"It really is space ninjutsu!"

The cinnamon face that has been staring at it is even more ugly. The detailed information given by the third generation Raikage last time pointed out that the powerful men on the moon have space ninjutsu, just like the flying thunder **** of the second Hokage.

Space Ninjutsu is extremely powerful, and they have no way to limit it at this stage.

"I said at the beginning that we can't keep that thing, you have to hide it and swallow it, now it's okay."

Seeing that the enemy really left, Zi exited the Melting Chakra mode and the half-tailed beast state, and couldn't help complaining.

The eldest brother Shimura Xuanding proposed to trade the high-density meteorite with a stronger Shimura secret technique, but unfortunately Ohnogi and others did not agree.

Well now, it was taken away by the strong men on the moon, which made them lose a great treasure to deal with future strong enemies, and in turn strengthened the other party.

What kind of **** is this!

This topic made the old man's face darken, but he was speechless.

Because he also opposed the deal proposed by the kid at the beginning. After all, the high-density meteorite is different from heavy gold and perfect energy metal. In the battle between the demons, Yuguan used a knife made of meteorite alloy to cut open the indestructible skull of the demon.

How can such a strategic treasure be handed over to the Shimura family?

If he uses that kind of meteorite alloy to create a suit, even Ohnogi's dust escape can't be broken, and the future Shimura father and son and the Shimura family will really be incurable.

But who would have thought that the strong men on the moon would suddenly enter Yanyin Village for this reason and take it away.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well make a deal with that kid and get more Shimura Secret Techniques!

Too bad it's too late to regret it now.

"Call all the ninja patriarchs in the village to come to a meeting."

Onogi, who had just recovered from his strength, spoke with difficulty and gave an order. Although he was very weak, he must resolve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Tsukage ordered, and Anbu ninja went to execute the order, and several medical ninjas stepped forward to treat Han and Cinnamon's injuries.

"Lord Cinnamon, the wound cells have been completely killed and destroyed by a mysterious force. Medical ninjutsu cannot be used to stimulate healing. We need to cut off a section of the wound to attach your leg."

After examining the wound on the cinnamon's leg and the broken leg, the medical ninja came up with a treatment plan.

Although they have been following Shimura Xuanding to steal the teacher in the past few months, their medical skills have greatly improved, but the injuries they can deal with are still limited.

Now this kind of injury can reattach the severed leg to the limit.

"How much to cut?"

The old face turned black, and the cinnamon had a very bad premonition.

"At least twenty centimeters."

Carefully stating a value, the medical ninja lowered his head and looked at his nose, nose and heart, indicating that this was his limit.

Be a cripple, or be a crippled, it's your choice!


After a little hesitation, Cinnamon finally uttered a word through gritted teeth.

Although very unwilling, short legs are better than broken ones.

The situation of Han on the other side was similar. The wound on the waist that was scratched by Qiu Daoyu had a large area of ​​necrosis of flesh and blood cells, and he had cut off a few pounds of meat before being forcibly sutured.

As a tailed orc, his physique and resilience are strong enough, and if someone else comes over, he can prepare for a meal.

"Onogi, you have to find a way to get some heavy gold. Ordinary metal armor can't resist that thing at all."

Gently stroked the few dents on the immortal iron rod of the copycat version in his hand, Zi suggested to find a way to make the same heavy gold battle clothes as the big brother Shimura Xuanding.

These dents were made by the guy with the black rod during the battle just now, and that part of the heavy gold alloy was forcibly decomposed.

Obviously, heavy money can't resist that thing, but at least it can resist it a little.

Unlike the armor on Han's body that was cut like tofu, if he hadn't arrived in time and was repaired by the guy, he would have been able to take care of Han Cao's funeral.

"The old man will contact the three generations of Fengying to discuss this matter."

Turning his eyes with difficulty to see the tragic state of Han, Oh Yegi also understood that he had to create a battle armor that was strong enough to fight against that kind of black rod.

It's just that the heavy money is too expensive. They don't have the capital to buy it normally now, and the heavy money is basically in the hands of the Daming Palace, so people won't trade that thing to them.

Fortunately, there seems to be a gold miner in Shayin Village. Judging from the information returned by the spies, Yunyin Village has obtained a lot of gold from Shayin Village.

This is a great channel!

The efficiency of the ninjas is very high. The Anbu ninjas who left a while ago brought back the chiefs of the major ninja clans in the village. Everyone looked at the tragic situation around them, and then looked at Onogi, whose whole body was golden and hard to move. Think about something.

Soon everyone came to an underground secret room. Onogi asked Cinnamon to explain the previous battle in detail to the chiefs of the ninja clan, and even took out the information specially sent by the last three generations of Raikage for everyone to watch.

"Is it possible that the lunar powerhouse was deliberately fabricated by the Shimura family to deceive us?"

After reading the information, one of the old men mentioned a possibility.

After all, Shimura Xuanding said the matter about the Moon Powerhouse. They didn't trust that kid. Maybe the other party was deceiving them.

The others also nodded in agreement. Compared with the so-called lunar powerhouse, the growing Shimura family deserves their vigilance.

Moreover, the major events in the ninja world in the past few years are basically made by the Shimura family. With the style of the dark of ninja in the past, it is not impossible to create a lunar powerhouse to fool them.

[357. Chapter 356 Onogi's Courage]

"I asked Sun Wukong. Although he didn't say much, he admitted that the moon is indeed inhabited and very strong."

Zi suddenly opened his mouth to tell a piece of information. After the last separation, he asked the four-tailed Sun Wukong body in his body for advice on this matter.

It took a long time for Sun Wukong to reply, confirming that it is indeed not easy on the moon.

"That kid is indeed treacherous, despicable, and shameless, but the Shimura family is not a fool, and it is impossible to trade the precious secrets such as the Chakra pattern for that little benefit.

The old man thought that they had discovered a strong enemy that was difficult to deal with alone, so he spread out various secret techniques and wanted to use us as cannon fodder. "

Cinnamon, who was undergoing medical ninja surgery to get his legs, also spoke to support Shimura Xuanding. Although he had been tricked many times by that kid, he had to admit that he was a smart man, not a brain-dead man.

There must be some reason for trading the secret art created by the Shimura family.

A powerful foreign enemy is the most plausible explanation.

"The lunar powerhouse may be fake, but it must be true that there will be strong enemies in the future."

Onogi also made a difficult statement. He also had doubts about the identity of the moon powerhouse, but from the current situation of the ninja world, the future situation will become more and more terrible, even if their five major ninja villages are slightly wrong, they will be destroyed.

In fact, this is easy to guess. Just as the shadow of a village wants to support civilian ninjas as cannon fodder to counteract and balance the ninja forces in the village, it is very reasonable for the Shimura family to strengthen the five major ninja villages against unknown powerful enemies.

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