Chapter 386 Hyuga Legacy

Shimura Xuan Ding is about to marry Senju Tsunade, the eldest of the Senju family. This matter is very unusual. The major ninjas are worried, but in comparison, the common people are happy.

Because the prodigal young master Shimura has spoken, he will hold a nine-day running water banquet in the village, and all villagers can come and eat for free.

The chefs used are the teachers and all the students of the Shimura Culinary Academy outside the village. There is absolutely no cooking skill.

With the free food supply, the villagers were naturally very happy. Even villagers in some villages around Konoha rushed over to Cengfan when they heard about it.

On the Senju family’s side, Senju Tobirama is naturally unwilling to marry his granddaughter to Shimura Xuan Ding. After all, Tsunade has very good aptitude, and he will definitely become a strong one in the future, and even hope to awaken or transplant his brother’s complete Wood Style.

It’s a pity that he is just a second grandfather, who is no better than Uzumaki in his identity. His sister-in-law fully supports this marriage, and Senju Tobirama can’t stop it, let alone stop it.

But anyway, Konoha and other ninjas became wary of the Senju family, and the Uchiha family, which originally planned to cooperate with Senju, immediately drew a clear line with them.

Afterwards, the five major powers Daming Mansion and the Iron Kingdom Admiral Mansion jointly sent the guilt letter, which brought the topic of Senju family to a peak.

That’s right, after guessing that Senju Tobirama caused the Iron Nation tragedy, Shimura Xuan Ting shared the information with the five great nations and the Iron Nation, especially the Iron Nation.

If Rain Shinobi Village hadn’t been restless recently, plus the need to restore the country of Taki, the country of Iron Admiral would have led the samurai army to kill.

Under such a situation, the pressure on the Senju family can be imagined.

Fortunately, the interests of the Ninja Ninja Village are the same for the Daimyo Prefecture and the samurai group.

After all, no matter how Shinobu fights between Shinobu, even if it is a dog’s brain, it is also a matter of its own system, but the samurai system represented by the Daimyo Palace is a class enemy.

In this regard, Konoha and the Four Ninja Villages secretly support the Senju family. As a reward, the Senju family will share a batch of Chakra metal.

And this series of things made the five great Shinobi Villages undercurrents, especially Konoha Shinobi Village.

On the day before Shimura Xuan Ding’s wedding, Sarutobi Hiruzen returned from the Hyuga clan. His complexion was very ugly.

“What did you ask?”

The most anxious Utatane Koharu couldn’t help but ask. At the beginning, Ohnoki mentioned that the moon powerhouse possessed Byakugan’s intelligence, so that they had to be suspicious of the Hyuga clan.

Until today, I was only ready to visit in the past, and I don’t know how much information I can get from Hyuga, and what the attitude of the Hyuga family is.

“Hyuga Tokugawa admits that the Hyuga family is related to the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon and is separated from the Ōtsutsuki clan. However, the relationship between the two families has not been very good. If the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon becomes hostile in the future, the Hyuga family will stand with us. side.”

Sitting on the main seat, he took out the cigarette stick and lighted the smoke. Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a headache.

I thought those mysterious strong men were hidden in the sea, but I didn’t expect them to be hidden on the moon.

At such a long distance, even if they want to fight, they can’t go, which is equivalent to saying that they are inherently invincible.

How can this make people tidy?

“What kind of pupil technique did that person use at the beginning? Can Byakugan also evolve Mangekyō like Sharingan?”

After digesting a little, Utatane Koharu asked about another thing.

At the beginning, they had been watching from a distance, vaguely seeing the change in the eyes of the Ōtsutsuki powerhouse at the end of the brow, and showing the powerful ability of the Chakra golden sword.

That is probably a pupil ability.

“It’s called Tenseigan, and the conditions for evolution are far more demanding than Mangekyō. The Hyuga clan has not been awakened for thousands of years.”

According to the love report obtained from Hyuga Tokugawa, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a terrible heart and is full of envy and hatred.

Although the state of the moon powerhouse seemed unstable at the beginning, he had to admit that the Chakra Golden Sword was so strong that he couldn’t resist it.

The Sarutobi family has none of them in the Sarutobi family.

“How is the meteorite researched?”

Suppressing the bad mood to the bottom of my heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

The meteorite that fell from the sky shocked them a lot, and if the thing were to be smashed down, all of them would die.

It is necessary to figure out how the thing was taken down as soon as possible. Is it man-made? Or a coincidence? If it is artificial, how much can the other party get it?

“Our people have finished dismantling the meteorite and found something in it.”

Mitokado Homura, who was in charge of the matter, looked strangely and took out a scroll of the sealed object and unfolded it. After a cloud of mist dispersed, a bunch of broken bones were exposed.

“Human bones?”

Focusing on a few teeth among the broken bones, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who understood the structure of the human body, immediately recognized that they were human teeth.

But isn’t that a meteorite dropped from outer space?

How can there be human bones?

And he still saw a piece of broken gou jade in the broken bones, what the hell was it?

“There are a lot of biological bones in the meteorite. It can be seen from the test results that it has been dead for thousands of years, and it was crushed to death by huge pressure.”

His complexion was even more weird and suspicious, and Mitokado Homura was also incomprehensible.

“The legend Sage of Six Paths made the moon, maybe that legend is true.”

Akamichi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly opened his mouth, expressing a possibility.

Both human bones and gou jade fragments can prove to be derived from a human civilization, but those bone fragments are of average strength, should be ordinary people, and it is impossible to go to outer space.

