Not only the two-attribute blood-succession limit, but also the three-attribute blood-succession elimination, as well as the four-attribute, five-attribute, and six-attribute blood-successor, until the seventh-attribute blood-successor snares.

That is to say, he needs more than 300 kinds of blood inheritance attributes as a reference, and finally integrates into his own Spiral Pill Jindan system.

It is difficult to do this. After all, there have not been more than 30 kinds of blood gods in the entire thousand-year history of the ninja world, which is more than ten times worse than his own more than 300 kinds.

This part needs to be created from scratch now, turning the entire ninja world into its own leek testing ground to supply the growth and perfection of its own Spiral Pill Jindan cultivation system.

"Perfect magnetic escape, how do you say it?"

Seeing that Shimura Xuanding had no intention of concealing it, Sandai Raikage asked.

"There have been two types of three-attribute blood elision in the ninja world today, one is the Mudun of our Konoha first generation Hokage, that is the blood culling of the three attributes of yang, earth and water, and the other is the dust of Yanyin Village's soil shadow lineage. escape.

These two kinds of blood follower elimination are first to fuse a two-attribute blood follower limit, and then use the blood follower limit to swallow and fuse the third chakra attribute, and finally form a three-attribute blood follower elimination.

It’s just too difficult to do this. Unless we have the strength of the first Hokage, we reckon that the dust escape in Yanyin Village should have used some external force, otherwise it is impossible to swallow the fusion successfully by itself.

Moreover, the succession and elimination of blood fused in this way are not stable and cannot be passed on to future generations. "

Swallowing the shabu-shabu in his mouth, Shimura Genting explained in detail.

"I see!"

The three generations of Raikage suddenly realized that he was wondering why the descendants of the second and third generations of Tuikage and even the first Hokage could not inherit the blood of their fathers. The original root is here.

The two-attribute blood successor limit can be passed on perfectly to future generations, and at most it takes an awakening process, but the three of you have stronger three-attribute blood successors, but none of you have passed it on, which is too cheap.

"You in Sandyin Village want them to use that magnetic escape to devour the blood of the third attribute that has been upgraded to the third attribute?"

More curious inquiries, the three generations of Raikage paid a little attention to this, but did not pay much attention to it.

If the elimination of blood is so well integrated, the entire ninja world will not only be the dust escape of Yanyin Village at this stage, and the wood escape of the first Hokage has been broken.

Although the magnetic escape in Shayin Village was good, it was just like that.

"No, I used another method over there. There are two kinds of magnetic escapes in the ninja world today, one is the wind and soil magnetic escape from the sandy hidden village, and the other is the thunder and earth electromagnetic escape from your Yunyin. In addition, there should be a kind of wind, thunder and magnetic wave escape in our Shimura family's calculations.

The fusion of the three interrelated blood successor limits can obtain the most perfect three-attribute blood successor elimination magnetic escape, which not only has the ability of the three blood successor limits, but also becomes more powerful.

However, we are currently stuck on the Magnetic Wave Escape, which is a brand-new bloodline boundary that needs to be integrated and created from scratch, which is relatively difficult.

"Fusion of the three bloodline boundaries!"

The radish tapped his fingers on the dining table. The third generation of Raikage felt that this idea seemed feasible, but the difficulty was still very high. It was extremely difficult to develop an unprecedented bloodline limit, let alone a specific one.

But you can study it, after all, their Yunyin Village has the electromagnetic escaping bloodline limit of the thunder-earth attribute, which is a good foundation.

Even if it doesn't work, there's nothing to lose, but if it does, it will make a lot of money.

"Do your Shimura family have a way to fuse the three bloodline boundaries?"

Thinking of the terrible heritage the Shimura family has shown in the past two years, the three generations of Raikage are afraid.

This is a very terrifying family, much more terrifying than those wealthy families that have been passed down for thousands of years in the ninja world.


Very decisively said no, Shimura Genting did not lie.

He really hasn't tried to develop the fusion method of the three blood base boundaries. In this regard, he will have to wait for the three kinds of magnetic escape's blood base boundaries to start.

The three generations of Raikage and others have no doubts about this. The research on the boundaries of blood Ji is not enough to just study some blood Ji ninja corpses.

Not to mention that the theory of the fusion of the three-blooded boundaries must first have three blood-bound boundaries at the same time. This has never happened in the thousands of years of history of the entire ninja world. At most, there have been some ninjas with double-blooded boundaries.

It is difficult to even get together the three kinds of blood line boundaries, let alone integrate them. Obviously, the Shimura family is still in theory in this regard.

"Come on, Uncle Raikage, do one."

Picking up the remaining half bucket of Shimura Erguotou, Shimura Xuanding touched the half bucket in front of the third generation of Raikage, and then gulped it down.

Looking at the arrogant way of drinking, the third generation Raikage suddenly felt that he seemed to be too big, this kid's internal organs are much stronger than him.

The so-called alcohol consumption of drinking is actually the ability of the internal organs to decompose alcohol. The better the internal organs function, especially the liver function, the more alcohol you will drink.

As a ninjutsu ninja, his physical strength is indeed not bad, but it is mainly reflected in the muscles and bones, and the internal organs are very general.

But can you admit it at this time?

"Okay, done!"

Shimura Erguotou, who bit the bullet and took the half bucket, drank it, and his belly swelled again, like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October.

After drinking this wave, not to mention the uncomfortable feeling, not only did the alcohol stimulate the stomach, but it was also sustained.

"Three generations of adults, you can't drink any more. You need to deal with that matter as soon as possible, and you can't delay it."

Tutai winked and persuaded, and said that there are still important things that need to be passed by the three generations of Raikage.

"I really can't drink anymore, kid, eat slowly by yourself, the old man still has something to deal with."

Handing a relieved look to Tutai, the three generations of Raikage hurriedly left after saying hello, and even used the Lei Dun armor to bless their speed.

"Hey! It's still Raikage, it's not even a girl!"

With a disdainful pouting, Shimura Genting poured another plate of beef into the tumbling hot pot soup.

The beef of the Land of Thunder is really awesome and can't be wasted.

The Tutai and the others next to him laughed bitterly. When they meet a monster like you, they have to kneel when they come.

The three generations of Raikage on the other side rushed all the way to the bathroom in the Raikage building and vomited.

"Grandma is a bear, careless!"

After spitting out the wine in his stomach, the third Raikage panted heavily and smiled bitterly.

When I heard that Tutai and the others were drunk by Shimura Xuanding and slumped under the table, I despised it, but today I saw the pervertedness of that kid.

If nothing else, that kid's liver is definitely not a normal person's liver.

And that stomach is also quite perverted, the face of the 20 liters of wine before and after is not changed, the cow is not as violent as you.

The whole humanoid, animal!


Looking at Shimura's Erguotou, the third generation of Raikage felt very sorry.

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