While the senior officials of Zhongyunyin Village were discussing Shimura Xuanding, on the other side, Shimura Xuanding was taking a hot bath while thinking about how to strengthen Yunyin Village.

That's right, he wants to strengthen a wave of Yunyin Village.

No way, in order to obtain more secret techniques of the ninja family as soon as possible, the D-level body strengthening secret technique was traded to the Qianshou family, which greatly improved the overall strength of the Qianshou family.

There is also the whirlpool clan. In the second Ninja World War, the Qianshou clan needs to be wiped out, at least the main force must be wiped out.

The Vortex Clan also has to contribute to that Bagua Immortal Furnace, which requires a strong opponent to help him complete his plan.

A wave of Wuyin Village was strengthened before, but Wuyin Village alone may not be enough.

In the end, the time is too short, and the Ninja World War will break out in at most two years, which is simply not enough time to strengthen the Hidden Kiri Village too much.

After all, the ninjas of Kiriyin Village did not have the huge vitality of the Uzumaki and Qianshou clan, and they had a bonus in the cultivation of secret techniques for strengthening their bodies.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen a wave of Yunyin Village. When the ninja army of the two enhanced ninja villages enter the country of vortex, it should be enough to complete their own plan, kill the main force of the Qianshou clan and let the vortex clan sacrifice to the Eight Trigrams. At the same time, he can throw the pot at Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village, and remove himself, so as not to misunderstand Miss Meidu.

After thinking for a while, he got up and lay down on the bed and went to cultivate immortals. The next day, he came to the earth platform at dawn and invited him to the Raikage office to discuss the matter of the Ninja Warrior Academy.

"Uncle Raiking, why don't you look better? Did you vomit yesterday's Shimura Erguotou?"

When I came to Raikage's office and saw the first glimpse of the three generations of Raikage, Shimura Xuanding opened his mouth and opened his mouth, making the old face of the three generations of Raikage turn black.

You kid really can't open the pot without lifting it!

"The old man is just curious about the vitality in Shimura Erguotou, so I asked people to extract it for research."

Three generations of Raikage firmly denied that he was vomited, but deliberately took it out for people to use for research.

The drink that was spit out yesterday was indeed taken away for research to see if it could be imitated.

That kind of drink is really useful for physique ninjas.

"Uncle, just tell me if he wants to do research. Why suffer? Come on, use this bucket to make up for it!"

Very kindly, he untied the sealed scroll, picked up a bucket from the pile of Shimura Erguotou, and put it on the desk.

He is very respectful of the old and loves the young, and these Shimura Erguotou are themselves a gift for the three generations of Raikage.

"Xuan Ding-Jun, if we are going to talk about business, it's better not to drink alcohol!"

As a qualified secretary, Tutai stepped forward in time to dissuade him.

This enhanced version of Shimura Erguotou is indeed good for Taijutsu ninjas, but only in moderation.

If you really want to drink the whole barrel like the third Raikage yesterday, you will definitely be admitted to the hospital and cause more internal damage.

Not worth the loss!

"It's business to invite your kid over today, and there's time to drink after the wine."

The third generation of Raikage also borrowed the donkey, and calmly took the enhanced version of Shimura Erguotou and put it beside him.

He won't let go of the good things in front of him.

"Arrived too."

Instead of forcing the third Raikage to be poured into the hospital, Shimura Genting pulled the sofa next to him and sat in front of the third Raikage, with Erlang's legs cocked.

"I agree to be the headmaster of the Ninja Warrior Academy, but the remuneration you gave last time is not suitable for me. I want to change to a secret technique."

Expressing his thoughts very bluntly, Shimura Xuanding prepared to repeat his old tricks, and took the opportunity to get Yunyin Village's sealed book.

Although the method is a bit old-fashioned, it works.

"What secret technique do you want? Not to mention the S-rank."

Sure enough, the third generation of Raikage opened his mouth to make a restriction.

If it is a secret technique below S rank, it will be given, but those secret techniques of S rank are not good. This is the bottom line.

"I won't make you embarrassed, I want the lightning flash technique, which should only be an A-level forbidden technique!"

After expressing his request, Shimura Xuanding had seen a little information about this forbidden technique, which was a powerful forbidden technique possessed by the first Raikage.

According to intelligence records, the first-generation Raikage even had a confrontation with the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the lightning flash technique possessed is no worse than that of Flying Thunder God, at least not weak in short-distance speed.

Strictly speaking, it is also a kind of Shunshu. The general Shunshu is C-level Ninjutsu, and the Shunshu with attributes is B-level, such as Water Shunshu, Wind Shunshu, Thunderbolt. Instantaneous technique and so on.

The lightning flash technique was developed on the basis of the lightning flashing body technique, and the speed was faster, but unfortunately there should be restrictions.

Since the first generation of Raikage, no one has been cultivated again. Obviously, either the technique of flying thunder **** is very demanding on practitioners, or it is very dangerous.

"Since you know it's a forbidden technique, do you still want it?"

The third generation Raikage was also very surprised by Shimura Xuanding's request. In his opinion, although the lightning flash technique is a forbidden technique of A-level, it is one level higher than the thunderbolt armor, but its value is not as good as the thunderbolt armor.

You must know that the most important function of Lei Dun armor is to temper the body and improve physical fitness, and it is also the foundation of Lei Dun's chakra mode.

Even if the Shimura family has created the Thunderbolt Armor, they shouldn't choose the Thunderbolt Technique!

"The forbidden technique itself is relatively speaking. It is forbidden for ordinary people, but it is difficult to practice for the strong."

Showing absolute confidence, Shimura Genting is bound to win.

It doesn't matter what flaws the Lightning Flash Technique has, it's just an excuse anyway, his real goal is the Book of Seals.

"Since you insist on choosing the lightning flash technique, this old man will fulfill you."

Looking deeply at Shimura Xuanding, the third Raikage got up and went to the secret room to get the secret scroll.

Only he is qualified to enter that place, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed, not even the soil platform as a personal secretary.

Otherwise, if someone learns the method of entering the secret room through Tutai's memory, it will be a pit. There are too many strange and strange secret techniques in the ninja world. The ghost knows if there are any who can sneak in, and it will not hurt to take more precautions.

"I want to see the copy recorded on your sealed book, don't fool me with the other ones, and don't make any typos."

He opened his mouth to remind, unabashedly showing his distrust.

The three generations of Raikage didn't think much about it. After all, the two sides are hostile forces at this stage, and it is normal to take precautions.

It didn't take long for the third generation of Raikage to walk back with a huge scroll between his arms. It was the Book of Seals of Yunyin Village.

Put it on the desk and unfold it to the part where the lightning flash technique is recorded, and motioned to the soil platform.

Knowing that, the soil platform increased the supply of chakra for the transplanted white eye, and the meridians near the temple bulged slightly, and looked at Shimura Xuanding from the side with the help of perspective ability.

As if sensing something, Shimura Xuanding turned his head and glanced at the soil platform with the slightly raised meridians on the side.

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