Everyone carefully recalled the scene at that time, including Wei Zi, and their faces suddenly burned. Yes, all five of them had the opportunity to take action, but they all hesitated. Fortunately, Qin Tian was not in peak condition at that time and could not succeed with one blow. Otherwise, even if they can achieve the final victory, there is absolutely no way to guarantee that Wei Zi will not be harmed and thus all members will remain unscathed. After this battle, they still have eight or nine games.

Bai Yang broke into a cold sweat. Is this how he protects Wei Zi? What is he hesitating about? It is better to use your remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, not to use your reputation as an academic overlord. Will he repeat the lesson of Xiang Yu's defeat at Gaixia when he swept thousands of troops? Bowing to Mr. Wu, Bai Yang said sincerely:"Thank you Mr. Wu, Bai Yang understands his mistake."

Mr. Wu nodded with satisfaction and said:"Okay, you have two more games today. Take the time to recover." Work hard."

Everyone walked to the waiting area silently, but their thoughts were still surging. Everyone is silently asking themselves, at that moment, why were they hesitant?

The voice of the Golden Crow came to the five people's spiritual platform:"Little guys, you don't have to be harsh on yourselves. Ten thousand battles will make you a god! Battle gives you not only combat experience, but also the fighting will to fight to the end and the hard-as-iron fighting spirit. Determination. These fighting spirit and heart cannot be taught to you by the letter, nor can they be taught by the school. Only real battles, even battles of life and death, can help you grow quickly. You should be glad that you still have the ability to hesitate. , there is still a chance to hesitate, be glad that you still have each other. I hope you still have time to grow up slowly, instead of having to grow up quickly. Alas.……"

Jinwu's sigh echoed in everyone's hearts. Like a stone thrown into a calm lake, it stirs up ripples that linger for a long time. Yes, becoming a god in every battle, forging the will to fight, and achieving the heart to fight is not only the lifelong pursuit of many people, but also the eternal pain of many gods.

Bai Yang sat down cross-legged and tried to concentrate, but he still couldn't enter the cultivation state. He blamed himself a little and was also a little discouraged. It was obvious that the cultivation level of the three boys was much higher than that of the two girls, but when they faced Team Immortal, it was the two girls who were in the lead. why? Is it because he is holding a bow and arrow? At this time, Bai Yang regretted for the first time why he accepted Li Li's gift and accepted the sun-chasing bow; why he had to practice the eight postures of controlling the sky.

"Don't think too much!"Jin Wu and Bai Yang's minds were connected, and at this time, they sent out thoughts,"A person's tempering of the spirit has its own destiny. If you had not accepted the sun-chasing bow and had not practiced the eight postures of controlling the sky, you would not have my approval. Without my help, it would be difficult for you to enter the realm of God's Servant, let alone the five subsequent gods."

After a pause, Jinwu continued,"Don't you understand this girl Wei Zi? She is not a timid person. What she needs is a shield wall, but it is not a shield in front of her to protect her from the wind and rain, but a solid and trustworthy backing that stands behind her. Since you like that girl, you must work hard to cultivate and make yourself stronger, steel can be tempered a hundred times, and the spirit can be tempered in thousands of battles. As for protecting her from the wind and rain, it's okay not to do it. To like someone is to help them live the life they want, not to turn them into what you want them to be."

After listening to Jinwu's words, he was enlightened and secretly ashamed. Fortunately, he had been influenced by modern civilization for nearly a decade in his previous life, but he almost made the mistake of chauvinism. The myths in his heart were gone, and his qi and blood were naturally smooth.. Not long after, Bai Yang had calmed down and entered a state of cultivation.

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