Chapter 351 Black Zetsu Is Studying Hard

“Uchiha Yanichi is already old. Uchiha needs a new patriarch to lead them to renew their glory. Don’t let the old man down.”

After leaving a word indifferently, Oh Yemu used the Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique to fly high into the sky and quickly returned to Iwagakure.

He did everything that should be done, and then Uchiha Fugaku’s thing, it depends on whether the other party can get that cruelty.

But thinking that the kid won’t let him down, a man whose fiancée and eyes have been taken away will inevitably breed a lot of darkness in his heart, so that there is no problem with his cruelty.

Not to mention that the other party was born in Uchiha, who was born with a neurosis!

Sure enough, Uchiha Fugaku did not disappoint Onoki, and was led by the Shadow Clone to the side of several clansmen.

Although the memory of Shadow Clone used Shadow Clone’s memory to see the tragedy of several people, Uchiha Fugaku still looked cold.

As early as when Mangekyō Sharingan was awakened because of the capture of his fiancée, his heart was already dead.

It is impossible for Shimura’s family to come up to marry Uchiha Mikoto for no reason. It must be the kind of relationship between that slut and Shimura Xuan Ding.

You must know that the little bitch could have spent several months with Shimura Xuanting in the Kingdom of the Wind. Does the ghost know if he has done anything to do something about it in such a long time?

He Uchiha Fugaku doesn’t need such a reputation or even chastity and already unclean woman.

“Fugaku, are you really going to attack the patriarch?”

A young Uchiha coughed up blood and looked at Uchiha Fugaku miserably, knowing that their Uchiha was in danger.

“The bitch Uchiha Mikoto is no longer credible, and naturally her father is no longer credible. All this is for Uchiha.”

Uchiha Fugaku spoke coldly, and Uchiha Fugaku’s mood remained unchanged.

“I understand, please accept my eyes, don’t make innocent sacrifices, and hope you can lead the family to glory.”

Comprehending the will of this cousin, the young Uchiha, regardless of his own serious injury, forcibly squeezed the vitality and spiritual power in his body to fuse a large amount of Chakra, merged these chakras into his eyes, and finally took out his Three Tomoe Sharingan with his thin palm. In the hands of Uchiha Fugaku.

Now he has no choice, because Uchiha already has a posture of being unreliable, and most of the older generations of strong people have suffered old injuries from the last Ninja World War, even Uchiha Yanyi, the patriarch, has serious internal organs. , The physical condition has been declining in the past two years.

They Uchiha really need a young patriarch to lead the family to go on. At this stage, Uchiha Fugaku has the strongest strength and the best aptitude, and a pair of Mangekyō has been awakened before.

This will be their hope for the future of Uchiha!

Still in that indifferent appearance, Uchiha Fugaku pressed the two Three Tomoe Sharingan in his orbit, and the family secret special medical ninjutsu was launched, and the optic nerve and blood vessel meridians were connected to the new eyeball in the orbit one by one.

Because of the blood relationship of cousins, these eyes did not show rejection reaction, and even quickly recovered their eyesight.

“Fugaku, please accept our strength and lead the family down!”

The remaining members of the tribe did not procrastinate, and they all determined to use secret techniques to limit their vitality and spiritual power, blend the refined Chakra into their eyes, and finally mixed the pupil power of Three Tomoe Sharingan into Uchiha Fugaku’s body. .

They have absolute confidence in Uchiha Fugaku. Since this man can turn on Mangekyō Sharingan once, he will definitely be able to turn on a second pair.

After receiving gifts from several confidants, Uchiha Fugaku clenched his fists, and blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

“Shimura Xuan Ding!”

With a deep roar, the murderous intent of hatred in Uchiha Fugaku’s heart cannot be described in words.

He swears that in the future he will smash the body of the guy who has brought him shame many times!

Without staying, Uchiha Fugaku used Fire Style ninjutsu to burn the corpses of several tribesmen, including his own cousin, to ashes. After making sure that there were no flaws left, Uchiha Fugaku hurriedly left.

After all, this is the boundary of the land of the earth, and Iwagakure’s interior is not monolithic, otherwise Ohnoki would not come to see him alone.

It is very dangerous to stay in the territory of the land of the earth, maybe someone is chasing it over, and he must return to Konoha as soon as possible.

“Wow, a bunch of ruthless people!”

Not long after Uchiha Fugaku left, two white figures rose from the ground, exactly two White Zetsu.

Without Shimura Xuan Ding’s command, White Zetsu knew the importance of the Uchiha group. Whether they eventually escaped to Konoha or was killed by Iwagakure or other forces, it was important, so he followed secretly. I didn’t expect to see this. Wonderful scene.

“Just now they said that they wanted to kill Uchiha’s current patriarch. Isn’t that Xuan Ding-kun’s father-in-law? Xuan Ding-kun should be sad, right?”

“Xuan Ding-kun is more sinister and cold-bellied than Black Zetsu. Black Zetsu is a shameless and nasty man. Even if Shimura Danzō is hacked to death outside, he can’t be sad? How could he be sad for a father-in-law?”

Another person, White Zetsu, expressed opposition. He knew Shimura Xuan Ding very well. He really didn’t think that the man who could admire Black Zetsu would have the concept of sadness.

“It seems to make sense.”

“I will continue to follow Uchiha Fugaku secretly, and you will report back to the insidious Xuan Ding-kun and Black Zetsu.”

After speaking, a White Zetsu went underground and chased in the direction where Uchiha Fugaku left. As for the remaining White Zetsu, he turned back and reported the situation.

And Shimura Xuan Ding and Black Zetsu, who are named insidious by the two White Zetsus, are busy. In an underground space far away from Iwagakure, Black Zetsu is holding a torch and looking at the three-meter-high, six-meter-diameter super giant. The scroll couldn’t help sinking into thought.