So someone must have sent it to outer space, and there happened to be a legend that Sage of Six Paths made the moon, and the two fit together.

“We have explored too little Chakra!”

All of them shook and remained silent for a long time. Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled smoke, realizing that he was too superficial before.

I used to think that First Hokage and Uchiha Madara were the pinnacles of the Ninja world, but it wasn’t until the good friend Azang showed his strength that he realized that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

But now I was deeply shocked.

If Sage of Six Paths really has the power to shape the moon, then the limits of ninjas must go far beyond the level of today’s ninja world.

At least he doesn’t think that Azang has the ability to shape a moon now.

“If the legend is true, Sage of Six Paths is obviously not a good kind.”

The shocking mood was also calmed down, Mitokado Homura’s complexion was very ugly.

The moon should not be made out of thin air. The source of the material must be the earth itself. The ghost knows how many people are crushed to death in the moon. That is a huge tomb.

Although I don’t know why Sage of Six Paths has shaped the moon regardless of the lives of countless people, this incident alone proves that Sage of Six Paths is not a good person.

“What do you think about the resurrection of Mr. Tobirama?”

Utatane Koharu suddenly spoke, making the atmosphere in the room dull again.

Several people looked at each other, and the matter was equally troublesome.

“Ms. Tobirama said that he will not interfere with the decision-making in the village, nor will he show up in the open.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen set the tone for this matter, which was the promise made by Senju Tobirama after being released by Impure World Reincarnation.

But this did not make the other three feel at ease. If they were naturally confident in Senju Tobirama’s morals and promises before, they now broke out that Senju Tobirama was the real culprit of the Iron Country tragedy, and made them deeply aware of the teacher. The dark and terrible.

The credibility of the promise made is really impossible to guarantee, and no one can guarantee it, even if First Hokage is alive.

The four of them discussed and left until late at night. After sending the three teammates away, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up at the bright moon in the night sky and couldn’t help sighing gloomily.


He was really frightened. The three giants of Konoha are not fuel-efficient lamps. Apart from Uchiha, the first Konoha rebel Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama of the Senju family is cruel and heartbroken.

The rest of the Hyuga clan is not a good crop, and it must have hidden terrible background, otherwise it is not qualified to be hostile to the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon for thousands of years.

The Shimura family is also extremely terrifying. There are four great ninjas, and this Hokage can’t do it!

“I hope the plan will succeed!”

Sighing again, Sarutobi Hiruzen can only hope for the next Second Ninja War.

He is not a fool, and vaguely guessed that the four great Shinobu villages have ulterior motives, and may have been eyeing them Konoha.

But this is also a good thing. It happens to use the four great ninja villages to weaken and even destroy the four great ninjas in the village. As long as the four great ninjas are destroyed, this Hokage can do what he can do.

This is the tacit understanding of the village chief!

At the same time, several elders from the Hyuga family and the patriarch Hyuga Tokugawa gathered to discuss major issues.

“Enable the background!”

After a long discussion, the oldest senior elder spoke and decided to use the treasure that was sealed by the ancestors.

I didn’t want to use that thing, but the current situation in the Ninja World is unprecedentedly terrible. In addition, with the emergence of the Moon family, their Hyuga clan has been targeted by major forces. If you don’t activate the treasure of the foundation as soon as possible, you will have to annihilate the clan.

Before the crisis of extermination, there was nothing that could not be broken, including the legacy of the ancestors.


Several clan elders looked at each other and nodded in agreement. After all, they had no way out.

In the end, Hyuga Tokugawa, the patriarch, also expressed his opinion, agreeing to use the treasure of the foundation.

They discussed again for a while, and after sending off the elders, Hyuga Tokugawa took the eldest son Hyuga Hiashi and this son Hyuga Hizashi back to their original positions again.

“Elder, how do you arrange for Lingyin?”

Without procrastination, Hyuga Tokugawa asked straightforwardly.

“In the manner of Shimura Danzō and his son, this transaction can only be done once. You can think about what you want. After the ringtone is sent, she will change her surname to Shimura.”

Indifferently speaking, the elder knew very well that he could not keep the granddaughter, nor could the Hyuga family, because the Shimura family was too strong, far surpassing the Hyuga family at the stage of emergence.

He even suspects that even if the legacy of the ancestors is used, the Shimura family may not be able to do it. After all, the strong man in the moon family has almost died in the hands of the Shimura family twice.

Glancing at the two Hyuga Hiashi brothers who were kneeling behind Hyuga Tokugawa, the elder did not speak any more and got up and left.

He knew that the two brothers had thoughts about their own ringtones, but what could be done?

Just as women in the clan are destined to be a tool of marriage from birth, so do men.

In the face of family interests and survival, personal feelings are of no value.

“Hiashi, you have heard what the great elder said. Forget the girl that Lingyin as soon as possible, and don’t cause trouble to the family. That kid doesn’t have a big heart.”

Without looking back, Hyuga Tokugawa didn’t want to see the eldest son continue to think about Hyuga ringtones. If the Shimura family had a misunderstanding, it would be a disaster for the Hyuga family.

As for the second son Hyuga Hizashi, the existence destined to become a branch house only needs to be obedient.

It was not that he was unfeeling, but that he had to cultivate the obedience of the second son before he died. Only in this way can the Hyuga family be passed on and not cause civil strife.

Although this kind of fate is very unfair to the second son, it is like this in the world.

Everything is for the family!

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