"Miss Dingyin, you come first."

Jumping on the big head of the eight-tailed bull ghost, Shimura Xuanding motioned for Yuyi Dingyin to come up.

Yuyi Dingyin, who had long understood her mission, jumped on the head of the Eight-tailed Bull Demon, and was very surprised by this, and did not understand how this guy did it.

Their fiancé, Jinjiao Yinjiao, tried to capture the nine-tails that year, but unfortunately failed in the end, and then tried to surrender the eight-tails purchased from Konoha, but still found nothing.

Unexpectedly, the fierce-tempered Eight-Tails in the past is so gentle today, and even allows humans to step on its head, which is incredible.

Could it be that the tailed beast likes despicable, shameless, sinister and ruthless people?

And he didn't care about Yu Yi Ding Yin jumping on his head, this was a necessary step.

Like humans, the closer their tailed beasts are to their heads, the easier it will be to control chakra, and they can also perform fine manipulations, so they all use their mouths to condense the tailed beast jade, and now they want to fuse chakra with that human woman and cast it. Ninjutsu must be on the head.

After Yuyi Dingyin came up, the eight-tailed bull ghost emerged with its own chakra to wrap it and slowly penetrated into its body.

"Let go of mental awareness as much as possible to accept the Chakra fusion of bull and ghost, and then operate according to this circuit."

Put your palm on Dingyin's vest, build an exclusive version of the hybrid transformation circuit in its body, and let it run.

The fusion of the two chakras went smoothly. Although Yuyi Dingyin did not agree with the existence of tailed beasts as much as Kaluluo, but because of the blood of the six-path immortal and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it can still be with the bull ghost. The chakra is fused to a certain level.

In an instant, a tyrannical chakra transformed, and the power displayed made the complexion of the three generations of Raikage suddenly change, and he was even more excited when he came back to his senses.

"It's the power of this level!"

Staring at Yu Yi Ding Yin, whose whole body is covered in brown-red chakra, is the power of this level.

At the beginning, he was also one of the members of the Shadow Guard who followed the original Raikage to attend the Five Shadows Conference, but he was not qualified to enter the venue, but he had sensed the power possessed by the first Hokage from afar.

He has only sensed that kind of power in four people so far, one is the first Hokage, the other is Madara Uchiha, the third is Mrs. Hokage who fought in the last ninja war, and the last is Shimura Danzo. The chakra on Shimura Danzo's body is very obscure, and the perception is not very clear.

In comparison, the first Hokage is the strongest, followed by Madara Uchiha, and Mrs. Hokage again. Shimura Danzo is not easy to divide, but it must be at that level.

But now Yuyi Dingyin's Chakra has reached that level faintly, at least touching the threshold.

Obviously the power of the tailed beast is stronger than they know, and this is a promising development path.

"This power must be mastered!"

Gritting his steel teeth tightly, his face became a bit hideous. The three generations of Raikage were determined to let the village fully grasp this power at all costs, and create a strong man at the level of the first Hokage, so as to protect the inheritance of Yunyin Village, Even further unification of the ninja world.

Shimura Genting, who has always been paying attention to the three generations of Raikage, evoked a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

That's right, he did this on purpose, showing the huge potential of the tailed beast's power. I believe that the next three generations of Raikage will definitely increase the research and plunder of the power of the tailed beast.

This will inevitably further stimulate Erwei and Yawei, making them hate and hate ninjas even more, and will also more recognize his idea of ​​someone.

In the future, even if the immortals from the Six Paths come out, it will be impossible for the tailed beast to continue to believe in human beings.

Shimura Xuan Ding couldn't help but give himself a compliment for this plan, he is really a genius!

Yuyi Dingyin's side went very smoothly. First, he mixed himself and the bull ghost's Chakra to perform a hybrid transformation, turning it into an oversized Yui Dingyin, and then based on it, he displayed an exclusive version tailored by Shimura Xuanding. The split technique successfully split the bull and ghost split body.

The bull-ghost split body is indeed roughly human-shaped, with complete legs and feet, but the soles of the feet are not human feet, but a pair of huge and hard hooves.

The original huge bulge on the back also disappeared, allowing the bull to straighten his back, appearing very tall, and his head closer to the shape of a human face, just like a copycat version of the bull devil.

After taking a look at the shape of the bull-ghost split body, Shimura Genting hurriedly jumped to the ground, hugging Yui Dingyin, who had been released from the transformation, and started to examine it.

"Is your stomach gone?"

I was stunned, this time Yuyi Dingyin was split out of the stomach pouch, and the whole stomach pouch was gone.

Although the stomach of a cow is indeed a bit special, it is not enough to split this thing!

"Hurry up and bring that second senior brother over, I want its stomach."

He quickly greeted the Anbu ninja next to him, and soon the two Anbu ninjas ran over with a big white pig humming and chirping. Shimura Genting skillfully gave the second senior brother a pleasure, and then proceeded to take out his stomach bag and made careful After cleaning, it was finally transplanted into Yu Yi Ding Yin's stomach.

"Fortunately, a human's stomach is almost exactly the same as a pig's stomach, and it can eat more. You will have good luck in the future."

Shimura Xuanding, who had completed the operation, showed a smile. This young lady is indeed blessed. The second senior brother's stomach was 1.5 times that of a normal person, and it was more elastic and able to eat more.

"Why didn't you tell me about this step before?"

Struggling to sit up, Yuyi Dingyin stared at the young man in front of her, eager to kick him.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't agree to this plan!"

It was still the gentleman's smile, but the words she said made Yu Yi Ding Yin so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

This guy is such an asshole!

On the other side, the three generations of Raikage also took this opportunity to seal the body of the eight-tailed bull ghost into a young man, and the young man's hair is very characteristic, half white and half black, this is to eat black and white!

[279. Chapter 278 Niu Niang]

"Cow ghost, please make her heart full of chakra."

After confirming that the rejection reaction of the second senior brother's stomach bag disappeared, Shimura Genting signaled the Cow-Ghost Split Body to get started.

"Are you sure it's full chakra?"

Turning his head, Niu Gui asked seriously.

Half chakra and full chakra are two completely different concepts, and this human woman's body cannot carry a full chakra heart at all.

"It's only temporary, I'll turn it into half flesh later."

Nodding affirmatively, he explained at the same time.

This is not an experiment, because it has been done countless times in the black tripod space, and it is 100% successful.

"That's okay!"

Nodding suddenly, Niu Gui stretched out his hand to press Yu Yi Ding Yin's heart, but Yu Yi Ding Yin turned around to avoid it, revealing the position of the vest.

She didn't want to be touched there by a minotaur, being touched by that kid before was the limit.

"Bah! Human woman."

With a disdainful pouting, the huge palm of the split body of the bull-ghost pressed against Yuyi Dingyin's vest, guiding the original power remaining in Yuyi Dingyin's body to gather towards the heart, using yin and yang to transform it into chakra.

Then Shimura Xuanding shot and turned it into flesh again.

"It's done!"

After carefully examining the current heart, Shimura Gending smiled.

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