He naturally knows the style of the secret art written by Shimura Xuan Ding, and strives to be the simplest and clearest. Every knowledge point is broken and written for you, even a layman can understand it.

But this is too clear, right?

The characters used above are all tiny Chinese characters, densely packed, and the number of characters in the text is at least thirty small targets.

It will take a long time to read this stuff alone, let alone practice.

“Use Shadow Clone to memorize it separately!”

Rubbing his forehead with a headache, Black Zetsu could only use multiple Shadow Clone Techniques to partition his memory, trying to read it as soon as possible, and then pass it directly to the White Zetsu through his mother’s power to step up his practice.

Opening the super-giant scroll, what you see is a catalog.

“It turns out that there are other secret techniques, no wonder there are so many words.”

After reading the catalog, Black Zetsu realized that this is a complete encyclopedia of Immortal Force training tailored for White Zetsu, not just the wailing stick and soul chain condensing method in the Shinigami project.

With the help of the catalog, I quickly flipped to the record of the mourning stick and the condensed method of the soul-locking chain. After reading it, he frowned and felt a little disappointed.

“It can only deal with the dead souls of ordinary people, and it works.”

Although it looks very sketchy, the Secret Art of Cultivation specifically marked that the cry of the mourning rod can only hurt the dead souls, and the soul chain can only lock the dead souls of ordinary people, and it can only be effective on the dead souls, the living souls of living people. There is physical protection and will not be hurt by these two spiritual weapons.

This effect was much worse than his previous expectations. He originally thought it could be a big killer, but who thought it was such a thing.

But it’s not too bad, after all, at this stage they are mainly lack of human spirit to shape the perfect White Zetsu, so that White Zetsu’s IQ and potential have improved a bit, and assisted in the cultivation of Xian Yuanli.

Moreover, Shimura Xuanting also said before that this is only a basic secret technique, and stronger secret techniques will definitely be developed later, making Shinigami plan a big killer.

Not to mention that Black Zetsu is immersed in studying here, Shimura Xuan Ding on the other side is enjoying the massage service of two young girls.

Uchiha is indeed a ninja who is good at spraying Fire Style. He has a special training method for the fire-breathing part, which can greatly avoid being burned by the fire attribute Chakra. Uchiha Mikoto has obviously got the true story.

The white soil on the other side is not bad. In the future, it will give birth to a leg shadow to prove that the other party’s genes are excellent, and they also have a pair of perfect legs and feet.

It’s a pity that such a perfect show of legs and feet is not used for three rounds and massages.

The following days Shimura Xuan Ding was very moisturizing. During the day, he trained those Ma Zi brothers to practice, and at night, he enjoyed the massage service of two young girls.

Of course, I didn’t forget to cultivate immortality and assist those war pets in dual cultivation.

In the daytime, he was almost inseparable from the battle pets, and kept the double repair cycle with the immortal power silk thread.

The eight battle pets have now grown into big ones. The largest crab is three times larger than when he first came, and the other battle pets have also grown to varying degrees.

Even the smallest arachnid butterfly grows to the size of an umbrella and falls on top of Shimura Xuanding’s head all day, adding a touch of greenery.

“Big mouth, it’s not that I said you, you really have to lose weight.”

Looking at Shimura’s big mouth, who has gained a lot of weight, Shimura Xuan Ding is worried that this first favorite will be three highs.

It’s too fat!

Now Shimura’s big mouth has turned into a ball state, round and ten meters in diameter.

“Boom boom…”

Shimura, who can already understand people’s language, protested with a big mouth and a round body. He is not called fat, but plump.

“Well, let’s not talk about you, I bounced 10,000 times today.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Shimura Xuan Ding asked Shimura’s mouth to do a weight loss exercise tailored specifically for him, which can also be said to be the other person’s way of walking.

After receiving the order, Shimura’s big mouth naturally did not dare to neglect, and controlled her chubby body to bounce on the spot, and the extent of the bounce became larger and higher.

This is Shimura Xuan Ding’s specially tailored walking method, relying on bounce to move forward, but also an attack method.

“The aptitude of Big Mouth is much worse.”

Looking at Shimura’s big mouth, which was constantly bouncing up and down, Shimura Xuan Ding knew very well that this first pet’s aptitude was very bad.

Although he possesses vitality talent, his talent is very low, almost none. Without the assistance of Greer energy liquid, it is impossible to awaken and transform into the innate yang attribute immortal power, which is inferior to the other battle pets found by Black Zetsu. Far.

“The fat storage method of the Akamichi family has a promising future. You can try it out.”

Thinking about how to strengthen and make up for Shimura’s lack of talent in Big Mouth, Shimura Xuan Ding thought of the fat guys of the Akamichi family.

The Akamichi family stores the vitality or Chakra directly in the fat, and extracts the vitality or Chakra from the fat when using it.

Because fat is not directly involved in the functioning of the body, even if it is damaged, it does not have much impact on the body, so the Akamichi family ninja rarely over-refines Chakra overdrawing the body during the battle.

This method is very suitable for Shimura’s big mouth, and coupled with the super-magnification Technique optimized from the super Expansion Jutsu, it is enough to make Shimura’s big mouth burst out of tyrannical strength.

“It’s just a time attribute!”

After thinking about the future planning of Shimura Big Mouth, Shimura Xuan Ding thought about the progress of his cultivation, and looked forward to the next trip to the country of ghosts.

He has now obtained eight corresponding innate attribute celestial energies with the help of eight great pets. He only needs to further transform these innate attribute celestial energies into escape technique celestial energies, and he can completely change himself and obtain these innate attributes forever. At that time, both his own strength and qualifications will have a huge improvement.

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