The melon eaters who had just reacted broke out and threw everything in their hands to the ground, with excited expressions and hideous faces.

You must know that more than 99% of the players were betting on Tsunade to win, but in the end it was such a result.

If they lose completely, they will admit it, but in the end, Tsunade clearly cut off the giant sword in Shimura Xuanding's hand, but inexplicably lost, how can they be convinced?

"Tsunade, you go back first!"

Seeing that the melon-eating crowd became more and more excited, Hizan Sarutobi signaled that Tsunade, who was still ashamed and maddened, would run away first, so as not to stay here and cause public anger.

"Teacher Sarutobi, I'm sorry to bother you."

Forced to calm down, Tsunade said apologetically to the teacher, and jumped off the Hokage Cliff to return to the clan.

She lost this battle and was very embarrassed. She really didn't expect to be tricked by that kid.

That's right, she was just calculated.

The rebel deliberately sent the biggest gap of the giant sword up for her to cut, and after cutting it off, the inertia caused her body to lose control a little, and then she caught the flaw and grabbed it close by, which was a humiliating defeat.

"Sure enough, it is Xuan Dingjun!"

Mifune in the crowd sighed again, he did not expect such a result in the end.

"In terms of swordsmanship, Lord Xuan Ding is indeed victorious!"

Huang Yan solemnly admitted the victory of Shimura Xuanding.

Tsunade also took advantage of the big silver sword, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago if he changed his own giant sword.

The difference in swordsmanship between the two is not small.

"Tsunade was affected by the radiation of the battle suit, and it was difficult to perform large-scale ninjutsu, and also did not exert its peak combat power."

Chi Huo Huo Wu put forward a different opinion. When Tsunade was studying swordsmanship at Yanren Jianhao, she played against him a few times, and she knew very well how strong that woman was.

And the strongest means of being a ninja is ninjutsu, especially large-scale ninjutsu.

Today's Tsunade did not show her full strength. Although the suit provided her with a strong defense, it also greatly limited her own performance.

"Should we also practice a little boxing?"

The focus of the Black Panther is very different, and he is very interested in the Shimura-style capture and lock technique that Shimura Xuanding finally performed.

After all, their samurai does not always carry a saber, and the saber is not incapable of breaking. In case of an emergency, a little close-body technique is a kind of trump card, so that you can only close your eyes and wait for death. .

These words made several people think and feel a little excited.

Not to mention the situation on Hokage Cliff, on the other side, after Shimura Xuanding returned to the clan, he immediately sent high-quality nutrient solution to cultivate those palm epidermal cells of the ape demon, and finally obtained a Bunch of meat.

Seeing that the lump of meat had stabilized, Shimura Xuanding breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately began to examine himself.

"The current Yang Dun armor is still very reluctant to break out on the seventh gate."

After examining the damage to the body, Shimura Xuanding felt a little relieved, but he also saw that the Yangdun armor at the emerging stage was indeed reluctant.

After all, it was temporarily transformed through the tattoo of Shimura's big mouth on the chest. It is not the real immortal energy of the innate Yang attribute.

Only when he truly condenses his own innate yang attribute immortal energy and completes the purification of his body can he use the true yang escape armor. Now this is at most a semi-finished product.

The half-finished Yang Dun armor can only activate the cells to the extent that it can only offset the sixth sect's eight-door dungeon armor, and the seventh sect is somewhat reluctant.

It doesn't matter in the short term, but it will still cause serious damage in the long run.

As for the eight-door Dunjia formation, it is necessary to further sublimate the innate yang attribute immortal energy into Yangdun immortal energy, form a Yangdun immortal energy model, and enhance the activation of body cells to the extreme.

"The Yangdun armor is temporarily placed, let's take a look at the ape demon's vajra body."

With a thought, consciousness entered the black tripod space, and his eyes were locked on the replica of the hand of the ape demon.

"Zoom in and analyze!"

The ability to manipulate the space of the black tripod magnifies the replica of the hand of the ape demon and directly observes the cellular level.

"Sure enough, it is an extreme application of the Earth Escaping Hardening Technique!"

Watching the layer of soil outside the cell wall escape chakra, Shimura Xuanding secretly said as expected.

He has long guessed that the body of the King Kong of the monkey family is the ultimate application of the earth escape hardening technique, and now it looks like this.

The principle is to attach a layer of soil chakra to the outer wall of the cell to form a structure similar to the cell wall of a plant, enhance the strength of the body, and then form the so-called Vajra body.

Knowing the essence, the next step will be much easier to deal with. It only needs to be based on the technique of earth escape and hardening, and continuously optimize and improve with the goal of the ape demon as the body of a vajra.

I happened to have obtained a lot of Yanyin Village Earth Escape Secret Techniques from Miss Yuguan. There are hundreds of techniques similar to hardening techniques, and even one has reached the A-level level.

It has to be said that Yanyin Village of Renjia is the expert and master of Tudun. There are all kinds of Tuduns for various purposes, even those that control gravity.

All I can say is, awesome!

But this background just happened to be cheap for him to want someone.

At the same time, after learning that Shimura Xuanding really won, all the Shimura clansmen who went out returned to their ancestral land and took precautions to prevent some people from jumping off the wall to do things.

After all, this gambling game has gathered more than 150 billion banknotes, and even if it is exchanged with the Daming Palace, it can be a ton and a half.

But this time, the Shimura family didn't plan to use the money to exchange the money with the Daming House. After all, they had already accumulated a lot of money, and the energy metal reserves of various attributes were quite scarce in comparison.

After cultivating for a while, he brushed his teeth and washed his face under the service of his fiancee, and then went to the living room to meet a few guests.

"Jun Xuan Ding, thanks to you this time, we all made a small profit."

Huang Yan, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, grinned. Although he was not bad for money, he could mobilize hundreds of millions of taels from the Daming Mansion in one sentence, but the meaning of the money earned this time was different.

It was a duel between ninjas and samurai, and Shimura Genting, who represented their samurai, also won, and the meaning inside is extraordinary.

Mifune and others also looked happy, and they were all satisfied and happy.

"Just a fluke victory!"

With a modest smile, Shimura Genting was not complacent about yesterday's victory.

Tsunade's strength is actually still very strong, especially after the explosion of the Eight Gates Dunjia, after the huge vitality of the Qianshou Immortal's human body burst out, the strength is quite abnormal.

The seventh door of its eight-door Dunjia is by no means weaker than the original Matekai, and even because of the development of the Yangdun armor to activate the body cells, combined with its own Qianshou Immortal human body, it can offset the damage caused by the seventh door. Maintaining the seven-door state for a long time, the combat power suddenly fell into a mess.

If he hadn't had the blessing of the sage mode and was able to exert his combat power to the limit, he would definitely lose.

There is no way, not because he is not strong enough, but because the Thousand-hand Immortal Human Body is too awesome.

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