With this determination, Ye Cang left the Fengying Building and returned to his home in that luxurious villa.

When he came to the top floor, he glanced at the bedroom door of Shimura Xuanding. Ye Cang first went back to his room to freshen up, and then came to Shimura Xuanding's room in his pajamas.

But when she opened the door, she was dumbfounded by the scene in front of her.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was in the massage service, was also stunned. She really didn't expect someone to come in at this time, and she didn't knock on the door.

After reacting, he didn't bother to pick up the dress that was thrown aside, used the transformation technique to change the appearance of wearing clothes, and quickly ran across Ye Cang's side and ran out of the room.

She is not as cheeky as Shimura Xuanding, and she was so embarrassed that she was almost mad when outsiders saw such a scene.


Ye Cang, who finally regained his senses, cursed angrily, and was about to turn around to leave, but suddenly his waist tightened, and his body flew out and fell into a broad embrace.

"Since you're here, don't leave."

With a sinister smile, Shimura Xuanding would not let this girl go.

Since you scared my little Mikoto away, I'll use you instead!

The most important thing is that anyone who sees his true identity as someone, either becomes his own person or becomes a dead person, there is no second choice.


Aware of someone's dishonest claws, Ye Cang pursed his pink lips tightly, his eyes full of anger.

What does this **** take her for?

"What can you do if I don't let go?"

The girl's anger made Shimura Genting feel even more comfortable. Sure enough, boys are born to bully girls. This is a biological instinct imprinted in the blood.

"I bite you!"

Even more angry, Ye Cang opened his mouth to bite on his shoulder, and even blessed Feng Dun Chakra on his teeth, which was extremely sharp.

Although Shimura Xuanding's physical fitness is very strong and the skin is very tough, it is also difficult to resist the cutting of Feng Dun Chakra, and he was bitten out of blood.

The pain in his shoulder made him shiver uncontrollably. He had been massaged by Uchiha Mikoto to the limit before, but this broke out.


Quickly breaking free, Ye Cang looked down at the dirt on the nightdress, so angry that he wanted to bite.

However, thinking of his task, he didn't stay for long, glared angrily at someone who had entered the sage mode, turned and left the room, for fear of being dragged by that guy again.

Blood does not remain in the mouth for long and must be sealed as soon as possible.

Not to mention Ye Cang, who used the special equipment brought from the Kazekage Building to seal the blood samples, and repaired the bite marks on his shoulders. Shimura Genting lay down and thought about his life, and immediately walked out of the room, facing the place where Uchiha Mikoto was at the moment. Room to go.

He has been accustomed to bad habits, and he can't sleep without his little sister and little sister.

At this moment, Uchiha Mikoto was taking a bath and brushing her teeth in the original room of Kaura, but before this set of procedures was finished, she found that Shimura Genting opened the bathroom door and walked in, sitting in the bath like that naturally. Face to face with myself, take a bath.


With shame and anger on her face, the girl was about to get up and go out, but she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist, and she was hugged into a firm embrace.

"Don't be shy, you are already my fiancee, one of the future wives, you have to learn to adapt."

Looking at the girl's increasingly arrogant figure, Shimura Genting earnestly guided.

Originally, he just wanted to cultivate Uchiha Mikoto into a nail that was inserted into the Uchiha family, but unfortunately the plan could not keep up with the changes, and too many changes had occurred before.

The most important thing is that this girl discovered her true face, and the old father also arranged for Sister Huizi to come to propose marriage.

Now that this girl is her fiancee, it is obviously not acceptable to stay in the Uchiha family as a nail.

Otherwise, this girl really wants to fiddle with Uchiha Fuyue to give him a green hat, and even let him be a father one after another, and he will lose his life.

"One of the wives? I won't share a husband with other women. If you want to marry, you can only marry me."

Seeing that she couldn't break free and leave, Uchiha Mikoto spoke bitterly.

She knew that this perverted **** was a big radish with a big heart, and he was messing with flowers everywhere, not only won the three of their master and apprentice, but also extended his hand to the outer village.

The white clay in Yanyin Village is counted as one, and Kagura and Ye Cang in Sandyin Village may also be killed.

She paid attention to it just now. After she left, Ye Cang was dragged in by that guy. She could imagine what would happen with her toes.

By the way, there is also that Xiangyu, this guy must have no good intentions of breaking up the couple of the Scorpion of Red Sand and Xiangyu.

"Xiao Meiqin, I advise you to think about it better. After all, finding a few more sisters is saving you!"

With a sincere persuasion, Shimura Xuanding did not fool anyone this time.

It is indeed for the good of those wives to find more wives. His strength is too strong, and it cannot be monopolized by any woman. If he is really strong, he will die.

"I'm going to use you to save... Shameless!"

Hehe sneered, but then he seemed to understand something, a pretty fair face flushed with shame, gnashing his teeth and staring at the **** in front of him.

"Just want to understand, my 18.88 cm magic weapon is not bad, not to mention that I am a master of male subjects, and I can add plug-ins to myself."

Laughing very proudly, Shimura Xuanding knew his own combat power very well, and as his physical fitness continued to improve, his combat power would also increase.

"You will die on our women sooner or later!"

Cursing bitterly, the girl closed her eyes and said that she was out of sight and out of mind.

Shimura Xuanding also soaked in this way with the girl in his arms, and maintained the water temperature with fire-attribute immortal energy.

This is not over yet, the yin attribute immortal energy thread pierces the body of the girl in her arms, driving the girl's spiritual power to work.

This is a method of double cultivation at the spiritual level, which can maximize the growth of spiritual power.

I have been using this method for spiritual double cultivation with those young ladies and sisters before, otherwise I would really think that he is aiming for someone's sperm and brain!

The night of double cultivation ended like this. In the early morning of the next day, Shimura Xuanding put on a heavy gold battle suit under the service of his little fiancee, and came to the rooftop to watch the rising sun in the east.

"It's almost done, it's almost done!"

Mumbling to himself, Shimura Genting was full of excitement.

The Spiral Pill Jindan cultivation method is very dependent on spiritual power, and maintaining each Spiral Pill Jindan requires a spiritual power.

However, spiritual power is his weakness. Fortunately, he has developed a spiritual power double cultivation method, which can obtain the spiritual power cultivation speed of many little sisters and sisters, especially Xiao Meiqin, who has opened the kaleidoscope, and Xiao Zining in the country of ghosts.

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