The shadow-level Yunren on the side were also uncomfortable. The results of the previous battle made them feel very ashamed. The most unbearable thing for them was the poisonous tongue of Shimura Xuanding.

Although the swordsmanship guidance this month is indeed a kindness, but you say that too much!

"Do you want to dance too?"

Aware of the angry eyes on the side, Shimura Xuanding squinted, showing undisguised disdain, perfectly reproducing the classic quotations of the dance king of the Ninja World during the fourth war in the original book, which is really domineering.

[293. Chapter 292 Zhang Ba Snake Spear]

"Since you all want to dance, then to fulfill you, it's still the same rules, quasi-film-level people can go together!"

Holding a knife in one hand, standing proudly, Shimura Xuanding directly opened the eight-door Dunjia to the fifth door, the innate yang attribute immortal energy circulating in the meridian orifices increased sharply, and the blessing to physical fitness was also greater.

His Bamen Dunjia is different from the Ninja Chakra version of the Bamen Dunjia. The main feature is not to squeeze the potential to increase the amount of chakra, but to open the eight key points to increase the flow of immortal energy and increase the upper limit of the output.

In simple terms, it is like a pool. He is not trying to expand the pool itself, but to increase the water outlet of the pool. The immortal energy he has accumulated is enough to last for a long time. Before the stored immortal energy is exhausted, naturally No need to squeeze the body, the damage to the body is much less.

Seeing that Shimura Xuanding opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia without saying anything about martial arts, Yun Ren, who was still hesitant, looked at each other and decisively stepped forward to surround Shimura Xuanding.

They knew very well how powerful Shimura Xuanding was. With that heavy gold battle suit, they could be said to be immune to ninjutsu. They could only fight against them. They had no chance of winning if they were one-on-one, and even holding it for half a minute would be a problem.

Now that the opponent doesn't talk about martial arts and uses the eight armors, the combat power has soared to the positive shadow level, and they must work together to win.


Without waiting for these people to take action, Shimura Xuanding took the initiative to attack, stabbed the No. 3 Shengtang Saber of 250 in his hand, and sprinted forward quickly into the ground under the feet of a Yunren Quanying.

"How would you know?"

Yun Ren Zhunying had an unbelievable look on his face, and before he could react, he was cut in half by the Shengtang sword that Shimura Xuanding lifted up, turning into a ball of thunder and lightning that exploded.

It turned out that this was just a Lei Dun clone, and its main body took the opportunity to hide on the ground below and wait for an opportunity to attack.

In the past, Shimura Xuanding would have been attacked, but now with the fake eyes, as long as he is within three meters of himself, it is absolutely impossible to be attacked.

Ignoring the Yunnin Junkage whose body dived into the ground, Shimura Genting flashed his sword and slashed at the other Yunin Junkage.

The other Yunnin Junkage also reacted, and hurriedly surrounded them and slashed with their knives, and at the same time used some ninjutsu to assist the battle.

Although the radiant energy on the heavy gold suit can be immune to ninjutsu, but not all ninjutsu is ineffective.

Everyone showed the blessing effects of various ninjutsu, most of which were using Thunder Dun armor, and their speed and strength increased sharply.

Even one of them, a two-meter tall man, held a mace and blessed himself with a kind of blessing ninjutsu similar to the hardening of the earth, which not only increased his physical defense, but also strengthened his strength.

It is a pity that these people are all the same in front of Shimura Xuanding, who has broken out of the eight doors. With the strong insight formed by the copycat white eye and the copy wheel eye, especially the dynamic vision enhancement of the copy wheel eye, Shimura Xuanding can play the role. The combat power has soared by a notch.

Originally, he had been using Immortal Yuan Force to warm his eyes and enhance the function of his eyes. Whether it was dynamic vision or the limit of vision, he was far beyond the level of normal people.

In fact, the human eye has great potential for development, and even without the blessing of those pupil techniques, it can reach a very high level.

The three generations of Raikage and the future Yeyueai can burst out the extreme speed and naturally have a strong dynamic vision to cooperate, otherwise there will be a situation where Kakashi's dynamic vision cannot keep up with the burst speed of Chidori, and this Aspects can be improved little by little through years of exercise.

