Did this guy see that he actually had bad intentions?

[272. Chapter 271 Blood Dragon Eye Ancestor]

"You think we haven't studied blood dragon eye?"

Squinting his eyes, the three generations of Raikage folded his arms and explained: "The blood dragon eye is the same as Uchiha's writing wheel eye, and the pupil power contains a strong negative force, which can adversely affect the user.

During the Warring States Period, our Yeyue clan had their ancestors transplanted blood longan. Although it greatly increased their own strength, the consumption was too large, and it also had a great negative impact on their spiritual will, becoming extremely evil and cruel, and finally caused our clan to suffer. huge loss. "

The Blood Pond Clan itself lives in the Land of Thunder, and their Yeyue Clan is also a noble family in the Ninja World of the Land of Thunder, and is proficient in Thunder Ninja Technique.

The Thunderbolt Ninjutsu has a very strong effect on the body's explosive speed, which requires strong dynamic vision to cooperate, otherwise it will send itself to the enemy's knife edge if it is not careful.

A long time ago, they had obtained and studied the two pupils, Sharonyan and Xuelongan, which had a great effect on dynamic vision. Unfortunately, there was no result, but it caused a lot of losses to the family.

These two kinds of eyes are too pitiful, and they can't be closed by foreign ninjas and consume a lot of money, and they can also pollute the user's spiritual will in reverse.

He didn't want to turn all the ninjas in the village into crazy because of this thing. If he really wanted to do that, maybe Yunyin Village would explode on the spot before the Ninja World War began.

"What if I had a way to remove the negative forces from these eyes?"

With the same smile on his face, Shimura Xuanding was not surprised that the three generations of Lei Ying knew about Sharinyan and Xuelongan. After all, the Qianshou family could obtain so many Sharinyans for research, and it was unreasonable that Yunyin Village could not.

The previous soil platform was not transplanted with a broken eye!

"What do you want to do? How much will it affect the ability of blood dragon eye after removal?"

Somewhat moved, the three generations of Raikage have long been greedy for the ability of the blood dragon eye for a long time. If it can really remove that negative power, and then transplant it to the village ninja, and then cooperate with the Thunder Ninja Technique and Ninja Sword, the strength is bound to be Can be raised a notch.

This is a great thing!

No matter what kind of plan Shimura Genting has, let's get the benefits first.

"My father has to come over to deal with this matter, and after removing that negative force, it will inevitably reduce the blood dragon's ability.

The pupil technique that controls the blood will be directly abolished, and the ability to increase illusion will be cut off by most, leaving only the ability to resist illusion, which can greatly improve the resistance of the ninja to illusion.

I tried to strengthen the pupil technique of dynamic vision enhancement. "

While explaining, Shimura Xuanding manipulated the silk thread of Xianyuan force to take off those blood dragon eyes one by one, until finally a mummy was revealed, a mummy that existed for a long time.

Those blood dragon eyes on the outer layer are connected to this mummy. The most striking thing is that this mummy has a pair of eyes similar to blood dragon eyes in the eye sockets, but they are white blood pupils, not the red ones like blood dragon eyes. Bottom black pupil.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!"

Seeing those weird eyes, Shimura Genting and Sandai Raikage exclaimed at the same time, and both recognized that this was a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye belonging to Uchiha.

"It is said that the blood pool family was separated from the Uchiha family, it seems to be true."

After the shock, the third generation of Raikage was taken aback.

As the wealthy clan in the country of Thunder, their Yeyue clan has a record of the blood pond clan, vaguely mentioning that the blood pond clan was separated from the Uchiha clan, and it seems that it is true now.

"Yeah! It is said that the bloodline of the ancestors of the Xuechi clan mutated, and then the blood dragon's eye blood line was born, and then was rejected by Uchiha, and finally separated and established the Xuechi clan. This person should be the ancestor of the Xuechi clan. "

Nodding, Shimura Xuanding stepped forward and pressed his palm on the mummified corpse. The silk thread of Xianyuanli extended into the atrophied meridian orifices in its body, and finally transferred Xianyuanli to the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

"This pair of eyes should have been destroyed by overuse, but the blood pond clan used the blood dragon eye pupil power of those clansmen to support and repair them in reverse, and it has almost been repaired.

