Pushing his glasses, he showed a sinister smile, and Hei Jue also showed a sinister smile to cooperate.

This strange atmosphere made the animals around him tremble with fright. Even Godzilla Shimura and Ghidorah Shimura, who had been holding on to them, looked at them vigilantly and sensed the extreme danger.

"You can arrange this by yourself. Although you are a clone of your father, you must learn to think independently. You can make up your own mind about some small things. Those clones are now named Bai Jue, right? I'll leave that to you. command."

After making a point, Shimura Xuanding indicated that Hei Jue can go to work, and he needs to tame these little cuties and awaken their innate immortal energy with attributes.

"You won't be disappointed."

With a sinister smile, Jue Hei's tall real body turned into a liquid and hid into the ground, and set about doing this.

On the other side, Otsutsuki Ban, who was hidden on the other side, really had a headache, a real headache!

"Why is it so difficult?"

Once again, the pairs of left and right spiral pill golden pills condensed in the head orifice acupoint were scattered, and Otsutsuki Ban rubbed his forehead with a headache.

It's a real headache, a physical pain.

Before, only one head remained, and the body below the neck was regenerated by the fusion of yin and yang through the eye of reincarnation. The meridian orifice was no different from ordinary people.

It is necessary to practice the technique of rebuilding the meridian orifices and transform them into the perfect double-spiral meridian orifices before, but this step was stuck.

"Damn brat!"

Cursing furiously, Otsutsuki Muban hated that kid so much that his teeth itch.

Back then, that kid was on guard against him, and the meridian orifice acupoint reconstruction technique given was a tailor-made, exclusive version, and it would be difficult to use it again if his physical condition was wrong.

Even if he used the technique of yin and yang to reshape his body to be very close to the original, there are some things that cannot be shaped by yin and yang.

For example, the pair of original kaleidoscopes transplanted on Shima's face, and the Tennin white eye.

In desperation, in the end, the transformation of the meridian orifice acupoints can only be temporarily put down, and I want to re-condense the left and right spiral pills in the orifice acupoints in the head. After all, the head is original, and the meridian orifice points are also transformed.

But whoever thinks that the Spiral Pill Jindan cultivation method is also an exclusive version, and wants to study and decipher it by himself, but condensing it to the sixth pair of the Spiral Pill Jindan will not work.

Without the feeling of a perfect fit, the condensed Spiral Pills will negatively affect each other, causing Chakra to run around in the meridians on the head.

If it weren't for the tyrannical suppression of pupil power, coupled with the strong control of his own chakra, his head would have exploded long ago.

"How on earth did the Shimura family's No. 0 research institute create this secret cultivation method?"

After a little relief, Otsutsuki Ban was very confused, and even had a little self-doubt.

He has the previous cultivation experience as a reference, and it is extremely difficult to deduce, and it is even dangerous. How did the rumored No. 0 research institute of the Shimura family create these secret methods from scratch?

"You must get the whole set of cultivation methods of these two secret methods, and understand the essence of it."

With his fists clenched, Otsutsuki Ban knew that he couldn't hide it any longer. He had to get the two full versions of the Shimura family's secret techniques, otherwise his strength would only stay where he was.

However, Shimura Xuanding and his son can continue to cultivate and become stronger. Once the time drags on for too long, even if he completely masters the power of the Samsara Eye in the future, he will not necessarily be the opponent of the father and son, let alone the Shimura family. with more terrifying power.

"The Konoha and Shimura family can't go there for the time being, and the outsider golem must be restored first."

With his palm on his abdomen, Otsutsuki Ban pondered how to restore the power of the outsider golem.

He learned a lot of secrets from the memories of the lunar Otsutsuki people who were brought down by his illusion, and some ancient secrets were recorded on the family ancestral stone tablets, which let him know a lot of things.

For example, the origin of the tailed beast and the outsider golem, if you want to restore the outsider golem, you must have the chakra of the tailed beast, or even the power of the source.

"The tailed beast of the Five Great Ninja Village can't move, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of the Shimura family. It is not appropriate to confront the father and son now."

After thinking about it for a while, Otsutsuki Ban gave up the idea of ​​collecting tailed beasts. First, he didn't want to fight Shimura and his son. Second, his Samsara Eye still lacked Chakra, the whirlpool fairy, and was unstable.

Even if you collect all the tailed beasts and resurrect the ten-tailed sacred tree, you may not be able to control it.

The tailed beast body cannot move, and can only think of other ways.

"It seems that I have to go to Yunyin Village again. The forbidden technique developed by the mouse in Tobirama is still worth using."

Thinking of a piece of information he got in Yunyin Village last time, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Otsutsuki Ban's lips.

[326. Chapter 325 A little green on the head]

"When did you have such a perverted hobby?"

Looking at the dark green butterfly on the forehead of the young man beside him, Yu Yi Ding Yin showed disgust.

Originally, green was a very healthy color, but since the birth of the master who crossed the river with a reed, he has given this color a very different meaning.

But who would have thought that today this rebel actually got a butterfly on his forehead, and even got a small green butterfly tattoo on the center of his eyebrows.

So perverted!

"What do you know as a woman!"

Shimura Xuanding, who was squinting at Shimura Yajindie with Immortal Essence on his forehead, said you didn't understand.

In fact, he was also very depressed in his heart. The Yajindie itself was green, and the stronger the potential, the heavier the color.

Hei Jue carefully selected this dark green Yadian butterfly, but the mental power thing corresponds to the key point in the pineal body, which means that he will have the tattoo corresponding to Yazhi butterfly on the eyebrows.

The feeling on the green head is really uncomfortable, especially if it needs to be repaired with Yabi Butterfly. In addition, this thing is an insect, not only the small meridian orifice is also very fragile, and it can only be adsorbed to the eyebrows for double repair.

This is green on top!

Fortunately, Yajindie's spiritual talent is indeed very strong, and after so many days of cultivation, it awakened and cultivated the immortal energy of the innate yin attribute.

Now he is doing double cultivation with him, and he will soon be able to obtain this innate yin attribute.

"Is there any other problem with Chakra?"

Resisting the strange feeling of being pulled by her tail, Yu Yi Ding Yin asked a very sensitive question.

In the last battle where Yunyin Village was attacked, it was revealed that there was a problem with Chakra, but they only thought it was a small problem at the time. Who would have thought that Madara Uchiha also abolished Chakra and converted to Xianyuanli.

This is not normal!

"You don't plan to abolish Chakra, why are you asking this?"

Playing with the little oxtail in his hand, Shimura Genting did not intend to answer this question.

Some things have to be kept secret for the time being, and it's useless to say it, and these people don't plan to abolish Chakra.

In the previous plan to purify Chakra, the three generations of Raikage only let 30% of the ninjas in the village come to purify it. Obviously, it was just a first-hand defense, and it was also a distrust of their father and son.

Even purifying a chakra is so defensive and petty, let alone letting it abolish chakra and transfer it to immortal energy.

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