He was very relieved to hand over the mother to the other party.

It's just that Hei Jue was very relieved to leave, but Shimura Xuan Ding was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw Miss Kaguya waved the door and closed the door, then took off her dress, and walked slowly on the carpet with her fair little feet, her tender fingers like scallions raised Shimura Xuanding's chin.

"From now on, you are a concubine."

After taking a closer look, Kaguya Otsutsuki was very satisfied.

Before, his own son Hei Jue explained the current situation in detail, and also proposed to let this little man be his wife.

If this little man is as defiant as Hei Jue said, then marrying the other party is not a loss.

"Uh! Are we developing too fast? Why don't we talk about love first?"

Shimura Xuanding was really stimulated by the domineering of the young lady with a cute blink of his eyes.

In the past, it was him who showed the way of dominance to other young ladies, but he never expected to be bullied by other young ladies for a while one day.

But even though he said that, his eyes were firmly attracted by the light illusion.

I really didn't expect Miss Kaguya's lighting illusion to be so terrifying, even stronger than Tsunade-sensei's.

It's just that the clothes are too loose, covering up that unparalleled domineering.

Sure enough, the sand sculpture netizen in the previous life was right, all the ladies in loose clothes are domineering queens.


With a domineering response, with a wave of his hand, the bright gold suit on Shimura Xuanding's body was removed by the Space Eye Technique, and the tight shorts were brutally torn apart. Kaguya immediately transferred to a female knight, and was completely overbearing.

Her age is not too young, not counting being sealed in the ninja world for thousands of years, she has stayed with the Cosmos Otsutsuki family for thousands of years, adding up to almost ten thousand years old.

At this age, there is no need to fall in love, what she wants is to quench her thirst as soon as possible.

Not to mention that the object is still a young man, and he is not at a loss.

And just like that, the fierce war began.

You can't imagine how crazy a young lady who has been abstinent for nearly 10,000 years would be. Rao Yi Shimura Xuan Ding's body and willpower had to be replenished and consumed by Greer energy fluid to increase her stamina.

After a whole week, Shimura Xuan Ding was empty, and the young lady beside him was extremely satisfied, and the loneliness of nearly 10,000 years finally eased slightly.

"Can even that barrier be repaired after remodeling the body?"

Lying on the bed in a daze, Shimura Xuanding recalled his initial experience and asked curiously.

I really didn't expect this young lady to be a big girl, at least that layer of barrier can't deceive people.

"You are the first little man in your concubine!"

The fair tender fingers drew circles on the solid chest, and Kaguya was extremely satisfied, and she felt that she had lived in vain before.

Her aptitude is not good, and she is even called a shame in the clan. No one looks down on her. She is still a big girl for thousands of years. She doesn't know the taste of a man at all.

"How did Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura come from?"

Shimura Genting didn't quite understand the meaning of Miss Sister's words, blinking his eyes cutely.

He believed that this little sister would definitely not deceive him. Although it was said in the original book that Miss Hui Yeji was married to a local king, he didn't really believe it.

With the continuous improvement of strength, all aspects of the senses will be greatly enhanced.

He now has to close his sense of smell when interacting with people, otherwise the ghost knows what it will smell.

Since Kaguya was able to cross the starry sky and descend to the local world, her strength must not be weak, so how could she like an aboriginal?

And judging from the original work, the king seems to be just an ordinary person, at least not very strong, and it is even less likely that he is attractive.

So here comes the question, since the young lady is the eldest daughter of a yellow flower, how did the six immortal brothers come to be?

Did it pop out of a rock?

"They are my two fingers, yin and yang, and they are my children.

Back then, I wanted to let them assist the concubine to deal with them, but who would have thought that they betrayed the concubine. "

Without concealing it, Kaguya revealed the origins of the two evil sons, and she gnashed her teeth in hatred in the end.

Thousands of years of sealed imprisonment is not so easy to endure.

"Will you betray your concubine?"

Suddenly propped up, her wonderful eyes stared closely, and Kaguya spoke faintly.

She didn't want to be betrayed again, especially by someone close to her.


With a slap on the top of the Q bomb, Shimura Xuanding showed his domineering and stunned Fugang.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Your husband and my dictionary don't have the word betrayal at all, but you can only belong to me in the future. Dress conservatively, and you have to wear a veil for me when you go out."

"Domineering little man!"

Although it was painful, Kaguya was not disgusted, and even felt very relieved.

For nearly 10,000 years, this sense of security in which the whole body and mind are relaxed is so fascinating.

"Tomorrow, I will ask my father to give you the second-generation chakra tree, you can temporarily integrate it, use the power of reincarnation, get a planet, and then use gravity to shape it into eight moons, and keep rotating in this trajectory. ."

As he said that, Shimura Xuanding once again used the power of immortal energy to project the running form of the moon around the sky.

"Little man, I really want to dig out the seeds of your head to see how they look."

Her eyes lit up, and Kaguya saw the mystery of the orbit of the moon around the sky.

She has the knowledge she has learned from the Otsutsuki clan in the universe, and the accumulation of thousands of years in the clan is not something ordinary people can imagine.

Coupled with the Spiral Pill Jindan Cultivation System obtained from his own son Hei Jue, he can better understand this operating system, and the beauty in it cannot be described in words.

My little man is too smart to come up with such a method.

"Forgot to ask, how is the strength of the Otsutsuki clan in the universe divided? How far is the strongest?"

Unable to bear the scorching gaze of the young lady, Shimura Xuanding hurriedly changed the subject, otherwise the young lady would dig out her own brain for research.

Speaking of business, Kaguya's expression became solemn.

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