Now Uncle Raikage has your eyes. "

Withdrawing his palm, Shimura Xuanding probably guessed the plan of the blood pool family, and they succeeded, using tens of thousands of ordinary blood longan to repair the kaleidoscope of the ancestors.

Obviously, the blood pool clan also knew that their blood dragon eyes had limited potential and could not awaken a stronger kaleidoscope like Sharinyan, so they paid attention to their ancestors.

"What is his kaleidoscope pupil technique?"

Staring at the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, Rao Yi's mood of the third generation Raikage couldn't help but get excited.

With his current strength, even if he transplanted a blood dragon eye, it would not increase his own too much, but if he had a pair of kaleidoscopes, it would be very different. The most important thing is that the kaleidoscope also has a powerful pupil technique.

"It's the effect of the real waterfall before. One is to create an illusion enchantment to temporarily increase the spiritual space, and the other is to amplify the dark side of the heart and make the opponent go crazy. The power can only be considered average."

After revealing the result of linking the pair of kaleidoscopes before, Shimura Genting was not very interested in this kind of pupil technique.

However, the ability of the illusion enchantment is very helpful to his own cultivation, and he can study the cottage in the future.

"So the illusion enchantment of the real waterfall before has nothing to do with the enchantments around it?"

Sweeping thoughtfully through the complex chakra techniques on the inner wall of the pool, the third Raikage understood that the outer barrier must have another purpose.

"I just sensed that this enchantment went deep into the depths of Turtle Island, and was even connected to the big guy below. It has been extracting the vitality of the big guy to support these blood dragon eyes, which are used to repair the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, which is different from the real world. The effect of the waterfall doesn't matter."

After glancing at those chakra techniques, I stopped paying attention. There are so many similar methods. Compared to the one created by the blood pool family, it can only be regarded as mediocre.

"After returning, the old man invited your father to our village as a guest. We Yunyin Village owe you Shimura's favor for this matter. If a strong man from outside the world really comes to the ninja world, our Yunyin Village can stand with you. on the front line."

While motioning for the horses under his command to seal up those blood dragon eyes, the three generations of Raikage solemnly gave a promise.

The Yeyue family has also studied the myths and legends that have been passed down since ancient times. If nothing else, the immortals of the Six Paths alone are very likely to be real people.

In this regard, not only the Yuyi family has relevant records, but the six ninja tools are also extraordinary.

Since the immortals of the Six Paths are unlikely to be fictional characters, the gods and demons who are also in the myths and legends may indeed exist.

At least the last time he saw that terrifying demon with his own eyes, it has surpassed the limit strength of today's ninja world.

In the face of that kind of existence, their Yunyin Village really has no good way to deal with it at this stage, and even his strongest **** thrust is useless.

In order to deal with the kind of existence that may reappear, they must find a way to strengthen their strength, and it is a good choice to cooperate with the Shimura family.

As for saying that the Shimura family is a ninja clan that is hostile to the ninja village, and it is definitely not at ease, it is not important. After all, there are no eternal friends or enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

Of course, the premise is that the Shimura family can survive the next ninja war. I believe that the other party will definitely not think that their four major ninja villages will join hands.

"It's still Uncle Raiying, you are so arrogant. It's not like there are a group of old silver coins in Shayin Village. It's too uncomfortable to do things."

With a happy expression on his face, Shimura Xuanding likes this kind of decisive person very much, and he is much more foolish than the old silver coins of the three generations of Fengying and Hailaozang.

The old man and the young man looked at each other, and they both showed sincere and appreciative smiles.

"This old guy shouldn't have any bad ideas, right?"

"Does this kid have any other conspiracies?"

The sincere smile of the other party made both of them vigilant and wondered if they had been tricked.

In such mutual suspicion, time passed quickly, and the Anbu ninjas in Yunyin Village emptied all the nutrient solution in the Turtle Island Laboratory, and then sealed all the tens of thousands of blood longans, and then put them into a The sealed scroll was forcibly stuffed into the mouth by the third generation of Raikage.

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