Madara Uchiha in the distance stood with his chest crossed, with approval on his face.

He naturally recognized the third-generation Raikage. After the second-generation Tuikage, the second-generation Raikage also brought people to Konoha to sign a peace contract. At that time, the third-generation Raikage was also an elite jōnin, not even a quasi-kage.

Unexpectedly, more than 20 years later, the little devil of the year has grown up, and the strength he has burst out makes him have to pay a little attention.

At least he had to use a full-body Susanoo to block that stab from hell, and that alone was enough to make him pay more attention.

Of course, what made him even more focused was the ruthlessness of the three generations of Raikage to himself. In order to pursue stronger strength, he turned himself into a non-human being, and he would not have such great courage.

In this regard, he Uchiha Madara is willing to call the three generations of Raikage the strongest in the ninja world!

[295. Chapter 294 Matchmaker Yeyuelan]

Both Thunder Chakra and Wind Chakra increase the user's speed, but the way they increase speed is different, and the results are quite different.

The speed of the wind chakra mode is suitable for long-distance rushing attacks, while the increasing speed of the thunder chakra mode is more suitable for short-distance rushing attacks. Although the stamina is a little worse, the short-distance burst speed is even more amazing, especially in a straight line. Sprint speed will be quite exaggerated.

Not to mention that the black thunder used by the third-generation Raikage is one level stronger than the ordinary shadow-level thunderbolt chakra, and the effect is naturally stronger.

It almost turned into a real electric light, and when Shimura Xuanding reacted, the spear blade with black electric light had already arrived in front of him.

If he really wants to be stabbed, his heavy gold battle suit must be unstoppable, and a hole will be pierced through his entire body, and it will be a rather large hole.

At this moment, dodging is no longer possible, because the speed is too fast.

The most important thing is that the third-generation Raiying is insidious enough, and has always been behind Ye Yuelan's body, covered by Ye Yuelan's tall figure, and there is no way to find it immediately.

Even the eight-foot snake spear in that guy's hand was still sticking out from under the ribs of Ye Yuelan's body, which was hard to prevent.

This is the ninja fight, where you can do anything and kill with one hit.

Everyone was staring at the blow, wanting to see how Shimura Genting would resolve it.

Or if it can't be resolved, will a hole be pierced through?

Of course Shimura Xuanding can resolve it. After all, he has been guarding against the three generations of Raikage for a long time, and he knows that the other party is waiting for a chance to win.

The right leg, which had been ready to go, lifted up and kicked Ye Yuelan out in front of him, and smashed heavily on the three generations of Raikage behind him.

This is not over yet, the two swords of Shengtang in his hand are accurately stuck on the forked tip of the Zhangba Snake Spear, but the spear blade condensed with black lightning directly stabs one of the Shengtang swords, and then the next Shengtang sword. Tang knife.

However, this obstacle also slowed down the thrust of the Zhangba Snake Spear. Shimura Xuanding quickly exchanged the Shengtang Saber in his right hand to the back, and continued to resist with the remaining blade.

After more than a dozen rotations like this, he finally blocked the infernal thrust that could be called deadly, breaking the deadly myth of the strongest spear.


Looking at Shimura Genting's boots that were only a few centimeters away from the battle circle line, the third generation of Raikage showed unwillingness.

Although he wanted to continue to exert his strength, his current body could no longer support it.

After all, the transformed body has not recovered its previous strength, but this time it was only temporarily blessed with the Earth Dungeons Hardening Technique.

It's a pity that Lei Dun restrains Earth Dun, even his own Earth Dun Ninjutsu will be suppressed by Lei Dun's chakra mode. At this moment, his body bones are full of cracks, and it may collapse at any time.

"What do you want to do boy?"

Suddenly, the third generation of Raikage found that Shimura Xuanding had turned the two swords in his hand upside down, revealing the two short blades, which he was holding in his hand.

Before he could react, a golden knife light flashed, and there was a clanging sound, and the third generation Raikage felt a chill in his body.

Stiffly, he looked down and found that he had been cleaned and slipped, leaving only a pair of fancy shorts.

"Damn it, are we Raikage so coquettish!"

"It's still a red rose pattern, I like it!"

"Don't you think the part that the shorts hold up is a bit small? It doesn't match the figure of the third-generation adult Yingwei!"


The Zhongyun Ninjas who reacted were almost blinded by shaking their eyes. They really couldn't believe that their third-generation adults could be such Raikage.

The words of the surrounding horses made the three generations of Raikage even more embarrassed and angry.

"Teacher, don't move, I'll heal you!"

Throwing down the two knives in his hand and releasing the Lei Dun mode, Shimura Xuanding immediately transferred to the gynecology master, and enthusiastically stepped forward to put the two teachers and sisters side by side and performed surgery on them at the same time.

In terms of his current medical skills, the injury of a broken arm and a broken leg is nothing.

"Go and treat Teacher Yeyue first!"

Covering the wound to prevent Shimura Xuanding from doing it, Yeyue Dingyin looked at her teacher Yeyuelan worriedly.

The teacher's injuries were much more serious than theirs. Not only was the entire shoulder chopped off, but the chest cavity was also exposed, and even the lungs could be seen.


Seeing that the two teachers and sisters were very resistant, Shimura Xuanding could only perform a simple hemostasis treatment on him, and then came to Ye Yuelan's side and started to connect his severed shoulder and arm.

Although the chest cavity had been in direct contact with the air, it did not damage the lobes of the lungs, and the chance of infection was not high. Coupled with Ye Yuelan's tyrannical physical fitness, it was not a big problem.

"Don't move, Aunt Raiking's bones should be about to break now. If you don't want his injury to worsen, don't move. I'll deal with it later."

While speaking, Shimura Xuanding took out the Kaguya Ren puppet from the sealed scroll, used the corpse veins to reconnect Ye Yuelan's severed bones, and finally sewed up the muscle and skin.

"Okay, the senior's physical fitness can be cured within a month."

After checking it again and confirming that there is no problem, Shimura Xuanding ran to the two teachers and sisters with a smile.

"I lost!"

Ye Yuelan, who had been staring at the cutting knife, sighed sadly. Although she had always longed for a real battle, she felt very uncomfortable after being defeated.

Not to mention that they were still beaten under a joint siege, and the other party was only a boy under fifteen years old.

Is the era of their generation finally coming to an end?

"We Yunyin still have a future!"

His eyes fell on the two disciples who were rescued by Shimura Xuan Ding, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he had high hopes for these two disciples.

Unlike them, these two disciples have a great chance, and meeting that kid is the greatest chance, and their future achievements are limitless.

Carefully connected the severed arms, legs and feet for the two teachers and sisters, and finally touched it carefully to make sure that the wound was healed perfectly, and then came to the third generation Raikage.

"Hey! Such a big person, but not half my size, shame!"

Uncovering the large coat covering the third generation Raikage, and taking a look at the protruding scale of the flowery shorts, Shimura Genting said contemptuously, it was too embarrassing.

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