With his current body shape, this old guy has not been able to get used to it perfectly within two years, and now the strength of this guy's bones is far less than before.

The one who fell on his back and shoulder just now broke a lot of fractures, and his strength really does not exist out of ten.

"The old man should have killed your kid with one finger!"

Depressed covering his face, the three generations of Raikage regretted it, and regretted it so much that his bowels were green.

What kind of sin did you do in your last life to meet this kid!

"Two blood dragon's eyes consume a lot of money. You guys should fiddle with a blindfold as soon as possible for Uncle Raiying to wear. Usually, you only need to use one eye to see the road. Take off the blindfold when fighting."

Looking at the two super blood dragon eyes, Shimura Xuanding motioned for Tutai and others to carry out follow-up operations, so that the third-generation Raikage could become a blindfolded man, preferably with his right eye covered.

In this way, it is more in line with Odin's image. After all, Odin is a blindfolded man, and he is also the third generation of Asgard's **** king. It happens that the third generation of Raikage is also the third generation of Yunyin Village.

He became more and more suspicious that Kishimoto was copying other people's Marvel, or directly copying other people's Norse mythology.

This is not impossible. After all, Kishimoto has a record in this area. After plagiarizing Journey to the West, he went to plagiarize other people's mythological settings of Asan, which is quite complicated.

"Get out of here, I want Jingjing, don't ask me who Jingjing is!"

Xuan Ding of Shizhi Village hurriedly left, he was very upset now, very upset.

"Goodbye Uncle Raikage!"

Beckoning with a smile, Shimura Xuanding left the laboratory naturally.

"Tutai, lead people to stare at that kid, the old man feels that he wants to do something."

After thinking for a while, the third generation of Raiking ordered to Tutai, always feeling that the kid was deliberately dragging him like this, and then doing things in Yunyin Village.

Three generations of Raikage thought right, Shimura Genting really wanted to do things, and it was precisely because of this that the three generations of Raikage were transformed into such a shape, making it difficult for him to adapt in a short period of time.

At this stage, there are no three generations of Raikage in Yunyin Village, and the two big tailed orcs have not grown up, so he can walk sideways.

The next day, I came to a flat-topped mountain next to the Leiying Building. First, I carved three large characters with a diameter of ten meters on the mountain. Then I came to the top of the mountain and held a loudspeaker and shouted: "The boys and girls of Yunyin Village, Today, Mr. Xuan Ding, I set up a ring here. Anyone who can beat me in swordsmanship can get a bonus of 10 billion taels. If no one can beat me in swordsmanship within a month, then this piece is engraved with The Shishan of Daughter Village will have to stay here forever."

Under the action of the loudspeaker, the sound spread throughout the Yunyin Village. After being quiet for a while, the entire village was boiling, and countless figures rushed towards here.

"Too deceiving!"

The third-generation Raikage, who was recuperating in the Raikage Building while handling official duties, was so angry that he broke his hand bones due to excessive force.

"Stinky boy, this old man is at odds with you!"

He spoke with resentment, and the third generation of Raikage knew that the kid was going to do something, but he didn't expect it to be so big, and directly provoke the entire Yunyin Village.

"It's useless to be angry, first think about how to deal with that kid's provocation!"

A burly woman sitting opposite laughed while drinking.

She doesn't have any bad feelings towards Shimura Xuanding. Her two disciples have indeed improved a lot during this period of time, and the theory of the perfect meridian orifice is quite innovative.

In addition, the blood longan transplant plan is also very successful, and even the three generations of Raikage that have been transformed now have great potential.

For ninjutsu ninjas, size is a symbol of strength, and the bigger the size, the stronger the strength.

If the three generations of Raikage can really adapt to the current body, their strength can at least increase tenfold.

"Mother, please shock that kid during this time."

Covering his face gloomily again, the third Raikage pleaded.

He is very clear about his current situation. There is no strength in ten, and he no longer has the strength to suppress that kid.

This is very bad, so I have the cheek to invite my wife out to sit in the town, lest that kid really do things in a lawless way.

"I'll keep an eye on that kid, and you should get used to this body as soon as possible. Also, ask that kid when the plan to advance Hei Lei will start."

The second-generation Mrs. Raikage should take this matter and remind the black thunder of the advanced plan.

If the three generations of Raikage can adapt to the current body shape, and then evolve the black thunder, plus the two pairs of enhanced version of the blood dragon eye, its strength may be enough to break the arm with the first generation of Hokage.

Therefore, the plan of Hei Lei's evolution is very important!

"Go to inform Tutai and let him organize manpower to drive that kid down as soon as possible."

Nodding his head to show his understanding, the three generations of Raikage gave an order to let Tutai, who was monitoring the kid, handle the matter.

Anbu ninjas are very efficient in their work. After a while, the mountain was surrounded by dozens of Anbu ninjas.

"Jun Xuan Ding, you have done it!"

Tutai stepped forward and said dissatisfiedly, and also did not understand why Shimura Xuanding did such a thing.

"Even brother, don't you understand my good intentions?"

With a lonely expression on his face, Shimura Xuanding sighed: "Yunyin Village is already outdated. We need a powerful medicine to wake up those boys and girls, so that they can cheer up, recognize the reality, and work harder to cultivate."

This look of worrying about the village and the people made Tutai's face twitch. Knowing that he couldn't persuade him, with a wave of his hand, the surrounding Anbu ninjas all killed them.

A flash of silver sword light flashed, and the ninja kunai in the hands of all Anbu ninjas was cut off.

"Brother, it's fine if you don't understand me, but please don't hinder my ideal of making Yunyin Village rise, otherwise, don't blame me for doing the hard work."

Standing with a sword in hand, Shimura Genting had a serious look on his face, and he had a posture that even though thousands of people would go there.

At this moment, he believes that someone is a warrior who is fighting for the rise of Yunyin Village.

"How do you want to compare?"

Seeing that it was too hard, Tutai waved his hand to signal Anbu Ninja to back away, and was also very puzzled by this kid's intentions.

"That's right!"

Putting the big silver sword in his hand back on his back, Shimura Xuanding pulled out the No. 3 Shengtang Saber that was inserted beside him, and said seriously: "This kind of Shengtang Saber was prepared by me for the Kingdom of Thunder, and it has now been equipped. In the samurai army of the land of thunder, it will also become the mainstream weapon of the Yunyin village ninja samurai.

There are two prosperous Tang swords here. The person who comes here needs to hold the prosperous Tang sword to compete with me. You can also use ninjutsu, as long as someone can defeat me head-on.

Also, find me a referee with enough status. "

Since it is an arena competition, it must be fair and impartial.

"Very good rules, I don't know if I am qualified to be this referee."

A burly woman appeared beside Tutai, looking at Shimura Xuanding with interest.

"Are you Senior Ye Yuelan of Thunder Blade?"

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