Women can't get used to it, just pack up when she loses her temper.

Of course, this clean-up is skillful, and it has to be convincing.

After an unspeakable battle, Shimura Genting slept with his comatose wife in his arms.

But in my heart, I was thinking that it was time to pick peaches.

Before, he deliberately asked Tsunade to hand over the fusion method of the blood base boundary to Senju Hashirama, so as to guide the resurrected deceased ancestors to fuse the new blood base boundary. After three years, it should be mature enough.


A week later, Shimura Genting brought Kaguya, Madara Uchiha and his old father Nabekage to the underground base in the Kingdom of Vortex.

I have to say that ninjutsu, especially the earth escape ninjutsu, is really awesome, and it is amazing to start civil engineering.

This underground base is very large, with dozens of floors up and down, covering hundreds of kilometers, and inhabited by hundreds of millions of ninjas.

That's right, there are hundreds of millions of ninjas.

Senju Tobirama, Senshou Hasuma, and Liudao Madara are really ruthless people, and all of the ninja souls that can be resurrected in the pure land space are resurrected at once.

And these kings are all the stocks of the Six Paths Immortals, and they are the powerhouses accumulated after the emergence of the ninjas.

"Is this your confidence?"

With his arms folded over his chest, Madara Uchiha squinted at Madara Liudao, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

Although I came to pick peaches, I couldn't do a one-shot deal. This time I picked the fruit of the blood following the limit. Next time I had to pick the fruit that was eliminated by the blood, and then the blood followed by breaking the boundary, until the seven attributes of the blood followed the net. .

That contempt and disdain stimulated the proud Liudaoban, if not for the good friend Qianshou Hasuma by his side, he would definitely rush over and kill.

"You broke the promise again."

Strongly suppressed, his heart burst into flames, and Qianshou Hashirama felt quite worried in his heart.

Here are their secret weapons and trump cards, but now they have been discovered by the other party, and they have come in directly.

Shouldn't that guy be slaughtered?

"Don't get me wrong, we're just here to find someone!"

After explaining, Shimura Xuanding gestured to Miss Kaguya who was beside her.

The well-prepared Kaguya used the psychic technique to summon the little fairy tree, and used it as the foundation to perform the wooden escape. Soon countless roots spread to the entire underground base, entangled countless ninjas, and vaguely absorbed some chakra and blood.

After completing the task, Kaguya controlled the little fairy tree to recover the roots that had spread out.

After doing this, he shook his head to his little man, indicating that he could not find it.

Of course, this performance is just for those people to see, so that they can't perceive their true intentions.

After receiving the signal from his daughter-in-law, Shimura Xuanding took a step forward, glanced at Qianshou Hashirama and Liudaoban, and said, "Although you are not happy to see you, since you are a part of the world, you have the right to know some things.

We are not alone in the universe, there are other alien creatures. Some time ago, an alien creature sneaked into our world, and I don't know where it is hidden.

Please pay attention. If you find any abnormal situation, you can deal with it as soon as possible. If you can't deal with it, you can notify us. "

Simply leaving a sentence, Shimura Xuanding teleported away, and the three of Kaguya teleported away, leaving behind the gloomy Senju Hasuma and Liudao Madara, as well as those terrified ninjas.

"Hashimama, are his words credible?"

Thousand-handed Buddha frowned, Shimura Xuanding said solemnly before, and the wood Dun, who was similar to his own son, did not hurt them, and seemed to be really searching for something.

Is it true that there are alien creatures coming?

"I don't know!"

Shaking his head, Qianshou Hashirama was also confused. He really didn't understand what Shimura Xuanding and the others were looking for. Could there really be some alien creatures?

"There should be something sneaking into our world. You should pay more attention in the future, don't let anything get in."

Liu Dao Madara chose to believe Shimura Xuan Ding's words. He knew that there were alien powerhouses, but he had never seen them.

Moreover, Shimura Xuanding and the others did not take anything away before, let alone murder, and seemed to be really looking for something.

"All four of them were dispatched. It seems that the alien creatures that sneaked in are very strong. Maybe we can try to contact that kind of alien creatures."

As soon as his eyes rolled, Qianshou Buddha had some thoughts.

After the resurrection, he and his son learned about the current situation in the ninja world, and he knew very well that the Shimura family was strong, and with their current strength, they were definitely not opponents.

For example, the wooden scorpion that the woman just displayed could kill them all without even the strength to resist.

The gap between the two sides is too great, and we must find another way to make up for it.

"Disgusting rat!"

Undisguisedly handed a look of contempt, Liu Daoban turned and left.

Qianshou Hasuma also had a gloomy face. The last time his younger brother joined forces with the demon made him very uncomfortable. After the War of the Vortex Kingdom, their five major ninja villages were directly labeled as human rape.

Now that my father wants to join forces with alien creatures, is it possible that they should upgrade their ninjas to become ball rapists?

"Don't have this idea in the future. If you dare to contact alien creatures, no matter who it is, I will kill him, including father and you."

The cold eyes swept over everyone present, and Senju Hashirama would never allow them to appear here.

Seeing his son's decision, Qianshou Buddhajian felt unwilling, but he could only dispel that careful thought.

After not staying here for a long time, Qianshou Hashimura found a good friend Liudao Madara. Today's things are very bad. Let's not mention the mysterious alien creature, just being discovered by the Shimura family is very terrible.

The hundreds of millions of resurrected deceased ancestors are their trump cards, and now the trump cards have been discovered, and they are playing an egg!

A solution must be discussed as soon as possible!

"They are arrogant, even arrogant, and they don't take those people seriously, which is a good thing for us."

I understand the worries of good friends, but Liu Daoban is not too worried.

He had come into contact with Shimura Xuanding, and he knew very well that the kid was a proud person in his heart and disdain to kill the weak.

As far as he knew, that kid didn't have even a single life on his hands for the time being!

A benevolent and arrogant fool!

"But they have arrogant capital!"

Still worried, Senju is not optimistic about this.

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