai’s own bones as a template to use the pig bones that had been prepared to create a five-meter-high skeleton.

Then the meteorite alloy metal layer on the surface of the alloy skeleton was removed, revealing the alloy skeleton made by the fusion of heavy gold and perfect energy metal inside.

Using these heavy gold alloy bones as the material, it is integrated into the bone cells of the bone skeleton to create a bone structure like Senju Nawaki’s.

Although this kind of bone structure is weaker than pure heavy gold alloy in its strength, it can better assist in cultivation and has stronger potential.

the most important is……

“No way, the big wood is too ungrateful, I can only save you the long handle of the sun and moon shovel in this way.”

Using the saved heavy gold alloy to shape a long handle, Shimura Xuan Ding did not forget that he had to build a sun and moon shovel for Ditai.

At that time, only the sun and moon shovel head was cast with meteorite alloy, and the long handle in the middle was made of tough heavy gold alloy.

And these heavy golds were what he had exchanged from the Daimyo Mansion in the Land of the Land to transform the figure of the samurai powerhouse, which belonged to him.

In other words, the perfect energy metal is provided by Iwagakure, but it only accounts for 20% of the weight.

“If you do an operation, do it, there is so much nonsense.”

The Cinnamon watching by the side stared uncomfortably, this kid was ruining his mind again.

On the contrary, Oh Nogi was expressionless and didn’t care at all.

He did refuse to use perfect Chakra metal in exchange for heavy gold to shape the alloy skeleton for Ditai, because it was not cost-effective in his opinion.

From the standpoint of Tsuchikage, his decision was not wrong.

And judging from the situation at the time, even if he didn’t exchange the heavy money, the kid would get the heavy money himself to build the alloy skeleton for Ditai.

That being the case, there is no need to waste the hard-won perfect Chakra metal.

As for how Ditai and Yuguan think about it is not important, he also believes that both of them will understand his difficulties.

Shrugging, Shimura Xuanding attached the previously disassembled meteorite alloy layer to the heavy gold alloy skeleton to provide a hard protective layer.

The hardness of the meteorite alloy is much stronger than that of heavy gold, but it has no toughness. When using the meteorite alloy to make the skeleton, the anti-shock force will damage the viscera, so it can only be done with this inlay method.

With the skeleton set, the next step is much simpler.

Use the magnification technique to magnify Ditai’s body shape, sterilize the alloy skeleton and transplant it in one by one, which perfectly fits the muscles and tendons.

Then use medical means to stimulate the cell division and proliferation of the muscles, skin, internal organs, etc., to adapt to the five-meter-high skeleton.

There are two examples of overnight Ai Yue and Senju Nawaki. The operation went well.

“Jingzi, you continue to use medical ninjutsu to enhance his immunity these days and kill all kinds of bacteria and germs that enter the body during the operation.

As long as there is no abnormal reaction after a week, the operation is considered successful. ”

Shimura Xuan Ding, who had completed the operation, instructed Jing Zi, who had been assisting him, that Jing Zi would take care of Di Tai who had completed the transplant operation.

This former Sister Yuan is very talented in medical ninjutsu and has been working in Iwagakure’s hospital, enough to solve most problems.

If you really have a major problem, you can do it yourself, but there shouldn’t be any problems.

Replacing human bones with metal is often used in medical treatment in previous lives, either adding steel plates to the bones of fracture patients, or replacing joints with metal creations.

Past lives without black technology can be fudged, and it is naturally not a problem to put it in this world of cultivation civilization.

Of course, this kind of surgery requires a lot of medical skills, and even a medical ninja of Tsunade’s level is not very sure that it will succeed.

It’s almost the same with Tsunade Hime in the prime of the original.

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