Although the vast majority of them are only Chunin as cannon fodder, it is enough for them to hurt.

Not to mention that a lot of Shangnin and Shadow-level powerhouses have fallen. Even if the strength of the ninja has improved a lot due to the practice of Shimura's secret technique of strengthening the body, such a number of losses can still be regarded as traumatic.

"Do you think it might be false information that Konoha deliberately sent us?"

After taking stock of their own losses, the three generations of Mizukage and the third generation of Raikage gathered together, no matter how they thought about it, they felt as if they had been trapped by Konoha.

According to the information given by Konoha, the Shimura family can only arrive at Wuchao Village tomorrow. They are confident that they will break through the defense line of Wuchao Village tonight, and they will have a great advantage by then.

It was even possible to grab the inheritance of the Vortex Sealing Technique in advance, but the result was that the Shimura family arrived early, killing them by surprise.

If they do not retreat decisively, I am afraid that the loss will be even greater, and there is even a danger of destruction.

"We must have been tricked, and Konoha itself is not sincere to cooperate with us, and even has more precautions."

The three generations of water shadows are not surprised by this. After all, everyone knows exactly what they are, and calculating allies during cooperation is a routine operation.

Their four major ninja villages are also secretly forming an alliance to calculate Konoha, and it is normal for others to have calculations.

To blame, I can only blame them for their miscalculation, but Konoha gave me a calculation.

"What are you going to use to fight the Shimura family?"

Squinting his eyes, the third generation of Lei Ying felt disdain.

Their five major ninja villages all traded a chakra mode secret technique from the Shimura family, and Wuyin Village also traded the water escape chakra mode to practice secret techniques, but it was exchanged for the ghost lamp clan and the Kaguya clan.

The ghost lamp clan doesn't matter, but the Kaguya clan is a master of melee combat, known as the first melee ninja clan in the ninja world.

Originally, if the Kaguya clan existed, Kiriyin Village could still play close combat with the Shimura clan.

At least the Kaguya clan was standing in front as a meat shield, and other ninjas could calmly release ninjutsu behind them.

It is a pity that there is no Kaguya clan in Wuyin Village now.

[403. Chapter 402 Human **** ninja]

After learning that Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village had respectively traded the secrets of two chakra modes, the three generations of Mizukage couldn't sit still, and sent someone to discuss the transaction with Shimura Xuanding, who was staying in the country of ghosts.

It's a pity that Wuyin Village does not have the luck and capital like Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village, and there is not enough chakra metal to trade.

In desperation, in the end, only with the conditions of Xuanding of Will Village, using the ghost lamp clan and the Huiye clan as bargaining chips, they can obtain the water escape chakra mode to practice the secret technique.

The two ninja clans were naturally reluctant to be traded as goods, and they were very resistant, and even almost went into trouble. Immediately, he threw himself into the arms of the Shimura family.

The ghost lamp family is similar. After Shimura Xuanding took out the secret of elementalization, he also followed the law of true incense and mixed with the Shimura family.

No way, the shadows of the five major ninja villages are suppressing the ninja forces and supporting the civilian ninjas. The stronger the ninja, the greater the pressure.

Even if there is a ghost lamp family that has a water shadow, it is not easy to feel, because he is angry, and the external temptation is too powerful, so naturally he has to vote.

After all, the current three generations of water shadows are disciples of the second generation of water shadow ghosts, and they are thinking of a little bit of affection.

Coupled with the ferocious style of Wuyin Village, maybe the ghost lamp family will be destroyed, especially after the three generations of water shadows have mastered the power of the two tailed orcs, their work has become more and more radical, making them miserable, and the Huiye family is similar. .

Of course, the real reason for the Guideng family to make a final decision is that Guideng Shuirou is pregnant, and you can figure out who the child is with your toes.

With this relationship, everything is easier to say, at least it is unlikely to be tricked by the Shimura family.