In the past, his dynamic vision was not weaker than Sangou Jade Shaker Eye with the blessing of the eyeball itself and Xian Yuan force, as well as the extreme control of the sage mode. Now he has made a copycat version, and his dynamic vision has been improved to a new level. The dynamic vision of the kaleidoscope is poor, and the improvement of strength is naturally exaggerated.

Almost no one could resist his three swords. In less than 30 seconds, more than 20 quasi-shadow-level powerhouses were all glamorous, staring at the golden-armored boy in the center full of humiliation and unwillingness.

Although this kind of competition venue is not suitable for their ninjas to play, the opponent's heavy gold battle suits that can be called cheating are immune to ninjutsu, making it difficult for them to exert 50% of their combat power, but they did lose, and they lost completely. Thoroughly.

"It's not bad, I can only win if I have to hurt you all with my hands. I have the qualification to dance with me. After all, I have stepped on ants without hurting them. It is still a little bit for me to control this strength. difficulty.

But you don't have to be impatient. After a while, I will be able to master this power perfectly, and I will definitely not hurt you again. "

Glancing at those Yun Ren quasi shadows who were hanging on to see blood, Shimura Xuan Ding applauded, indicating that I have a little recognition for you, Ding Ye.

But this recognition made all Yun Ren at the scene angry, they were just a bunch of ants in the eyes of their opponents.

And those Jōnin people were even more ashamed and mad. All of them were just kicked out of the battle circle by the back of the sword, and they did not suffer any substantial damage.

I didn't feel it before, but now it seems that I and others are not even qualified to hurt others.

It really hurts my self-esteem!


Yeyue Ai, who was covering her cheeks, was full of anger and humiliation. He also played just now. Unfortunately, he was slapped on the face by the blade without resisting a single move.

At this moment, he has an incomparable desire for strength, and at the same time thinks of his old father's current figure.

"Maybe try!"

Staring at the figure standing with the knife, Ye Yueai had a bold idea in her heart.

"Little devil, don't be too arrogant."

With a black old face, he walked along the stone steps to the top of the mountain. The third-generation Raikage had a scary old face, and a pair of old eyes stared at the golden-armored boy in the center of the battle circle, wishing he could be hammered to death on the spot.

I really thought our Yunyin Village was empty!

"The third generation of adults, his strength has been greatly improved compared to when he confronted Qianshou Tsunade in the information, and it seems that his insight has also increased a lot.

Ji Jie used the speed at which Xun Dun and Lei Dun's armor exploded, but he couldn't hide it from his eyes. "

A Junkage who had just lost the battle came to the side of the third generation Raikage and whispered, causing the third generation Raikage to change slightly.

"Can you even see Jijie's speed?"

With a shudder in his heart, the three generations of Raikage once again deeply recognized the power of Shimura Genting.

Jijie is a ninja of the same generation as him, and has a blood-based bounded swift escape formed by the fusion of the dual attributes of wind and thunder. Even if he uses the Lei Dun Chakra mode, it is slightly inferior.

But even such extreme speed can't hide from that kid's eyes. Could it be that the kid's eyes are kaleidoscopes?

"Then the old man and others will dance with you!"

Realizing the strength of Shimura Genting, the three generations of Raikage decisively changed their strategy.

Originally, I wanted to have a wheel battle, but who would have thought that the kid was so powerful, I might not be able to force the opponent's trump card with the wheel battle one-on-one.

"You are indeed qualified to dance with me!"

Still maintaining that arrogance, Shimura Gending had no fear on his face.

If the third generation of Raikage was in its heyday, or if he had completely adapted to the current inhuman body shape, he would definitely turn his head and leave. After all, the ninja technique of Hell Stab was too extreme, and his heavy gold battle suit could not hold it.

But now the three generations of Raikage or forget it!

As for other shadow-level powerhouses, as long as they can't break their heavy gold suits, is there any difference between them and Zhunying?

"What a shame!"

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