Seeing each other on the battlefield, he will never let go.

The indifferent attitude of the good friend made Hiruzen Sarutobi embarrassed and angry, but he had to endure it.

"Tsunade-sensei, it will be an auspicious day in a week. I will use a large sedan chair to go to your house to welcome you. You have to be ready."

When the entrance of the village was separated, Shimura Xuanding told his teacher and sister affectionately, that this time she must take down the teacher and sister completely.

When the time comes, I will pass my younger brother Qianshou Rope Tree along, and in the end, only Miss Uzumaki Meidu will be left.

"Are you going to marry him?"

Jiraiya was also stunned, he really didn't expect Tsunade to marry Shimura Genting.

Immediately after thinking about it, it was right, after all, Tsunade is twenty-four this year, almost twenty-five, and if she doesn't get married, she will become an old girl.

It's just that when Tsunade thinks that Tsunade is going to get married, Jirai can't help but feel lost.

Tsunade is finally getting married!

Tsunade, who was worried, didn't bother to pay attention to the idiot teammate, and walked quickly to the Thousand Hands Clan.

We must determine as soon as possible whether it was the Iron Country tragedy caused by our second grandfather!

Walking fast all the way, it didn't take long to reach the Qianshou clan's land, and went straight to find the uncle Qianshou Orange Water who was dealing with affairs.

"Where is the second grandpa?"

When asked straight to the point, Tsunade couldn't help but feel uneasy at this time, and even wanted to escape.

She was afraid of knowing the truth. If the second grandfather did it, she really didn't know how to deal with it, and her faith would definitely collapse along with it.

"follow me!"

Seeing that his niece's expression was not right, Qianshou Orangeshui thought that Tsunade had returned with Xuanding from Comrade Village, and there must be something important to discuss. Without any hesitation, Jieyin opened a secret door.

The two entered the depths of the underground along the passage of the secret door, and soon came to an underground laboratory shrouded by a barrier, and a white-haired figure was busy inside.

"Is something wrong? Xiaogang."

Sensing the familiar Chakra, Qianshou Tobirama asked while busy experimenting.

He has too many things to do, not only to continue to improve the experiments of the Mudun Reconstruction Plan, but also to study those Shimura secret techniques.

To be honest, after being reincarnated from the dirt, he was quite stunned. He really didn't expect the Shimura family to hide so deeply.

"Second grandfather, that little pervert said that he is willing to use the whole set of chakra pattern secret technique and spiral pill golden pill secret technique in exchange for one thousand tons of chakra metal, which is the one with the same proportion of seven attributes."

After hesitating for a while, Tsunade finally plucked up the courage and revealed the deal of his rebels.


As soon as the voice came out, Qianshou Tobirama lost control and crushed the test tube in his hand, and the liquid prepared in it was spilled on the experimental table.

Silently wiped off the liquid on his hands, Qianshou Tobirama turned around, his sharp eyes swept across Tsunade and his son, and finally fell on his son.

That matter is the top secret of their Qianshou family. Back then, he only told his son Qianshou Chengshui, not even his eldest brother, Qianshou Hashirama.

How did the Shimura family know?

Qianshou Orange Shui was also shocked, and looked at his niece beside him in disbelief, and his heart became even more flustered.

The impact of what happened back then was very big, especially when Yanyin Village was hacked. If the truth came out, they would definitely become mortal enemies with Yanyin Village.

In addition to this, there will be some other column effects, which will be troublesome in short.

"Is the boy's words believable?"

Seeing that the information was not leaked from his son, Senju Tobirama asked.

It is meaningless to investigate how it was leaked now, and it would not be a loss if it could be used to trade those secret techniques from the Shimura family.

After all, there were too many chakra metals obtained that year, more than 1,500 tons.

What's more pitiful is that the chakra metal ingots have been deliberately mixed with a special metal that is very tender and removed by the country of iron, making it unable to be used for forging.

There is no way to use it for the time being, and it can only be sealed in the psychic beast space to become the family heritage.

Turning it on now makes the most of it.

"You really did it!"

Tsunade felt like something was broken, and he really couldn't accept that the second grandfather whom he admired would do such crazy things.

You must know that even if you don't count the number of casualties in the split war of the Iron Kingdom, the population of the country's capital was destroyed by millions.

How could the second grandpa be so cold-blooded and cruel?

That's millions of lives!

I don't know how many young children and babies, even pregnant women and children, so many innocent lives were buried in the hands of the second grandfather.

Thinking of this, Tsunade felt as if there were countless evil spirits wandering around, and a chill that penetrated the soul hit his heart.

"I know it's hard for you to accept this kind of thing, but grandpa did this for the sake of the family and the village.

There will be a battle between our Ninja Village and the Daming House in the future. There is no reconciliation, and only one side can go to the bottom to end.

Which choice to make, grandpa is also very guilty and painful. "

With her palm resting on her granddaughter's head, Qianshou Tobirama sighed with mixed emotions.

Back then, he hesitated, felt guilty, and regretted, but if he did it again, he would still do it.

For the sake of the family and the village, he has no choice!

It's a pity that Tsunade Tobirama's words did not enlighten Tsunade, but made him even more confused. Then, he couldn't help but recall the words he had talked with the Sand Shinobi when he led the rebel to the Daming Mansion in the Land of Fire.

Can ninjas really do whatever they want to protect themselves and the village?

Is this kind of protection right?

[385. Chapter 384 The worries of the United States]

Tsunade doesn't know how she left the second grandfather's underground laboratory. She is in a mess now, very messy.

"Child, don't you like Xiao Xuan Ding anymore? If you really don't like it, grandma will reject the marriage for you?"

Sensing that her granddaughter's chakra was fluctuating in a chaotic manner, Uzumaki Mei hurried over to visit, seeing her granddaughter's pale complexion and indifferent eyes, she couldn't help taking it into her arms distressedly.

Although she really hopes to see her granddaughter come together with Xiao Xuanding, if her granddaughter really doesn't like it, she will not force it too much.

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