"This new image is very handsome!"

Shouhe seemed to have done a few bodybuilding moves to show off. Shouhe was very satisfied with his new look, and finally no longer had to do the big fat stump before.

Look how that stinky fox calls him a fat cat!

"It's really handsome!"

Looking at Morizuru's humanized face, Shimura Genting affirmed that he has indeed become a lot more handsome.

Of course, it is still at a non-human level, such as the big tail behind him.

"Go, go and see your villa building."

After getting used to the new body a little, Morizuru dragged Shimura Genting and prepared to go out and play.

"Wait a minute, there's something wrong with Arro's health."

Signaling Shouhe to wait a moment, Shimura Xuanding helped the pale-faced Kagura to lie down, and checked the girl's physical condition to see what parts were missing.

"I'm going, my whole liver is gone!"

This inspection immediately found that Kagura's entire liver was gone, apparently being split into the Shoukaku Schizophrenia.

"Brother Zang, hurry up and bring in the second senior brother that you have prepared. I want that pig liver. I will take the rest of the second senior brother on the shelf. I will invite everyone to eat barbecue."

Saying hello to Eizang, who was guarding outside, Shimura Genting tore off the dress on the girl's abdomen, cut open the skin under the right rib, revealing the empty liver, and sent the blood flowing out into the blood vessels.

Fortunately, the liver is completely invisible, leaving no debris to contaminate the abdominal cavity, and no cleaning is required.

Soon the second senior brother who was knocked out was carried in by two Anbu ninjas. Shimura Xuanding skillfully took out the pig liver inside, and gave the second senior brother a good time by the way.

Having obtained the memories shared by other tailed beasts, Shouzuru naturally stepped forward to use his own source power to half-chakraize the piece of pig liver, and finally it was perfectly transplanted into Kagura's body by Shimura Genting.

Everyone who watched this operation was full of bewilderment. Before that, they didn't know why Shimura Xuanding asked to specially prepare a domestic pig. Who would have thought that it would be used for such a purpose.

Can the internal organs of pigs be transplanted to humans?

Not to mention that everyone was shocked, even Kagura was shocked, and when he came back to his senses, it was a grudge.

I hadn't told her this before!

Half an hour later, a group of people gathered around the fire to nibble on the barbecue. They used the special seasonings and sauces that Shimura Genting brought from home. The taste was very good.

"Chicken girl, let's go on a trip with Uncle Ben. On the way, Uncle Ben will work with you to develop that blood-successor-elimination magnetic escape."

Shouhe tempted while chewing on a pig's hind leg.

After that, he will definitely go to join those brothers to travel the world, but he doesn't want to let go of the development of Xueji to eliminate the magnetic tunnel. Although he can develop it himself, if he can get the assistance of Kagura, the efficiency will definitely be much higher. .

You must know that the chakra of human ninjas comes from the old man of the six paths, and the old man of the six paths is a family of Otsutsuki. The fusion of the chakra of Otsutsuki and the tailed beast they inherited from the divine tree will produce a qualitative change.

In that state, all aspects can be greatly improved, which will be very beneficial to the development of blood follow-up elimination.

Kagura, who was in a bad mood at first, was diverted by Shoukaku's words, and after thinking for a while, he couldn't help but look at his teacher to share the blessings.

She also wanted to see this world. After all, she hadn't left Shayin Village very much since she was born, and even if she went out to perform tasks, she would be within a thousand kilometers.

She doesn't know what the world really looks like at all, and she is curious and eager for the model that was fused with Shouhe before, and Xue Ji's elimination of Magnetic Dungeons.

"It's better to go out and have a look. After you come back, tell your teacher what the outside world is like."

Kindly patted the disciple's head, and Fenfu also hoped that the disciple could go out for a walk and see the truest side of the ninja world and this world.

Staying in the small place of Shayin Village will only limit your vision and development.

He has been like this all his life, but this disciple can't be confined to Shayin Village all the time.

The world is big, it's time to go for it!

"Yes, teacher, I will carefully record everything I see."

Nodding obediently, Kagura's eyes were a little red.

It was not until I really got along with this teacher that I understood the other party's misery. I was permanently under house arrest in the small place of Sand Temple, and I didn't even know what the outside world was like.

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt!

"The chakra circulation circuit is clearly memorized. Run it a lot, and strive to shape the meridian orifices as soon as possible, and then you can start to practice the Spiral Pill Jindan."

On the other side, Shimura Xuanding was nibbling on roast pork, while using the silk thread of Xianyuanli to create a set of chakra circulation loops in Shouhe's body.

Although there are no meridian orifice points in Shouhe's current split body, he can simulate a set first.

Shouhe was also very serious in his studies, and he quickly wrote it down, and then started to practice with his strong background.

The first thing to practice is to turn this split body into half flesh, and transform it based on the liver split from Kaura's body.

He was successfully transformed in three days without sacrificing his body strength, and then spent a week to complete the cultivation of the meridian orifice acupoint reconstruction technique, and created a whole set of meridian orifice points for himself.

In the end, Shimura Xuanding took action and designed a set of exclusive Spiral Pill Golden Elixir Cohesion Method according to the physical condition of Shouhe's split body.

[265. Chapter 264 Yun Yin rolled his eyes]

After shaping the Spiral Maru Jindan condensation method for the Shouhe split body, Shimura Genting set off for Yunyin Village, and also rented a sand eagle from Sandyin Village.

Although he can use the anti-gravity technique to lift himself to a high altitude, his flying speed is a bit touching. If he is assisted by a giant sand eagle, it will be much faster.

On the first night that Shimura Gending left, Ye Cang, who had completed a day of training, dragged his exhausted body back to the villa building. Looking at the empty room, he always felt empty in his heart.

The good girlfriends also set off together. After all, the two are on the way to a certain extent. Kagura and Shouzaku are going to the country of water, while Shimura Xuanding is going to the country of thunder, in a straight line.

"I'm the only one left!"

With a sigh, Ye Cang felt even more lonely, and then he thought of the little brother who was his best friend, and felt that it would be better to bring him here to live, at least to relieve the boredom with more people.

After taking a bath as usual, I lay down on the bed, and then I felt that the chakra in my body had a tendency to run out of control.


He got up and lifted the quilt and saw that it was a golden shield and a machete.

The shield is Shimura Xuanding's circular inner shield, but the edge is shaped into a blade by the acquired magnetic field attribute, giving it a certain attacking ability.

That machete is the full moon machete. The material is the same as that of the inner shield. It is made of perfect energy metal, heavy gold, and sealed crystal. It was made by Shimura Xuanding during this period of time.

"What a **** that people love and hate, if only you were from Sandyin Village!"

With a sigh, Ye Cang knew that this was a gift that the guy left on purpose, and his feelings for someone were more complicated.

Although that **** is a bit perverted, he is indeed very talented, not only in cultivation, but also in politics and humanities, which is very attractive.

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