Not to mention the two big ninja tribes who are pioneering wasteland in the new continent, after the discussion between Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village, they are all sure that Konoha is deliberately trapping them.

Then they gathered again at the foot of the vortex village to besiege without attacking, trapping the vortex clan and the Shimura clan with the absolute advantage of the number of people.

Anyway, they are not going to be hard-barred, otherwise they will lose a lot even if they fight, and maybe they will be picked by the other three Ninja villages.

Shimura Keiko will naturally not agree when the two big ninja villages are going to be besieged. Although he wants to act, he has to act seriously.

They often lead the family elites down the mountain to rush to kill. Although the two big ninja villages have taken precautions, they will not get many big results, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

The most important thing is to show a strong night fighting ability, so that the two big ninja villages and the three secret ninja villages mistakenly think that they are good at night fighting and prepare for the next decisive battle.

After such a stalemate for a week, the Moon Otsutsuki clan appeared.

Eighteen Otsutsugi strongmen who had awakened their eyebrows and twilight eyes slaughtered at Utsuo Village, and confronted Shimura Keiko and the others.

After the Moon Otsutsugi clan debuted, Shimura Keiko informed her little man as soon as possible.

"The color of your eyes is not pure, is it a hybrid?"

Walking out of the Tianshou altar, Shimura Genting looked at Otsutsuki, who was headed by him, and was amazed.

The guy has another Tenseisen between his eyebrows, the kind with a blue background. The eyeball itself is the sky blue of the blue Tenseisen, but the inner pattern is the brilliant golden color of the giant Tenseisen, which seems to be two product of hybridization.

Other Otsutsuki powerhouses also changed their eyebrows, but they were the exact opposite of those of Otsutsuki, and they were the blueprint on a golden background.

The golden eyeballs are like giant Tenseigans, but the **** in the iris are originally blue. It seems that they are also the product of hybridization, but they should be a bit lower than those of Otsutsuki.

Seeing Shimura Xuanding appearing, Otsutsuki's face was gloomy and scary, and his mad murderous intention was not concealed in the slightest.

When he was in Yunyin Village, he was almost killed, and he was almost killed in the moon last time. He even lost his lunar nest, and his clansmen also suffered heavy casualties.

"Don't stare, your opponent is not me."

Not caring about the murderous intentions of Otsutsuki and the clan behind him, Shimura Xuanding shrugged and pulled the stopper of the Zijin gourd.

Dozens of figures rushed out of it, and the first two were wearing bright golden battle clothes, exuding a dazzling golden light, like golden light bulbs.

"Today, you must die!"

Staring at the fellow Otsutsuki on the opposite side, Madara Uchiha revealed his murderous intent.

"Why are your uniforms so bright?"

Tsunade Hime came over and asked in confusion, the three men's battle clothes were too dazzling and dazzling, and they were glowing themselves, not the light reflected from the sun.

"Upgrading the heavy metal to the level of high-density meteorite alloy, the strength and toughness have been greatly improved, but it is also heavier and the output is limited. For the time being, it is only enough to make three sets of bright gold battle suits."

After explaining with a smile, Shimura Genting was quite satisfied with his work.

When I traded a piece of mutated gold from Shayin Village, the density of that thing is higher, and its strength and toughness are naturally much stronger, which is equivalent to that kind of high-density meteorite alloy.

Even the big silver sword is difficult to break through, and it also has a super self-healing ability.

As long as it is not cut off, it can be repaired quickly.

At the same time, this mutated heavy gold, which he named bright gold, can perfectly merge with the radiant energy of the sealed crystal, and its value is far more than heavy gold.

You must know that this thing itself is emitting light, and the essence of that kind of light is a kind of radiation, which can naturally better integrate the radiation energy of the sealed crystal, and even increase it by a small amount.

It is a pity that the production capacity of this thing is limited at this stage, and it is only enough to make three sets of battle suits.

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